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Presbyterian: more books (100) |
141. Shopping Directory - Zion Presbyterian Church Location, contact information. http://www.digitalcity.com/newyork/shopping/details.adp?companykey=107176393 |
142. Welcome To The Presbyterian Publishing Corporation Online Credo by William Sloane Coffin Sing the Faith (Pew Edition) The presbyterian Hymnal Christian Worship (FCF) by Ronald P. Byars Being Methodist in the Bible http://www.ppcpub.com/ | |
143. Concord Presbyterian Church Wilmington, DE (presbyterian) http://www.concordpc.org/ | |
144. Cursillo Cursillo. Cursillo.com is the home of presbyterian Cursillo. http://cursillo.com/ | |
145. First Presbyterian Church Of Bellevue 1717 Bellevue Way NE Bellevue, WA 98004 Driving Directions Parking, Phone (425) 4543082 Fax (425) 637-7081 E-Mail info@fpcbellevue.org. http://www.fpcbellevue.org/ | |
146. Clairmont Presbyterian Church 1994 Clairmont Road. Reverend Thomas M. Pipkin, Senior Pastor. http://www.clairmontpres.org/ |
147. Westminster Presbyterian Church, Austin, Texas Map to Westminster Located at 3208 Exposition, two blocks South of 35th Street. Welcome to Westminster presbyterian Church. We are http://www.wpcaustin.org/ | |
148. Williamsburg Presbyterian Church Photos, staff directory, schedule of services, and events calendar. http://www.tni.net/~wpc/ | |
149. Presbyterian Hospital Of Dallas -- Dallas, Texas presbyterian Hospital of Dallas is a 900bed hospital located just north of downtown Dallas, Texas. It is women s services. http://www.presbydallas.com/ | |
150. First Presbyterian Church Of Warsaw Includes information regarding ministries, prayer, worship schedule, news and events. Information regarding Presby Preschool is also available. http://www.warsawpresby.org |
151. Naperville Presbyterian Church The Official Web Site of Naperville presbyterian Church, Naperville IL http://www.npchurch.org/ |
152. Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, DE Confirmation Class confirmed Sunday, 5/16 Attends Retreat (details and photos). Signup for VBS (Vacation Bible School). Subscribe http://www.wpc.org/ | |
153. First Presbyterian Church Ballynahinch Congregation news, information on worship services, church activities and the pastor. http://www.1stpresbyballynahinch.abelgratis.com/ | |
154. First Presbyterian Church Of Douglasville, GA Information on worship services, upcoming events, Christian education programs, facilities, and other ministries. http://www.fpcdouglasville.org/ | |
155. Presbyterian Foundation The scenario was familiar. First presbyterian Church of Hemet, California, a church in a retirement area, had an adult choir but no youth choir. http://www.fdn.pcusa.org/ | |
156. First Presbyterian Church Concord, California A Christcentered church, we welcome all seekers of the Truth of all ages and gender from all social, economic and ethnic backgrounds. Information on church life, ministries, mission, and upcoming events. http://www.fpcconcord.org | |
157. First Presbyterian Church - Kannapolis, North Carolina Information about the church and its ministries and programs, plus links to other sites of interest and several pages on Internet Bible Study. http://www.firstpresb.org/ | |
158. Welcome To Eastminster Church! Information on worship serivces, Christian education programs, church events, staff, and music programs. http://www.eastminster-york.org/ | |
159. Park Cities Presbyterian Church Listen to good friends and senior pastors Jim Denison (Park Cities Baptist Church), Ron Scates (Highland Park presbyterian Church), and Skip Ryan talk about http://www.pcpc.org/ | |
160. FPC Forney Information on worship services, church life, and youth programs. http://fpcforney.org/ | |
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