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1. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) The Web site for the largest presbyterian denomination in the United States, the presbyterian Church (USA). Copyright © 20012004 presbyterian Church (USA). http://www.pcusa.org/ | |
2. Presbyterian Church In America Covenant Theological Seminary is a graduate theological school committed to training servants of the triune God to interpret and communicate Gods Word, and to lead Gods people. and unfold the implications of Christs preeminence in all things.presbyterian Church in America Foundation, Inc http://www.pcanet.org/ | |
3. The Orthodox Presbyterian Church Are you looking for a church that is true to the Bible and speaks to the needs of our day? The search is complicated because of the variety of churches to be found in most communities. This Week http://www.opc.org/ | |
4. Presbyterian College, Clinton S.C. Welcome to the presbyterian College World Wide Web campus residential liberal arts college affiliated with the presbyterian Church (USA) is classified by the Carnegie http://www.presby.edu/ | |
5. Presbyterian Healthcare Novant Healthpresbyterian Healthcare ( An affiliate of Novant Health) Quick Access to Frequently Visited Pages Physician FinderVisiting HoursHospital Directory. Calendar of EventsOnline NurserySchool of Nursing. Search our Health Library presbyterian Hospital has been selected as the official healthcare provider of the NBA Bobcats and the WNBA http://www.presbyterian.org/ | |
6. Presbyterian Creedal Standards Creedal standards as found in the presbyterian Book of Confessionsand on the internet. presbyterian Creeds Confessions. Those ordained to presbyterian church office "receive and adopt the essential http://www.creeds.net/reformed/creeds.htm | |
7. Welcome To Presbyterian LOGIN TO PRES ONLINE . ABOUT US . CONTACT US . BROKERS AGENTS . PHYSICIANS . EMPLOYEES . SEARCH . Security and Privacy Policy Copyrights and Terms of Use Frequently Asked Questions http://www.phs.org/ | |
8. Cumberland Presbyterian Denomination Information on the denomination headquartered in Memphis, TN. http://www.cumberland.org/ | |
9. Welcome To St. Andrews Presbyterian College Andrews presbyterian College is a private, 4year liberal arts college in North Carolina, offering an outstanding education for students from 40 states and 30 http://www.sapc.edu/ | |
10. Historical Foundation Of The CPC And The CPCA Information on the history of these two denominations by the joint office of historical documents and records. http://www.cumberland.org/hfcpc/ | |
11. PC(USA) - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Home presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Highlights, http://www.pcusa.org/pda/ | |
12. :: Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church :: Bangor :: Northern Ireland :: Bangor, Co. Down. Details about adult and youth leaders, sermon programmes and local and overseas mission work. http://www.hrpc.org.uk | |
13. Home Information on worship services, Sunday school, programs, and youth activities. http://www.alpharettapres.com/ | |
14. PCA: Beliefs A Synopsis of the Beliefs of the presbyterian Church in America. 1. The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the only http://www.pcanet.org/general/beliefs.htm | |
15. Bethany Presbyterian Church - Sacramento Bethany is a community of faith which seeks to understand, proclaim, and respond to the grace of God. Information on directions, beliefs, activities and contacts. http://www.bpc.presbychurch.org/bpc.htm | |
16. Presbyterian Parents Of Gays And Lesbians: Welcome Support network of and information about homosexuality to parents of gay and lesbian children so that parents may strive toward understanding, acceptance and affirmation of themselves and their sons and daughters. Offers information on the subjects and upcoming events. http://www.presbyterianparents.org/ |
17. Welcome To Bethel Presbyterian Church Includes a church history, news updates, a tour of the church, and information on ministries and worship services. http://www.bethelpc.com/ | |
18. Library Main Page divided into two major components special collections dealing with the history of South Carolina and presbyterianism, and the presbyterian College Archives http://www.presby.edu/library/ | |
19. Hickory Street Presbyterian Church, Scranton, PA Information on worship services, activities, congregational news, youth programs, and directions to the church. http://home.ptd.net/~hickory1/ | |
20. Genesis Presbyterian Church Index Page Information on church events, worship services, and other programs for the congregation. http://www.genesispcusa.org/ | |
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