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161. ROM - NEAC Staff: Chen Shen Profile of this member of the Royal Ontario Museum's Near Eastern and Asian Civilizations Department. Research interests include Chinese prehistory and lithic analysis. http://www.rom.on.ca/neac/shen.html | |
162. Sheffield Archaeology - Staff -Professor K Branigan Sheffield University provides a photograph, brief biography and research interests of its Professor of Archaeology, specialist in the prehistory of the Aegean and Roman Britain. http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/A-C/ap/staff/branigan.html | |
163. Anthropology Faculty Detailed profile of this University of Southern Mississippi Professor. Research interests include human ecology, and zooarchaeology and the prehistory of the southeastern United States. http://www-dept.usm.edu/~antsoc/anthro/jackson.html | |
164. Toltec Essay overviewing the Toltec, with images and links. http://emuseum.mnsu.edu/prehistory/latinamerica/meso/cultures/toltec.html | |
165. Peebles, Christopher S. Profile of this Indiana University Professor. Research interests include prehistory of eastern North America and computation and cognition. http://www.indiana.edu/~anthro/faculty/peebles.html |
166. Prehistoric Man By History Link 101 Offers links categorized in five areas art, daily life, maps, pictures, and research on early man. http://www.historylink101.com/prehistory.htm | |
167. Brian Hayden Simon Fraser University professor with research interests in Australian and Southeast Asian prehistory, ethnoarchaeology, lithic technology and cultural ecology. http://www.sfu.ca/archaeology/dept/fac_bio/hayden/index.htm | |
168. Volker Heyd Profile of this University of Bristol Visiting Lecturer. Research interests include Later prehistory in Continental Europe. http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Archaeology/staff/heyd.html | |
169. Aegean Prehistory Web Resources Andrea Vianello, University of Sheffield, provides papers and notes on archaeology, structured as questions and answers with related links. http://lettere.unive.it/materiale_didattico/archeologia_egea/engl1.htm | |
170. UIC Anthropology & Geography Faculty Profile of this University of Illinois Chicago Assistant Professor. Research interests include household archaeology, Marxist anthropology, quantitative methods, and the prehistory and protohistory of the Southeastern United States. http://www.uic.edu/depts/anth/faculty/wesson.html | |
171. Untitled Document Links to information pages about early man. http://tlc.ousd.k12.ca.us/library/prehistory/index.html |
172. VIET NAM PRE HISTORIC © Viettouch.com An overview of Viet Nam prehistory with timeline and images. http://www.viettouch.com/pre-hist/ | |
173. Prehistory.org A portal offering prehistory news, research and conference information. http://www.prehistory.org/ | |
174. Faces At Bates | Bruce Bourque Profile of this Bates College Senior Lecturer. Research includes the prehistory of Maine. http://www.bates.edu/faculty-bourque.xml | |
175. A Page For Philippine Prehistory A basic description of Philippine prehistory. Includes links and pictures. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/5727/index.html | |
176. UI Anthropology Faculty Brief profile for this University of Iowa professor. Research interests include the prehistory of Iowa and Minnesota, zooarchaeology, feminist archaeology, postprocessual archaeology, and paleoecology. http://www.uiowa.edu/~anthro/facpages/whelan.htm | |
177. Prehistory In Thailand Synopsis if Thai prehistory. http://www.cs.ait.ac.th/wutt/prehi.html | |
178. University Of Arkansas Anthropology: Faculty - Allen P. McCartney Detailed profile of this University of Arkansas Professor. Research has focused on bowhead whale utilization by prehistoric Eskimos, metal and other exotic material trade in the Arctic, maritime adaptations, and Alaskan prehistory. http://www.uark.edu/depts/anthinfo/mccartney.htm | |
179. Latin American Prehistory Emuseum examines the culture, architecture, technology and skills of Latin American people groups. Includes information on the Spanish Conquest. From Minnesota State University. http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/latinamerica/ | |
180. Department Of Anthropology Northern Illinois University professor with research interests in North American prehistory, settlement studies, household archaeology, remote sensing, and GIS. http://www3.niu.edu/anthro/people/faculty/mehrer.htm | |
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