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1. FIPSE Grant Database e-mail. Grant P116N010020....... Globalization of Education in Animal and poultry agriculture, printerfriendly-version print, Email Project http://www.fipse.aed.org/grantshow.cfm?grantNumber=P116N010020 |
2. THE COOP..Your Source For Poultry, Agriculture And Pet Oriented Books. Secure On A wide selection of poultry, agriculture and pet oriented books available for secure online purchase and quick shipment. poultry agriculture Pets Etc. http://www.the-coop.org/books/books.html | |
3. Poultry cat=2?=15. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. A list of publications about poultry agriculture available to order. Publications can be http://www.cals.cornell.edu/agfoodcommunity/afs_temp3.cfm?topicID=416 |
4. A Small-Scale Agriculture Alternative: Poultry A SmallScale agriculture Alternative poultry. Author Phillip J. Clauer, poultry Extension Specialist, Animal and raise a flock of domestic poultry makes this an ideal venture for http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/poultry/factsheets/smallscale.html | |
5. Poultry Internet Resource List General Govt. Information. poultry Related Agr. Research. University Cooperative Extension poultry Info. Extension Publications poultry. Online agriculture Associations poultry http://www.oneglobe.com/agrifood/aginform/poultry/idxpltry.html | |
6. Nebraska Department Of Agriculture Nebraska Department of agriculture web site Welcome to the Nebraska Department of agriculture's Home Page. I'm glad you have taken the time to learn Swine, dairy cattle, and poultry also are http://www.agr.state.ne.us/ | |
7. Home FSIS) is the public health agency in the US Department of agriculture responsible for ensuring that the nation s commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg http://www.fsis.usda.gov/index.asp | |
8. APHIS | Hot Issues Information on the current status of this disease and its prevention and control in horses, poultry, and other livestock. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/oa/wnv/ | |
9. Complete Of Tables For Puerto Rico Census Of Agriculture Percent of farms and of cuerdas by value of sales, selected crops harvested, market value of crops sold, livestock, fish, poultry, and their products, and additional agricultural data from 1993 to 1998. http://www.nass.usda.gov/census/census97/puertorico/puerto.htm | |
10. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Poultry (Agriculture: Animals) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on poultry, agriculture Animals. poultry, agriculture Animals. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/P/poultry.html | |
11. Back40Books Books on farming, homesteading, agriculture, and pastured poultry. http://www.free-rangepoultry.com/ | |
12. Untitled Document Livestock Market News. Livestockpoultry Field Forces. Market Bulletin Nursery Program. Organic agriculture. Personnel. Pesticides. Pesticide Applicator Licensing http://www.agr.state.ga.us/ | |
13. Virginia Market News: Agriculture, Cattle, Crop & Livestock Prices Virginia agriculture prices for livestock, feeder cattle, grain, vegetables, fruits, hay, poultry, eggs, cotton, tobacco, peanuts, and horticulture http://www.vdacs.state.va.us/marketnews/ | |
14. Agriculture Portal - Breeding Farmers Livestock A portal providing links to agriculture industry including tractors, feeds, cattle, fertilizers, and poultry. http://agriculture.tradeworlds.com/ | |
15. FAS Online Home by agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman Regarding the Reopening of the Hong Kong Market to U.S. poultry Products Appearing before the House agriculture Committee, Veneman noted http://www.fas.usda.gov/ | |
16. 411.584-010 - FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agriculture) Alternate Titles: Helper, Chicke 411.584010 - FARMWORKER, poultry (agriculture) alternate titles helper, chicken farm; poultry helper - DOT Dictionary of Occupational Titles Job http://www.occupationalinfo.org/41/411584010.html | |
17. AgribusinessUniverse  Agribusiness, Agriculture, And Food Processing Industry This site contains many reports derived from commercial and trade research, plus a directory, intended for the agribusiness, agriculture, and food processing industries, particularly in Asia. The data is supplied by theEuniverse.com and majors on dairy products, fruit and vegetables, poultry and meat, rice and other grains, seafood and sugar. http://www.agribusinessuniverse.com | |
18. USDA Economics And Statistics System Livestock, Dairy, and poultry. Miscellaneous. Rural Affairs. Specialty agriculture. Trade Issues economics agencies of the U.S. Department of agriculture. These materials cover U.S. and http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/ | |
19. Alberta Turkey Producers - Turkey, Poultry, Agriculture, Orderly Marketing, Supp reporting procedure which sets out the flock information required by processors under agriculture and AgriFood Canada s new Canadian poultry Inspection Program http://www.abturkey.ab.ca/production.html | |
20. North Carolina Dept Of Agriculture & Consumer Services The North Carolina Department of agriculture publishes annual county statistics for selected crops, livestock, poultry, dairy, and cash receipts. http://www.agr.state.nc.us/stats/cntysumm/yancey.htm | |
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