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41. Facts For Kids: Potawatomi Indians (Potawatomis) How is the potawatomi Indian nation organized? As with most native American tribes,each potawatomi community lives on its own reservation ( reserve in Canada http://www.geocities.com/bigorrin/potawatomi_kids.htm | |
42. Links Indian) Naskapi (Naskaupi, Naskapis) New native American Genealogy Odawa indians PenobscotIndian tribe, Penobscot names) potawatomi indians (Potowatomi Indian http://www.geocities.com/bigorrin/orlinks.htm | |
43. American Indian Institute, College Of Continuing Education,University Of Oklahom and Families Administration for native americans Bureau of Eastern Band of CherokeeIndians Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Citizen potawatomi Nation Confederated http://tel.occe.ou.edu/aii/links.htm | |
44. Homework Center - Native American Sites Cherokee native americans in North potawatomi Citizen potawatomi Nation http//www.potawatomi.org/potawatomi history and Pueblo Indian Pueblo Cultural http://www.multcolib.org/homework/natamhc.html | |
45. Links To North American Indian History Sites By Phil Konstantin and sad history of native American indians. ; Indiana Cession of August 29, 1821from THE GREAT LAKES PROJECT The Geographic Location of potawatomi Bands 1795 http://www.americanindian.net/links9.html | |
46. NARA | Research Room | Pictures Of American Indians names of individuals have been used, with native or secondary 9. Pisehedwin, a potawatomi,and others in front of his Six indians with three escorts, 1874. 48. http://www.archives.gov/research_room/research_topics/pictures_of_american_india | |
47. Elder Care Initiative- Long Term Care of Santa Clara Valley Citizen potawatomi Nation NW Poarch Band of Creek indians EasternShoshone Port Gamble SÂKlallam Tribe native American Community Health http://www.ihs.gov/medicalprograms/eldercare/Long_Term_Care.asp | |
48. State And Local Government On The Net: Tribal Governments NJ); Prairie Band of potawatomi (KS); Pueblo of American indians; National IndianGaming Commission; native American Finance Officers Association; The Sioux Nation; http://www.statelocalgov.net/other-na.htm | |
49. Native American Nations native American Store. United Lumbee Nation of North Carolina America Wintoonindians of Ottawa indians Pokagon Band of potawatomi indians Huron Potawtomi http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/nofed.htm | |
50. Native American History, Kansas State Historical Society native American Heritage Museum State Historic Site Encounter the history and cultureof the Kaw (Kansas) indians and the Santa Fe Trail. potawatomi Mission http://www.kshs.org/tourists/theme/native.htm | |
51. Native American Genealogy: Records And Research The potawatomi indians of Michigan, 18431904 Including Some and Chippewa, 1843-1866and potawatomi of Indiana and most are listed by their native American name http://www.michigan.gov/hal/0,1607,7-160-18835_18895_20699-50999--,00.html | |
52. The Potawatomi Trails Pow-Wow Committee The potawatomi Trails were established by the native americans who livedin this area and marked their footpaths to indicate directions. http://www.ourzion.com/powwow/ | |
53. Powwows - Native American Indian Powwows - Powwows - American Indian Powwows - P FOR native ENTITIES WITHIN THE STATE OF ALASKA CLICK HERE. listed as the ForestCounty potawatomi Community of Wisconsin potawatomi indians, Wisconsin) Fort http://www.thespike.com/tableft.htm | |
54. Native American Cultures - Native Nations Web Site of The Navajo Nation (Din 233;), the largest native American tribe in NEWThe Pokagon Band of potawatomi indians Tribal Recognition was restored and http://www.ewebtribe.com/NACulture/nations.htm | |
55. Native Links potawatomi Tracks The Writings and Poetry of a native American VietnamVeteran. Pokagon - The Pokagon Band of potawatomi indians web site. http://www.native-american-online.org/links.htm | |
56. Native American Resources native American Navigator; Aboriginal Art Gallery. Nat Tuscaroras.com; United KeetoowahBand of Cherokee indians; Prairie Band potawatomi; Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribes; http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/centers/currycommunity/resources/links/nat-am | |
57. Internet Public Library: Native American and current status of the potawatomi Tribe. Jessica Ronky (Times)/ The Chicora indians(Pride Net)// Resources Pride Net native American Resources/ native http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/soc40.55.00/ | |
58. Directory Of Native American & Craft Related Sites - Native-American-Tribal-Webs Welcome to Choctaw.com native American Indian Websites May the Great Spirit PokagonBand of potawatomi indians Boozhoo, Dabindegék ode éshadéwad mzenegen http://www.greattradingpath.com/links/native-american-tribal-websites.html | |
59. Homework Help--Countries & Native Peoples--Native Americans Today Inupiaq Inupiaq Inupiat  Alaska native Cultural Profile From the Prairie Bandof potawatomi of Kansas Quinault Quinault Indian Nation This site provides map http://www.kcls.org/hh/nativeamericanstoday.cfm | |
60. Native American Fish & Wildlife Society - Tribes AK) Navajo Nation (AZ) Nenana native Council (AK CA) Nottawaseppi Huron Band of potawatomi(MI) Nulato Indian Nation (NY) Oneida Tribe of indians (WI) Organized http://www.nafws.org/tribes.shtml | |
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