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61. POSTSCRIPT & GHOSTSCRIPT Resources What is postscript? A page description programming language. programming. Tutorials, Books, Classes, Programs, and References for programming in postscript. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/5682/postscript.html | |
62. Camels And Needles Computer Poetry Meets The Perl Programming Language Paper by Sharon Hopkins, Telos Corporation. postscript http://www.wall.org/~sharon/plpaper.ps |
63. CS1010 - Introduction To Programming For Engineering And Applied Sciences Notes for course by Robert Pastel, in HTML and postscript. Example codes are at http//www.csl.mtu.edu/cs2911/www/cs1010/www/examples/Home.html . http://www.csl.mtu.edu/cs2911/www/cs1010/www/notes/Home.html | |
64. C++ A Critique Of C++ (3rd Ed.) A critical view on the C++ and C programming language. postscript http://mis.ucd.ie/courses/misp617/mms406/CPPCV3.ps |
65. Learning Perl The Hard Way Book aimed at those who can already program in another language; emphasizes programming style. Distributed under the GNU FDL. PDF/postscript http://www.greenteapress.com/perl/ | |
66. Numerical Recipes Home Page Home of the Numerical Recipes series of books on scientific programming, including the Numerical Recipes OnLine Software Store, free upgrades and bug fixes, and the complete books on-line in postscript and Acrobat formats. The Numerical Recipes code in Fortran 77 and Fortran 90 is not in the public domain. http://www.nr.com/ | |
67. Programming Texts/Tutorials Created Mixed Language programming section on 12/10/02 PHP with Databases. postscript. Povray. Prolog. PVM. Python. Qt http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/programming.html | |
68. LFM'99 Proceedings Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Metalanguages. Held as part of the Colloquium on Principles, Logics, and Implementations of High-Level programming Languages. Paris, France; 28 September 1999. Proceedings in postscript. http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/~felty/LFM99/ | |
69. 403 Error - File Not Found 79 articles on computer chess programming, in postscript format http://hoggy.virtualave.net/y.bishop/page1.htm | |
70. PostScript Manual David Maxwell's introduction to programming in postscript. http://adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/netkarl/prirucky/Flat/PS-toc.html | |
71. PostScript Utilities The PDF driver from Scribus can embed fonts for postscript printing and you programming contributions from Paul Johnson, Christian Töpp, and Alastair Robinson http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~luc/PSutilities.html | |
72. PostScript and then write additional code to translate the graphics into proper postscript for printing. This often takes up the majority of the programming effort on http://www.fact-index.com/p/po/postscript.html | |
73. PostScript Is A Programming Language postscript is a programming language. Updated Wednesday April 26th, 2004. In A postscript program is a sequence of objects. When http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~parrt/course/652/labs/postscript.html | |
74. Practical Programming In Tcl And Tk Please check out the latest edition. This is an exampleoriented book about Tcl and Tk programming. Compressed postscript of January 13, 1995 DRAFT. http://www.beedub.com/book/first.html | |
75. PostScript: A Computer Language postscript is a highlevel programming language. If you open a postscript program with a word processor or editor, it may look like this http://www.prepressure.com/ps/whatis/PSlanguage.htm | |
76. L-systems In PostScript Lsystems in postscript. Although postscript can be used for programming crazy things, such as computing prime numbers, it can also be used for graphics. http://www.cs.unh.edu/~charpov/Programming/L-systems/ | |
77. Prime Numbers In PostScript This leads to the kind of programs you would expect in Pascal , C or Lisp , but recently I decided to learn bits of postscript . http://www.cs.unh.edu/~charpov/Programming/PostScript-primes/ | |
78. ImageGlue Image Component For ASP & VB - PostScript Handling 3. Server Security, postscript is a programming language with a sophisticated set of commands. As such a postscript file is a program http://www.websupergoo.com/helpig5/source/2-basic/5-advanced/postscript.htm | |
79. 15-462 Postscript Tutorial postscript is a programming language for page description (text graphics). Here s a minimal postscript program to draw a line segment %! http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15462/web.97f/assts/ps.html | |
80. About PSAlter It allows you to treat postscript as the programming language it deserves to be. Run postscript programs flat out, or single step. http://www.quite.com/psalter/psalter.htm | |
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