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Portuguese Language: more books (100) |
141. Pacifica International Society Founded on 12 June 1998 by a group of friends, with the objective of promoting promoting portuguese culture, and was the first primarily nonterritorial non-sovereign state to adopt portuguese as an official language. http://www.pacifica.co.pt/ | |
142. LALS Website Specialists in Spanish and portuguese from Latin American based in England. Incompany training, translation and interpretation services http://www.lals.co.uk | |
143. Victor Manuel Translation from English to Spanish, portuguese and portugueseBrazilian. http://www.language.yabal.com/ |
144. Detector Located in Georgetown (Guyana), offers a variety of language immersion programs in Spanish, French, portuguese and English. http://www.geocities.com/tli_guyana | |
145. Home Page Of Portugal's National Weekend Newspaper In English Portugal's largest circulation English language newspaper; the only portuguese newspaper on the net that covers all the major news about Portugal in the English language. http://www.the-news.net | |
146. Medical Dictionaries: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French Medical Dictionary spreadsheet English, Spanish, portuguese, French Dutch. Over 3,400 key words in each language. Dozens of online bilingual dictionaries glossaries listed here, incl. 4language foods/cuisine glossary http://www.interfold.com/translator/index.htm | |
147. SOYO Computer Inc - All Downloads Download Drivers, Manuals, and Other Information(portuguese) Newest Downloads File,Date. TechAID_portuguese_051903.pdf TechAID portuguese Manual, 200403-10. http://www.soyousa.com/downloads/?language=Portuguese |
148. TEFL COURSES Offers correspondence translation courses at graduate level from French, German, Italian, Spanish and portuguese into English and viceversa. Certificate and diploma options. Also TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) certificate course. http://homepage.eircom.net/~wls/tefl.htm | |
149. Home International Business and marketing services. U.S. based company with affiliates in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Contains FAQ and portuguese/Spanish language links. http://www.evinter.com/ | |
150. Language Service UK based translation services in French, German, Italian, Spanish and portuguese. http://www.aatranslations.com/english/index.html |
151. Montevideo Consultoria Em Idiomas Tokelau (according to domain name). A company offering translation, localisation and desktop publishing services. They translate into/from English, Spanish, Russian, portuguese, Chinese, Polish, Turkish and other languages. http://www.geocities.com/montevideotranslations/ | |
152. Language And Music For Life International summer music and language courses programme in Czech, English, Russian, Japanese, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, portuguese; contact details and mailing list. http://www.lmfl.com/ | |
153. Language Link College Offers language proficiency courses in English, portuguese, Xhosa and French. http://www.languagelink.co.za/ | |
154. SOYO Computer Inc - All Downloads Download Drivers, Manuals, and Other Information(portuguese) Newest DownloadsFile, Date. qsgp4vda11br.PDF P4VDA portuguese Manual Rev 1.1, 2003-01-21. http://www.soyo.com.tw/downloads/?language=Portuguese |
155. DoroTree Jewish Genealogy Software Information on this genealogy software is designed exclusively for the Jewish researcher. User interface language can be switched from English to Hebrew, French, portuguese and Spanish. http://www.dorotree.com | |
156. Blue Memories Analyst Discography, biography, history and albums. In portuguese or English language. http://www.bluememories.hpg.com.br | |
157. Karaoke Fenix 100% free karaoke midi (*.kar). English, Italian, portuguese and Spanish language. Always updated. http://planeta.terra.com.br/lazer/karaokefenix | |
158. ENGLISH MADE IN BRAZIL - MENU PRINCIPAL Educational and interactive site. Original ESL materials for native speakers of portuguese. Second language Acquisition theory, contrastive linguistics including phonology, vocabulary and syntax. Studyabroad orientation. http://www.sk.com.br/sk.html#menu | |
159. Sociedade BÃblica Do Brasil - BÃblia Sagrada, BÃblia On Line, Novo Testamento Includes browsing options in portuguese, Spanish, and English language. http://www.sbb.org.br | |
160. HpG Hospedagem - O Maior Conteúdo Da Internet Brasileira. The EsperaMar© Inn is located on the Beach of Calmness on the Island of Itamarac¡, only 50Km from Recife. The site language is portuguese. http://www.esperamare.hpg.ig.com.br/index.html | |
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