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101. Academy Of Active Language Study language school for Spanish, English, German and portuguese, located on the island of Margarita in the Caribbean sea. http://aals_in_spanish.tripod.com | |
102. Bronte Language Centre English and portuguese Immersion courses with accommodation. Study English in England and Portugal on ESL vacations. Lists courses, registration, photographs and contact details. http://www.brontelanguagecentre.com/world.htm |
103. Foreign Language News And Newspapers: Publication Types: MIT Libraries Collection of links to electronic journals, newspapers and magazines in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Compiled by the MIT Libraries. http://libraries.mit.edu/guides/types/flnews/ | |
104. Mundibooks.com -- Foreign Language Books On-Line Foreign language books for adults and children in several languages, including French, portuguese, Arabic, Farsi and Chinese. http://www.mundibooks.com | |
105. PORTUGUESE A Language Of Portugal portuguese a language of Portugal A page from the Web edition of Ethnologue languages of the World (14th edition) giving basic facts about the language and where it is spoken. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?cod |
106. VnutZ's Domain : International Curses & Insults For idiomatic use of offensive language and insults. French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Malaysian, Norwegian, portuguese, Swedish, Spanish, and Turkish into English. http://www.geocities.com/mvea/curses.htm | |
107. Untitled Document portuguese scholarly journal on sociology. Englishlanguage abstracts and list of contents of recent issues on-line. http://sociologiapp.iscte.pt/ | |
108. IH Portugal Has branches in 10 portuguese cities, teaching portuguese as a foreign language, backed up by a varied sociocultural programme. Accommodation can be arranged. Details of locations and courses. http://international-house.com | |
109. AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation Translates text and web pages from one language to another, including English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, portuguese, and Russian. http://babelfish.altavista.com/translate.dyn | |
110. EPIA'03 - 11th Portuguese Conference On Artificial Intelligence 2003, December 47, Beja, Portugal. International conference with tracks on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Algorithms, Constraint and Logic Programming, Knowledge Extraction from Databases, Multi-Agents, Natural language and Text Retrieval. Submission deadline May 18, 2003. http://www.di.uevora.pt/epia03/ | |
111. O VURDÃN Information on language and culture of the Rom and Sinti with the Gazhe (nonRoma) who live in Italy, in Italian, English and portuguese. http://www.vurdon.it/ | |
112. Stephen Krashen's Theory Of Second Language Acquisition (Assimilação Natural - Summary of Krashen's 5 main hypotheses on this topic. In English and portuguese. http://www.sk.com.br/sk-krash.html | |
113. Ethnologue Report For Language Code: POR portuguese a language of Portugal. SIL code POR. ISO 6391 pt. Angola, languagename, portuguese. Population, 57,600 in Angola (1993). Comments, Official language. http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=POR |
114. Multilingual Translation Software Store - Offers Dictionary, Language And Transl Offers dictionary, language and translation software for English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, and portuguese. http://www.allvirtualware.com/ | |
115. BIBLE TRANSLATIONS An index of links to Bible translations in various languages, including German, Swedish, French, Spanish, Latin, Russian, Dutch, Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, Icelandic, Tagalog, Norwegian, Italian, portuguese, Polish, Japanese, Turkish, Croatian, and Farsi. http://www.borg.com/~newhope/ambassadors/translations.htm | |
116. Legal Language Consulting | Fremdsprachenberater | LLC Roessner Translations and rewritings of legal documents in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, portuguese, Czech and Russian. http://www.llc-roessner.com/ | |
117. Welcome soniaportuguese.com goal is to help any one who is learning portugueseas a foreign language. It is the most complete, comprehensive http://www.sonia-portuguese.com/ | |
118. Buy Spanish, Portuguese And English Tutorial Audio Programs. Markets audio programs for Spanish, portuguese, and English. http://www.marialanguages.com/ | |
119. Terra Provides internet access and locallanguage interactive content and services to the residential and small office/home in the Spanish and portuguese speaking world. (Nasdaq TRRA). http://www.terra.com/english.htm |
120. LANGUAGES International language institute teaching English, Spanish, French, and portuguese. http://hometown.aol.com/lptlanguages/LPTLANGUAGES.html | |
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