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181. Welcome To Imbisa IMBISA is a regional association of six episcopal conferences, representing the Catholic Church in nine countries. The principal languages are English and portuguese. History, structure, newsletter. http://www.africaonline.co.zw/imbisa/index.html |
182. Portugal Travel And Tours Videos. Walking Guide Â16.94 also Azores Walking Guide. Portugal Online Travelbrings you a vast choice of high quality and greatly priced portuguese Tours. http://www.portugal.com/ | |
183. Elan Speech - Beyond The Words... Home of Elan, leading textto-speech technology provider for MS agents. interactive demonstration downloads of TTS engine in 7 languages - American English, British English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Brazilian portuguese. http://www.elantts.com/agent | |
184. Spanish Language Webcontent intersting many Spanish Southamerican language article; Bioética http://www.thalidomide.ca/gwolbring/spanish_language_webcontent.htm | |
185. MS11.net:: Site Suspended Online translation software based on Internet resources. Supports either single word translation or sentences translation. Ten languages support English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. Note May not support some browsers. http://www.home.mastersites.com/mailexpert/bt.htm | |
186. XDE - EXceptional Digital Enterprise Solutions WebSite Used for COM enabled languages to expose additional content to search engines. Current translation utility deals with Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. http://xde.net/products/product_Translate.htm | |
187. Portuguese Pack For Calligrapher portuguese Pack for CalliGrapher adds natural handwriting recognition for portugueselanguage to your Microsoft Windowspowered Pocket PC or Handheld PC. http://www.paragraph.com/calligrapher/cgrport.html | |
188. Redirect... Translate this page LÂngua Portuguesa On-Line. DICIONÃRIO, Escreva a palavra para saber o seusignificado Definir, Pesquisar, Restringir, Preferªncias, Ajuda, Exemplos, http://www.priberam.pt/DLPO/ |
189. A_ NÃO à UMA LENDA. O Golpe Dos Nigerianos é Real E Perigoso: Urgent Business Translate this page Quatrocantos.com. http://www.quatrocantos.com/lendas/58_419_scam_nigeria.htm | |
190. Yale University Library: Selected Internet Resources - Iberian Languages & Liter PortugueseLanguage Literature AEIOU Cultura/Arte/Literatura; Centro http://www.library.yale.edu/Internet/iberianlanglit.html | |
191. AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation Select from and to languages. http://babel.altavista.com/tr | |
192. This Site Has Moved To Http//www.languages.umd.edu This site has moved to http//www.languages.umd.edu/SpanishPortuguese/.You will be redirected in five seconds. http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/SpanishPortuguese/ | |
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