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Portugal History: more books (100) | |||
141. Viniportugal.com Selling Portuguese red, white, sparkling and port wines. http://www.viniportugal.com/ | |
142. EUROPA - EU - En översikt - Europeiska Regeringar På Internet - Portugal Fakta om landet samt information om hur landet styrs fr¥n EU. http://europa.eu.int/abc/governments/portugal/index_sv.htm | |
143. Portugal Poll Conservatives Dislodge Socialists CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/03/17/portugal.elections.ap/index.html |
144. IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003 Conference organized by the International Association for Development of Information Society. 58 Nov 2003. Algarve, portugal. http://www.iadis.org/icwi2003/ | |
145. Lej Et Hus I Tavira, Portugal 3 store v¦relser med 67 sengepladser beliggende i fiskerbyen Tavira. Beskrivelse af hus og omgivelserne, billeder og rejsemuligheder. http://www.ferieiportugal.com/ |
146. PortugalGay.PT Information for travelers in portugal including a full directory of hotels, bars, restaurants, shopping, and beaches. http://www.portugalgay.com/viagens_uk.html | |
147. PORTUGAL Info - Travel Guide A guide covering travel, car hire, accommodation, property, sports, entertainment, food and wine, news, weather, maps and classifieds. Also has guides by region. http://www.portugal-info.net/ | |
148. Guia Turistico De Portugal Guia de turismo da Strawberry World, incluindo locais a visitar e planeador de rotas. http://www.portugal-live.net/P/ | |
149. Latindex Portugal Actualidad, medios de comunicaci³n, buscadores portugueses, webcams y recursos relacionados con el paÂs. http://www.latindex.com/por.htm | |
150. Urlaub - Reiten - Wanderreiten Und Reitferien Im Vale Parais - In Portugal Âbersicht der WanderreitenAngebote und Informationen zur Unterkunft und Umgebung. http://www.reitferien-portugal.com | |
151. Lusofonia - Portugal Em Linha. O Ponto De Encontro Da Comunidade Lusófona. Info Lusofonia, forum, notÂcias, opiniµes, contos, cr³nicas, links. http://www.portugal-linha.pt/ | |
152. Yamaha Motor Portugal - Inicio Site Oficial Yamaha Motor portugal Produtos e Informa§µes de Concession¡rios. http://www.yamaha-motor.pt | |
153. GOLF ASSOCIATIE PORTUGAL De Reisorganisatie Voor Golfreizen - Golfclinics - Golf Informatie over locaties, lidmaatschap en golfvakanties. http://www.golfassociatie-portugal.nl/ | |
154. CUNSP - Colégio Ultramarino De Nossa Senhora Da Paz, Chacim, Macedo De Cavaleir Macedo de Cavaleiros Col©gio Ultramarino de Nossa Senhora da Paz, Servas Franciscanas Reparadoras de Jesus Sacramentado http://www.cl-ultramarino-n-sra-paz.rcts.pt | |
155. All-portugal.net Informations touristiques, pratiques et historiques sur ce pays. http://www.all-portugal.net | |
156. LandMania Clube De Portugal ----------- Aos membros deste clube chamamos LandManÂacos que, para quem n£o sabe, s£o uns seres estranhos com uma fixa§£o inexplic¡vel em veÂculos Land Rover. http://www.landmania.pt |
157. Aguirre Newman Lisoboa Consultora dos servi§os imobili¡rios integral; Marketing de escrit³rios, locais e armaz©ns industriais. http://www.aguirrenewman.es/an/portugal/ |
158. Portugal Om Columbus ophold i portugal. Et ophold der varede over n¦sten 10 ¥r. http://home.12move.dk/~thomasdue/columbus/portugal.htm | |
159. 1998 ICES Annual Science Conference Annual International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) conference covering marine and oceanographic sciences. http://www.ices.dk/asc/1998/asc.htm | |
160. ::. The Sims Collection .:: Previews das novas expansoes, dicas, como jogar, objectos, patches, skins. http://thesimscollection.no.sapo.pt |
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