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181. --- Www.napoleao.co.pt --- A selection of ports and spirits from portugal. Will ship around the world. http://www.napoleao.co.pt/ |
182. Lokal Och Regional Demokrati I Portugal PDF En rapport om det kommunala sj¤lvstyret och den politiska kulturen. Producerad av Svenska kommunf¶rbundet och Svenska landstingsf¶rbundet. http://www.lf.svekom.se/int/doc/lokPor.pdf |
183. CNN.com - Opposition Ahead In Portugal Poll - March 16, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/03/16/portugal.elections/index.html | |
184. 2005 International Conference On Intelligent User Interfaces International conference on intelligent user interfaces. 1316 Jan 2004. Island of Madeira, portugal. http://www.iuiconf.org/ | |
185. Sattari: Privat Udlejning Af Lejlighed PÃ¥ Algarve, Portugal Beliggende i Praia da Luz 2 minutters gang fra Atlanterhavet. Beskrivelse, billeder og priser. http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/6786/ | |
186. Portugal Travel | Lonely Planet World Guide Guide to the country. Map, facts and figures, attractions, events, culture, and tourist information. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/europe/portugal/ | |
187. Turismo Em Portugal Descri§£o das principais regiµes do paÂs com fotografias; impacto do turismo na Economia. http://www.terravista.pt/portosanto/3453/ | |
188. Plazas De Portugal Informaci³n breve sobre las principales existentes en el paÂs y noticias taurinas. http://www.portaltaurino.com/plazas/portugal/portugal.htm | |
189. Die Meistbesten Portugal-Links - 1960 Links Im Verzeichnis Linkverzeichnis mit Kommentaren und Bewertungen der einzelnen Eintr¤ge. http://www.portugal-links.de/ | |
190. Bem-vindo à Livra Portugal! Compare Preços. Leia Opiniões. Compre Melhor. Informa§£o e opiniµes de utilizadores sobre produtos e servi§os, recomenda§µes personalizadas e ferramentas de compara§£o. http://pt.livra.com/ | |
191. Portugal Business - O Portal Das Regiões Direct³rio de neg³cios. http://www.portugalbusiness.net |
192. Portugal Overzicht van feitelijke informatie en verwijzingen naar bronnen. http://home.wanadoo.nl/a.overgaag/portug2.htm |
193. International Preparatory School, Portugal Coeducational Primary School in portugal (Carcavelos). International education using the English National Curriculum as its basis. Local and International children from 2 to 12 catered for. http://www.ipsschool.org | |
194. Wanadoo A la d©couverte du pays sa culture, son histoire, son architecture, ses paysages et ses couleurs. Conseils pratiques pour organiser son voyage. Photos. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/couleursduportugal/ | |
195. Clube Renault MEGANE Portugal O portal dos propriet¡rios do M©gane com forums, informa§£o, notÂcias, t©cnica, fotografias, dicas, truques, links, e encontros. http://www.clubemegane.com |
196. IMOPROFI Imobiliária Media§£o Imobili¡ria em portugal. Alugar¡ Venda lotes, escrit³rios, lojas, apartamentos ou moradas. http://www.imoprofi.pt | |
197. Portugal Fakta om landet mod vest, p¥ den Iberiske halv¸. Anmeldelse af landet portugal som feriested. http://www.britander.dk/lidtomportugal.html | |
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