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21. WSPA - Campaigns - Culture Without Cruelty - Bullfight Barcelona Stories about campaigns against bullfighting in France, Mexico, Spain, Panama, portugal, Estonia and Cuba. From World Society for the Protection of Animals. http://www.wspa-international.org/site/index.php?page=645 |
22. MapZones.com Culture portugal, culture, Back to Top. As a result of change wrought by the Revolution of 1974, portugal in the 1990s would be almost unrecognizable http://www.mapzones.com/world/europe/portugal/cultureindex.php | |
23. Wanadoo A la d©couverte du pays sa culture, son histoire, son architecture, ses paysages et ses couleurs. Conseils pratiques pour organiser son voyage. Photos. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/couleursduportugal/ | |
24. Portugal - From The Algarve To Lisbon - Country, Sights, Culture Impressions of the country, sights and culture of portugal during a trip in 2001. Includes a virtual tour with numerous photos, travelogue, personal comments and links. http://anuko.bei.t-online.de | |
25. Atlas - Portugal Map Overview of culture, history, economy, currency, government, people, education and languages. http://www.map.freegk.com/portugal/portugal.php | |
26. @TopList - Resort Aruba Resorts Denmark Vacation El Salvador Cars Germany discount portugal. Siena. culture tour Tahiti. Bordeaux. resorts Grenada Siena discount portugal. Bordeaux culture tour Tahiti http://www.attoplist.com/Hotels.asp?CatID=14LinkID=63 |
27. Tamera, Healing Biotope I A cooperative of people in portugal who work for the future with the intention to build a model for a nonviolent culture. http://www.tamera.org/ | |
28. IADIS International Conference Web Based Communities 2004 Will publish and integrate scientific results and act catalytically to the fast developing culture of web communities. Features call for papers. Lisbon, portugal. http://www.iadis.org/wbc2004/ | |
29. João Bernardino's Homepage/Portal to promote the history, the culture and the people of my country, portugal. I intend to eventually make who want to come to portugal to visit or to do business http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/2298 | |
30. U.S. Air Force ::| Lajes Field |:: Public Web Site 65th Air Base Wing (ACC) site base paper and archives, biographies, fact sheets, business opportunities; photos of aircraft, distinguished visitors, Terceira Island, the base; newcomers' eguide features history, units, culture, local legalities, base housing waiting list times, education, services. http://www.lajes.af.mil/ | |
31. .:: Offitsface.com :: Clubbing Djing Dance Music ::. Comprehensive guides to surfing in Wales and portugal; Cardiff, UK clubbing, mixing, DJing, and dance music culture; mountain biking technique articles; and Cardiff football information. http://www.offitsface.com | |
32. :: Routard.com :: Portugal :: Culture Translate this page portugal culture. Architecture. Art baroque. Le style baroque prend tout son essor à la fin du XVII e siècle et au cours du XVIII e siècle. http://www.routard.com/partir_destination/id_destination/29/id_generalite/276.ht | |
33. PEPINIERISTE SPECIALISE BAMBUSOIDEES Consultant horticole sp©cialis© en culture de bambous, offre services tels que assistance technique, conseils et audit. portugal. http://www.geocities.com/bambuana/index2.htm | |
34. BikeIberia - Guided And Independent Mountain Biking And Road Riding Tours In Spa Experience the Iberian heritage, landscape and culture while travelling on a bike. Bike rentals and fully supported mountain biking and road biking tours. Company Based in Lisbon, portugal. http://www.bikeiberia.com | |
35. Portugália / Portugal :: Culture & Tourism Links : Kulturális és Idegenforgal International catalogue of culture and tourism. Internationaler kultureller und touristischer Katalog. Nemzetközi kulturális és idegenforgalmi katalógus. http://katalogus.kulturinfo.hu/pt.html | |
36. APK - Associação Portuguesa De Kendo APD Where and how to do Kendo and Iaido in portugal. Dojos, culture, events, downloads, links, contacts and other general information. Member of the International and European Kendo Federation.(English/Portuguªs) http://www.kendo.pt | |
37. Lonely Planet World Guide | Destination Portugal | Culture Translate this page portugal Art La vigoureuse tradition littéraire du portugal remonte au XVIe siècle et aux ouvres du dramaturge Gil Vincente et du poète Luis de Camões. http://www.lonelyplanet.fr/destinations/europe/portugal/culture.htm | |
38. Villas In Spain, Portugal, France, Italy And Croatia From Vintage Travel Holiday Specialising in holiday rental country houses with private pools in Spain, portugal, France within areas of traditional local culture. http://www.vintagetravel.co.uk/index.html | |
39. Expats In Portugal » Culture I highly recommend ÂPortuguese Language Life culture by Sue TysonWard to all expats and visitors to portugal. It lives up http://expat.drzeus.net/index.php?cat=12 |
40. Charm Comfort Portugal A tourist guide and directory including accommodation, restaurants, culture, and golf. http://www.charmcomfort.com/ |
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