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101. Population September 25 Session 3 population genetics. Offa s Dyke. Populationa group of individual organisms of the same biological species http://www.umanitoba.ca/anthropology/courses/121/fyde/session3.html | |
102. Project Introduction population genetics By collecting data from a larger group of participants,we may model true population genetics. Project Topic Human Biology. http://cleo.terc.edu/cleo/browse/template/BrowseIntro.cfm?QuestionID=338 |
103. RBGE Population Genetics population genetics. The work of the population geneticsGroup encompasses three overlapping themes http://www.rbge.org.uk/rbge/web/science/research/conservation/popgen.jsp |
104. Science Kit And Boreal Laboratories - Population Genetics Date 5/20/2004, Catalog Biology Biotechnology and Ge population genetics. PopulationGenetics. Click here to view all products in this category. http://www.sciencekit.com/category.asp_Q_c_E_427550 | |
105. Molecular Ecology, Population Genetics, And Systematics Of Rockfish In The North Service Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Washington Molecular Ecology,population genetics, and Systematics of Rockfish in the North Pacific. http://www4.nas.edu/pga/rap.nsf/0/62B61F119E817EBC85256DD40040176D?OpenDocument |
106. An Interview With DNA Forensics Authority Dr. Bruce Weir Interview in January 1995 discussing demographic frequency of alleles, and accuracy of PCR in law enforcement. Link to CNN report on OJ Simpson Trial, from expert witness Dr Bruce Weir, Professor of Statistics and genetics, North Carolina State University, NC. http://www.accessexcellence.org/WN/NM/interview_dr_bruce_weir.html | |
107. Theoretical Population Biology This journal presents articles on the theoretical aspects of the biology of populations, particularly in the areas of ecology, genetics, demography, and epidemiology. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0040-5809 | |
108. Anthropology Anthropologist at the University of Buffalo researching human population biology, genetics and evolutionary theory. http://wings.buffalo.edu/anthropology/Faculty/duggleby.htm | |
109. DeCode.com Offers genotyping service, focusing on common diseases to develop new drugs and diagnostics from population resources based in Reykjavik, Iceland. http://www.decode.com/ |
110. Centre For Ecology, Evolution And Conservation At The University Of East Anglia A group of 21 faculty, with interests in behavioural ecology, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, ecophysiology, genetics, environmental genomics, life histories, pollution, population biology, tropical, landscape, microbial, molecular and restoration ecology. http://www.uea.ac.uk/ceec/ | |
111. Graduate Programme In Biology The research interests of the faculty are concentrated in Animal Biology / Physiology, Cell Biology, Ecology and population Biology, Evolutionary Biology, genetics, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, and Plant Physiology. http://www.biol.yorku.ca/grad/ | |
112. Dalhousie Medical School, Nova Scotia, Canada Research in the neurosciences, cardiovascular, infectious disease, cancer cell biology, transplantation immunology, molecular genetics and population health. http://www.medicine.dal.ca/ | |
113. Population Genetic Inference lectures introducing the theory and techniques of population genetic inference withparticular emphasis on modern developments in the field of human genetics. http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~mcvean/pgindex.html | |
114. Entomol Primarily focused on the basic biology of insects systematics, evolutionary processes, genetics, biogeography, ecology, population biology, behavior, morphology, and physiology. http://www.ukans.edu/~eeb/entomol.htm | |
115. Genetical Research Publishes original works in population and quantitative genetics, QTL mapping, molecular and developmental genetics of eukaryotes. Subscription required. http://uk.cambridge.org/journals/grh/ | |
116. Dennis H. O'Rourke Anthropology professor at the University of Utah researching population and evolutionary genetics and human epidemiology. http://www.anthro.utah.edu/orourke.html | |
117. Institute Of Genetics Research on the molecular background of several inherited human disorders. Departments include molecular, population, and diabetes genetics. http://www.folkhalsan.fi/default.asp?path=228;273;280;428;287 |
118. Vanderbilt Program In Human Genetics Research molecular, clinical, and population levels of how genes influence complex traits. Includes core facilities, news, educations, and careers. http://phg.mc.vanderbilt.edu/ | |
119. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Forest Genetics And Tree Breeding Links to population and quantitative genetic software of interest in tree improvement, but also useful in other species. http://www.metla.fi/info/vlib/forestgen/software.htm | |
120. BSHG Independent body representing professionals working in research, and providing services to the population of the United Kingdom. Features a discussion forum, careers, and a patients section. http://www.bshg.org.uk/ | |
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