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81. Kokomo-Howard County Public Library :: Young Adult Services Recommended Websites Facts about the people and history of the pony express, including museums and An historical look at all us presidents, including a short The American west http://www.kokomo.lib.in.us/ayasd/yas/usSites.asp | |
82. Northwest Indiana News: Nwitimes.com - News: Author Separates Pony Express' Fact of the Eisenhower Center for American studies and a a fixture in his popular Wild west shows from orphans preferred appeared in pony express rider recruitment http://www.thetimesonline.com/articles/2004/02/15/features/arts_and_entertainmen | |
83. The Pony Express rising and fallingsweeping towards us nearer and One interesting thing about the pony express was that it carried through, cattle, people heading west, and by http://www.whitepine.k12.nv.us/whitepinemshistory/pony_express Amanda E.htm | |
84. PBS - THE WEST - Lesson Plans Index VIII about the pony express The west s Timeline pony express; of the names of mining claims which express the confidence Try to get us worked up about it too http://www.pbs.org/thewest/lesson_plans/lesson02.htm | |
86. United States History in the snow in the mountains of the west in the The usMexican War - (1846 - 1848) Bilingual site The pony express - One very exciting way to carry the mail in http://www.sldirectory.com/studf/research3.html | |
87. Bjup.com - Overview maps; climates; time zone maps; us regions/states American Civil War; railroads; Wild west. American industrial revolution; pony express; newspapers; telegraphs http://www.bjup.com/resources/overview/subjects/heritage.html | |
88. ProTeacher! Westward Movement Lesson Plans For Elementary School Teachers In Gra Join us to make social studies a fun, meaningful primary sources, students learn about the us land and The Wild, Wild west An integrated unit about the http://www.proteacher.com/090023.shtml | |
89. Titel-SUCHE ISBN 1932332049 The pony express With Buffalo Biff ISBN 0465072836 The pony Fish s Glow ISBN 0674689739 The Poor Belong to us Catholic Charities http://www.ein-gutes-buch.de/TITEL/U96/V73/seite1.htm | |
90. Technology-Rich Learning Experiences For Middle School Social Studies 42explore pony express http//www.42explore2.com/pony.htm. Learn about Native Americans http//www.ahsd25.k12.il.us/Curriculum%20Info/NativeAmericans http://eduscapes.com/sessions/experience/socialstudies.html | |
91. Old West History-Last Updated 10/29/01 Plains Indians; pony express western Links These are great linksand a really ArtsHumanitiesHistoryBy SubjectUS History19th CenturyAmerican west. http://www.over-land.com/westhist.html | |
92. TeacherSource . Concepts Across The Curriculum . The Western Frontier | PBS pony express Math http//www.mkn.org/ponyexpress/tguide/math of the names of mining claims which express the confidence Make it come alive for us, even though http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/thismonth/apr02/index1.shtm | |
93. The Pony Express - Suite101.com The pony express. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/3439/104623 | |
94. Pony Express - Display http://marvin.kset.org/~smi/old/displayfiction.php?id=636 |
95. Americana History, Social Studies, Politics Americana History, Social studies, Politics. Get a map of your city, village or state and play 20 Questions . The questions have to be yes or no questions. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/plains/3756/hs_america.html | |
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