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61. Westward Expansion Teaching Theme- Lesson Plans, Teaching Ideas Witness The Old west; New Perspectives on the west; pony express Home Station; Traveling west. About us Advertising Make A Suggestion *Make us Your Home Page http://teachers.teach-nology.com/themes/social/westward/ |
62. World Languages And K-12 Language Arts - Jordan School District The, Founding and organization of the pony express (1989), Joseph of the Constitution,, Story of the us Constitution. Cowboys of the Wild west, Daily life of early http://web.jordan.k12.ut.us/language/lit_list/SocStu.htm | |
63. Ms_horn_socialstudies Pioneers Pioneers of the Wild west Mrs. Mathys express Route pony express Information pony express History, Washington us Rivers, Longitude and Latitude Look Up http://www.ncsd.k12.mo.us/emints/dhorn/studentresources/socialstudies/socialstud | |
64. Pathfinder 383 ADA, pony express, Adams, Samuel Hopkins. expansion American and west pioneers and west outlaws and old west explorers and west us History and west. http://www.beavton.k12.or.us/whitford/pathfinders/WTMSWestwardExp.html | |
65. Pony Express Trail one casualty, this glamorous part of the Old west came to no doubt want to lay your hands on a pony express Trail map any material it might have to help us out http://www.trailsandgrasslands.org/pxtrail.html | |
66. Amerikids Presents... the Lewis and Clark Expedition through the untamed west. Check out the awardwinning pony express Rider Contact AMERIKIDS® E-mail us at director@amerikids.com. http://www.amerikids.com/amerikid.htm | |
67. Film And Television Each pony express RIDER will have to decode letters, Morse codes story s main character, gets the camels west crossing the a Camel Corps to aid us Troops in http://www.amerikids.com/filmand.htm | |
68. Springss.html Lost Boy in Handcart Company; California Gold Rush; pony express; pony express History; The Road west; A graphic of the journey by land; us Mexican War; http://edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu/~dnewby/springss.html | |
69. American History - Gananda School Library Women of the west http//www.multnomah.lib.or.us/lib/homework/biohc.html womenwest Links compiled by Multnomah Public Library. The pony express. http://www.gananda.k12.ny.us/library/mshslibrary/amhist.htm | |
70. US Senator Orrin Hatch National Park Service to update the pony express, the Oregon routes taken by the early pioneers of the west. Action Against EU Ban on us Agriculture Products. http://hatch.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressReleases.Detail&PressRelease_i |
71. Links To Other Sites Eldorado National Forest including the pony express route that History of the us Postal Service has a TRAILS west MARKERS OF THE CALIFORNIA EMIGRANT TRAIL; http://www.xphomestation.com/links.html | |
72. William F. Fisher Rush Valley and Reese River was over, and the us troops under from Salt Lake City to Rush Valley, going west, 75 miles My age while carrying pony express was 20 http://www.xphomestation.com/bfischer.html | |
73. Links information on various topics that have to do with the old west. You would go to the pony express. be as fast, efficient, or reliable as the us postal service http://www.iowa-city.k12.ia.us/Schools/SEJH/links.htm | |
74. Four NHT Update Study, H.R. 37 & S. 213 Since those studies have been completed, additional routes and The pony express NHT was included in the same of communication across the TransMissouri west. http://www.doi.gov/ocl/2003/s635.htm | |
75. Library Media Center The pony express One very exciting way to carry the mail. train who were trapped in the snow in the mountains of the west. The us-Mexican War - Bilingual site http://www.concord.k12.nh.us/rms/socialstudies.htm | |
76. Christian Learning Resource Quantity Boy Who Loved to Draw Benjamin west, Old Price us$ 12.95 Price us$ 12.95 Quantity Buffalo Bill and the pony express, http://www.christianlearning.org/catalog538_1.html | |
77. ECB Surf Report: Westward Expansion National Historic Site was a base of us military operations Trail and the Indian Wars period in the west. The pony express is described in this site from the http://www.ecb.org/surf/west.htm | |
78. Pony Express - Searchable L5r Fiction Archive - Fictions There was a cartographerÂs report from the early days of the Clan War that indicated a pony with Unicorn brands was Then let us waste no time To the west. http://marvin.kset.org/~smi/fictions.php?id=636 |
79. Parks pony express PAVILION 888 North Saliman Road RIFLE AND PISTOL RANGE 4000 Flint Drive (us Highway 50 west Sunset Way (west Washington Street and west Sunset Way http://www.carson-city.nv.us/recreation/Parks.htm | |
80. C.A.R.T.S. Gerald Layton answers questions about the pony express station in http//dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/arts preserves, and presents traditional culture of the west. http://www.carts.org/res_west.html | |
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