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41. ProTeacher! Pony Express Lesson Plans And Teaching Resources On The Exploration pony express. Social studies Do you love teaching social studies? Got a question? Here s the place. Join us to make social studies a fun, meaningful http://www.proteacher.com/090090.shtml | |
42. Pony Express 2.3 During our trip out west on our way to Salt National Monument in Idaho (see pony express, Vol. 1, No will continue to volunteer with us in the future. http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/vertpaleo/pony2_3/pe23.htm | |
43. Pony Express NHT: Historic Resource Study (Selected Bibliography) Blood on the pony express Trail. True west (October 1962 Environmental Assessment for the California and pony express Trails us Department of the Interior, (1986 http://www.nps.gov/poex/hrs/hrsb2.htm | |
44. Pony Express NHT: Historic Resource Study (Annotated Bibliography) The Humboldt Highroad of the west (1943). Archaeological and Documentary Perspectives (1979); us Department of the Interior, The pony express in Nevada http://www.nps.gov/poex/hrs/hrsb1.htm | |
45. Old West The Topic Old west. This Old west project has a companion People of the west page. of the us government in pony express, the stagecoach, and ultimately the Transcontinental Railroad and the http://eduscapes.com/42explore/oldwest.htm | |
46. Trails Of Discovery Links - Suite101.com Related Subjects west (us) Discovery and exploration. of all the trails that led to the west. pony express This site describes the pony express, the riders http://www.suite101.com/linkcategory.cfm/old_west/3446 | |
47. Frontier Legends Old West Legend Western American Tales Along the way, Ambrose shows us the American west as Lewis saw it Orphans Preferred The Twisted Truth and Lasting Legend of the pony express WANTED. http://www.walterswebs.com/we77.htm | |
48. Pony Express Map This is a website that provides a blank us map for beginning chapter books to give this Old west yarn a Lesson 2. The pony express in Depth This is a social http://www.valdosta.edu/~cebarber/intro.html | |
49. Fifth-Grade Learning Links From VES pony express Webpage explaining the history of the pony express. http//www.jacksonesd.k12.or.us/k12projects/jimperry what it was really like to journey west. http://schools.fcps.org/ves/learninglinks/link5.html | |
50. Titel-SUCHE Stagecoach Wells Fargo and the American west; 1403447934 Stagecoaches and the pony express (American Adventure Performance and Identity in us Latina Theater http://www.ein-gutes-buch.de/TITEL/U84/V5/seite1.htm | |
51. ÂOrphans Preferred Separates Pony Express Fact From Legend Putting it into his Wild west show, Cody Âimprinted the every question America has about the pony express, but that The story will always be there for us. http://www.rgj.com/news/stories/html/2004/03/22/66781.php | |
52. ÂOrphans Preferred Separates Pony Express Fact From Legend (printable Version in the early 1860s, have become part of Wild west lore young men on fast horses carried the us mail from took him across the eightstate pony express route six http://www.rgj.com/news/printstory.php?id=66781 |
54. Mrs. Salchow's Chickadees Pioneers of the Wild west. All About the pony express. Scholastic westward Expansion Sites. pony express Route. First Gov for Kids. eThemes us Government Sites. http://myschoolonline.com/folder/0,1872,28896-207081-30-22142,00.html | |
55. Downsizing, 1860s-Style: Lessons From The Pony Express Created in January 1860, the pony express was the brainchild of a joint effort in the 1850s by the us Navy and harsh, rocky soil of the American west, and they http://www.libertyhaven.com/politicsandcurrentevents/biggovernment/downsizing.sh | |
56. Pony Express 3.1 continuing his interest in old bones out west as well what future articles you would like to see in pony express. Would you like us to cover more than Florida http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/ponyexpress/pony3_1/pe31.htm | |
57. Pony Express 2.1 We are on day eleven of our journey west. about the results of this dig in the next issue of pony express. SubscriptionsYour support is very important to us. http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/ponyexpress/pony2_1/Pe21.htm | |
58. Random House Academic Resources many of the myths surrounding the pony express and its of the history of the us west .Summing Up http://www.randomhouse.com/acmart/catalog/display.pperl?0767906926 |
59. High School Teachers : Browse Books By Category newspaper help wanted ad, 1860 The pony express is one Acclaimed historian Walter Nugent brings us what is perhaps date of the peopling of the American west. http://www.randomhouse.com/highschool/featured.pperl?top=285&cat=295 |
60. MissouriThen&Now MO Becomes A Part Of The us Hangman. The west, Watch Video Coming Through Missourians Explore Trails west. pony express The pony express pony express Quiz pony http://www.ecarter.k12.mo.us/dept/elementary/fourthgrade/ccrites/thenandnow.html | |
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