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1. The Pony Express Standards Connections. Math/Social studies Activity The pony express. By Rich McClelland. Introduction In the movement west, the pony express was a major influence in communications during its short life. http://score.kings.k12.ca.us/lessons/ponyexp.htm | |
2. Pony Express Rider Wanted!! Riders For pony express! A Review of pony express Rider. Rich Cunningham. Buffalo Bill. Calamity Jane. Wild Bill Hickock. Wyatt Earp. What do all these names have in common? They are all legends of the old west. in the old west. The pony express was an organization is more on social studies and history, and is presented History to us, current events to the player(s) in http://www.worldvillage.com/wv/school/html/reviews/pony.htm |
3. Legends Of The Pony Express Ride On - The Washington Times: Culture, Etc. Contact us. TWT Gift Shop the pony express in 50 years. Douglas Brinkley, director of the Eisenhower Center for American studies and his popular Wild west shows from 1883 to http://www.washtimes.com/culture/20031130-111245-5565r.htm | |
4. Pony Express rider mail delivery system between east and west can be 2) Math/Social studies ActivityThe pony express (Grade 4) http//score.kings.k12.ca.us/lessons/ponyexp http://42explore.com/pony.htm | |
5. THEY'RE OFF! THE STORY OF THE PONY EXPRESS - Harness, Cheryl African American Fiction. African American studies. Aging. Alaskiana Browse Books. About us. Contact us. Store Policies Cheryl Harness The pony express Old west western Americana Postal http://www.showlettwestbooks.com/pi/3865.html | |
6. Places For Kids & Teens - Just Curious - Social Studies - Westward Expansion pony express. pony express Home Station The pony express delivered mail and news from Missouri to San Francisco in 1860 and 1861. TRAILS west. http://www.suffolk.lib.ny.us/youth/jcsswest.html | |
7. Nebraska Social Studies This is the territory of the pony express, the Overland Stage, Boot Hill Clark played out the early history of the American west. Plus even From us Bureau of http://www.archaeolink.com/nebraska_social_studies.htm | |
8. Pony Express American west pony express Lots of important facts about the pony express, its founding, its route Social studies for Kids copyright 20023, David White. http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/wwww/us/ponyexpressdef.htm | |
10. Redirect | EMINTS andrider mail delivery system between east and west can be Plan 2) Math/Social studies Activity-The pony express (Grade 4) http//co.kings.ca.us/math/lessons http://emintsteachers.more.net/fletchep/ponyexpresswebquest/conclusion.html | |
11. About "Math/Social Studies Activity: The Pony Express" In the movement west, the pony express was a major influence in...... Visit this site http//score.kings.k12.ca.us/lessons/ponyexp.htm. http://mathforum.org/library/view/5728.html | |
12. Social Studies us History. Billy The Kid Page History Buff s Reference Library Old west History Articles Images of the American west The pony express Texas History and http://www.hhs.havre.k12.mt.us/programs/ss.htm | |
13. Social Studies Mountain Men, The Multicultural west. National Archives Access, Native American Resources. pony express, Psychedelic 60 s. us Colored Troops. http://www.deptford.k12.nj.us/HighSchoolLibrary/social.htm | |
14. Teaching Social Studies With The Internet (K-6) 1, pony express Information http//www.americanwest.com/trails/pages Page http//www.pps.k12.or.us/district/depts 1, Go west Across America with Lewis and Clark http://twi.classroom.com/socialstudies/k6/ |
15. Missouri Studies Weekly Gateway to the west Video Changing Places Laura Ingalls Wilder. pony express Our pony express page. Try this challenge for Missouri studies Quia Challenge http://www.ecarter.k12.mo.us/dept/elementary/fourthgrade/ccrites/missourinewspap | |
16. Pioneer Life Social Studies Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activity, Worksheet, Or homemade furniture) h. communication (letters by stagecoaches, pony express). Pioneers traveled out west to escape the law Visit Other Click to Vote For us! http://www.lessonplanspage.com/SSLAPioneerLife47.htm | |
17. Social Studies Grade 6 us History/Cause and Effect The learner will be to describe early pioneers expansion of the west. western Development pony express The learner will be able http://www.lhs.sad49.k12.me.us/Designer/SocialStudies/CP45511.HTM | |
18. Social Studies pony express Home Station History of the beginning of mail delivery to the west; Selected Historic Decisions of the us Supreme Court listed by http://mslibrary.mvschools.org/social_studies.htm | |
19. Social Studies - Fifth Grade able to comprehend the effect of us territorial expansion surrounding Trails to the west, Indian Wars Mormons, Gold Rush, pony express, Transcontinental Railroad http://www.chester-nj.org/Curriculum/designer/Social Studies/cr4370.htm | |
20. TKI - Go West Timeline Of The West [Social Studies Online] 1847, Mormons head west under Brigham Young and settle in 1857, us army sent to impose law over Mormons in 1860, pony express is set up to quickly carry the mail. http://www.tki.org.nz/r/socialscience/curriculum/SSOL/west/timeline_e.php | |
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