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Pony Express American History: more books (29) |
42. Pony Express Rider like just another video game but pony express Rider doesn t take place in someDoomlike setting. This is a page taken right out of our american history books http://www.amerikids.com/pony.htm | |
43. American History - Gananda School Library Depart. of history, College of Staten Island, The City University of NewYork. Women In The american West. Women Library. The pony express. The http://www.gananda.k12.ny.us/library/mshslibrary/amhist.htm | |
44. America: A Narrative History, Brief 6th Edition - Digital History Center one of the district post offices in a Japanese american detention facility Read Lifeon the pony express. Oral history of Puerto Rican musician Manuel Rodriquez http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/america6_brief/dig_hist/postal/ | |
45. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 1. american history to 1865 pony express The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy;January 1, 1988 history to 1865 pony express A system of http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona |
46. USA101 Question & Answers Despite the fact that it operated from only April 1860 to October 1861, it remainsa legendary part of american history. The pony express used a constant relay http://www.usa101.com/en/qa/index.php?zid=article&topicId=165&articleId=1101 |
47. U.S. West pony express Home Station In service between April 1860 and November 1861. TheSignificance of the Frontier in american history Text of Turner s classic http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/west.html | |
48. National Postal Museum Volume 1, Issue 2 AprilÂJune 1992 The pony express is one of the most colorfulepisodes in american history, one which can be used to measure not only the http://www.postalmuseum.si.edu/resources/6a2b_ponyexpress.html | |
49. GO.HRW.COM american West The pony express This Web site gives a history of the ponyexpress and tells the story of Bronco Charlie, the youngest rider. http://go.hrw.com/ndNSAPI.nd/gohrw_rls1/pKeywordResults?sd1 pony |
50. Marysvil Perhaps no period of american history is as nostalgic as that time we call The Oneof the most colorful chapters of this time was the pony express, which ran http://www.kansasphototour.com/marysvil.htm | |
51. 4th And 5th Grade Student Research Resources - The West Trail really great interactive map Early american Trails This is Prairie SchoonersCheck out the history or the related to the Alamo pony express Home Station http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/6617/west.html | |
52. Stephens Press LLC - The Pony Express Fast horses, intrepid young riders, and miles of untamed land these are the elementsof one of american history s most enduring stories the pony express. http://www.stephenspress.com/ponyexpress.html | |
53. 1998 Program Series Information (PSI) Category NewView Limited. Series Title The pony express. Curriculum Area(s)Social Studies american history. Grade(s) 4 6. Number of Programs 1. http://www.itmonline.com/active/psi_active.asp?SR=The Pony Express |
54. Used American History Books A history of the Oregon Trail. OP. 8.00U. part of the Frontiers of America series,Children s Press, 1962. OP. 10.00-U (B) pony express, by Carl Menning. http://www.barbsbooks.com/usedamhi.htm | |
55. Museum Store Products of Joseph Robidoux and the pony express cookbook presented Joseph, Missouri - APostcard history by Robyn L Jesse James - Legends of the american West (video http://www.stjosephmuseum.org/MuseumStore/ms_products.htm | |
56. Pony Express Gifts separate stories. The pony express portion details the history of thepony express and its importance in american history. The Oregon http://www.stjosephmuseum.org/MuseumStore/ms_xpgifts.htm | |
57. Ancestry.com - On The Trail Of The Pony Express During the brief nineteenmonth operation of the pony express, its daredevil riders theirlegend now flashes across the pages of american history, leaving in http://www.ancestry.com/library/view/ancmag/5602.asp | |
58. ÂOrphans Preferred Separates Pony Express Fact From Legend Center for american Western history in Laramie, Wyo., and all the major archivesbetween Missouri and California. He also visited existing pony express station http://www.rgj.com/news/stories/html/2004/03/22/66781.php | |
59. The Salt Lake Tribune -- Pony Express History Is A Wild Ride Of A Read first major examination of the pony express in 50 years. Douglas Brinkley, directorof the Eisenhower Center for american Studies and a history professor at http://www.sltrib.com/2004/Mar/03212004/arts/149556.asp | |
60. Historical Text Archive: E-Books : The Story Of The Pony Express: 1: At A Nation was with such vital conditions that the pony express was identified to preserve theUnion, that the express became an important factor in american history. http://historicaltextarchive.com/books.php?op=viewbook&bookid=52&cid=1 |
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