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1. American West - Pony Express Information sale 7. pony express history 8. Another PE link MOVIES made on the subject (Hollywoodstyle) Return to FRONTIER TRAILS. Return to the american West homepage. http://www.americanwest.com/trails/pages/ponyexp1.htm | |
2. Reader's Companion To American History - -PONY EXPRESS The Reader s Companion to american history. pony express. The pony expresswas a system of delivering mail to the american West. Although http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/ah_070100_ponyexpress.htm | |
3. U.S. History Lesson Plans The Colonies and Independence (3rd) Peg's american history Unit Colonies. When Transportation. pony express Overland Stage UNIT. The First Transcontinental Railroad (a pictorial http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/American.html | |
4. American West - Frontier Trails Brief history. The Old Spanish Trail The National Oregon/California Trail Center.The american Dream National Oregon/California Trail. pony express Information http://www.americanwest.com/trails/ | |
5. Welcome To The St. Joseph Museum Exhibits and information on the pony express, Jesse James, Native american history, Oregon and California Trails, Lewis and Clark, and natural history of Northwest Missouri. http://www.stjosephmuseum.org/ | |
6. Reader's Companion To American History - -entries In Order Of Appearance history AND HISTORIANS; HOFFMAN, ABBIE; HOFSTADTER, RICHARD; RALPH; NAST, THOMAS;NATIONAL american WOMAN SUFFRAGE K. POLLOCK, JACKSON; PONTIAC; pony express; POP ART; http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/rc_000106_entries.htm | |
7. History The Need. The Founders. pony express Route. The Schedule. Stations salute, the first pony express rider was off and one of the most colorful chapters in american history began. http://www.xphomestation.com/frm-history.html |
8. Pony Express West United States North America By Region History in Business Chapman, Arthur Learn about The pony express The Record of a RomanticAdventure in Business pony express (Wild West in american history) Lake, AI http://history.designerz.com/north-america-united-states-west-pony-express.php | |
9. History Of The Pony Express history of the pony express. THE STORY OF THE pony express surrounding the pony express made it a part of the legend of the american West. Back to pony express http://members.tripod.com/~pnyxpress/history.html | |
10. Today In History: October 24 Search on the term pony express or mail in history of the american West, 18601920to see images which include Seth Hathaway, a pony express rider who appeared http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/oct24.html | |
11. Today In History: June 11 Words and Deeds in american history. Western Union s completion of the firsttranscontinental telegraph line in October 1861 doomed the pony express. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/today.html | |
12. History Of The United States Postal Service 1775-1993 automobile between the Buffalo Post Office and a postal station in the Pan american Exposition grounds decades before the pony express galloped into postal history, the "iron horse http://www.usps.gov/history/his2.htm | |
13. TeachPDLaw's American History To 1870 America s Westhistory Development Wonderful site on the history of theWest. Ghost Towns Visit the Ghost Towns of the Old West. The pony express. http://members.aol.com/teachpdlaw/amhist.htm | |
14. HistoryBuff.com -- History Library -- Pony Express Extensive Web site focusing primarily on how newspapers and the press covered major, and not so major, events in american history. Also information for newspaper collectors. Library. Primary Source Material. history Library. State Facts April 3, 1860, the pony express was launched as a daring The first journey by pony express was on April 3, 1860 http://www.historybuff.com/library/refpony.html | |
15. Enslow Publishers, Inc. In american history The pony express in american history, Author AnitaLouise McCormick. State Affiliation of Author ME. ISBN 07660-1296-4. http://www.enslow.com/displayitem.asp?type=1&item=840 |
16. Pony Express the pony express made it a part of the legend of the american West. pony expressHome Station http//www.ccnet.com/~xptom/ Learn about the history, the riders http://42explore.com/pony.htm | |
17. Pony Express History about 700pm on April 3, 1860, as a canon boomed in salute, the first pony Expressrider was off and one of the most colorful chapters in american history began http://www.xphomestation.com/facts.html | |
18. Pony Express Trail National Back Country Byway | Utah.com during the Civil War thanks to correspondence carried by the pony express. In all,a dramatic thundering page had been written in american history, and on a http://www.utah.com/playgrounds/pony_express.htm | |
19. 19th Century America Custer was the youngest General in US history, he was promoted at the age THE ponyexpress pony express Poetry of The pony express american West pony http://www.teacheroz.com/19thcent.htm | |
20. FL Social Studies Curr Framework Matched To American History For Kids GRADES Pre K2. Component american history for Kids - The pony express. Reference Componentamerican history for Kids - The pony express. Reference http://www.landmarkmedia.com/state_corr/amhist-flss.htm | |
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