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21. Products fun! Tessellations, polyhedra, fractals, MC Escher, Tangrams dissections, Kaleidoscopes symmetry, Paper folding and more Buy http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/products.htm | |
22. Connect-ME - Weblinks Spirolaterals were first encountered while investigating space curves and fractals. polyhedra in the Classroom http//mathforum.org/alejandre/workshops/unit14 http://educ.queensu.ca/connectme/weblinks/strands.htm | |
23. Chaos And Fractals stellated and polyhedra. Uses tiny Java1.1 applets and VRML worlds. Fractal Geometry at Yale University http//classes.yale.edu/fractals/welcome.html Course http://www.directory.net/Science/Math/Chaos_and_Fractals/ | |
24. Educational com/shopsite_sc/store/html/index.html Books, puzzles, posters and art gallery related to tessellations, polyhedra, fractals, anamorphic art, and MC Escher. http://www.directory.net/Shopping/Toys_and_Games/Educational/ | |
25. David's Links Page works. polyhedra, fractals, chaos, curved surfaces, loops, interference, tilings big gallery with explanations of the works. http://davidf.faricy.net/links.html | |
26. Full Site History to gallery. Grouped collections into subgalleries (lego sculptures, objets d art, twysted polyhedra and snowflake fractals). http://davidf.faricy.net/history.php | |
27. Fractal Polyhedra and VRMLArts by V.Bulatov Look at Fractal polyhedra with interactive Java 1.1 applet, if you didn t install a VRML plugin yet. Kepler s (Stellated) fractals. http://www.ibiblio.org/e-notes/VRML/Poly/Poly.htm | |
28. TSG 10 - Research And Development In The Teaching And Learning Of Geometry topics? (eg tessellations, polyhedra, fractals); Would they modify the learners notions about geometry and the ways they learn it? http://www.icme-organisers.dk/tsg10/ | |
29. Fractal Resources 3D fractals (Using Java applets, this site allows a variety of forms such as fractal mountains, mandelbrot and julia sets, complex fractal polyhedra, etc. http://home.att.net/~Novak.S/resources.htm | |
30. Mainframe 3D fractals. Using Java applets, this site allows a variety of forms (eg, fractal mountains, terrains, mandelbrot and julia sets, complex fractal polyhedra, etc http://home.att.net/~Novak.S/main.htm | |
31. Catalogs For Kits & Other Educational Products , Free Lewis & Clark Map! , Feltb shopsite_sc/store/html/index.html Tessellations, polyhedra, fractals, MC Escher, Tangrams dissections, Kaleidoscopes symmetry, Paper folding and more http://homeschool.resource.ods.org/20020730.HTM | |
32. Efg's Fractals And Chaos -- Von Koch Curve Lab Report Fraktaler www.e.kth.se/~e97_llj/fraktal.html. Koch s Flakes in fractals polyhedra, Flakes Ltrees www.people.nnov.ru/fractal/VRML/3dLsys/3Dtree.htm. http://www.efg2.com/Lab/FractalsAndChaos/vonKochCurve.htm | |
33. Efg's Mathematics Page html. polyhedra Database www.netlib.org/polyhedra/index.html. html. F. fractals and Chaos Also see efg s fractals and Chaos Projects Page. http://www.efg2.com/Lab/Library/mathematics.htm | |
34. Tessellations' Ordering Page Mathartfun.com carries a variety of books, puzzles, posters, videos and software related to tessellations, polyhedra, fractals, kaleidoscopes, anamorphic art http://members.cox.net/tessellations/Ordering.html | |
35. Shiki.archive.9512: Fractals fractals are the opposite of optimal. Intervals, straight lines, planes, smooth surfaces, smooth curves, polyhedra are not fractals. http://haiku.cc.ehime-u.ac.jp/~shiki/shiki.archive/html/9512/0172.html | |
36. Mathematical Resources: Mathematical Art, Graphics, Chaos And Fractals (Math Lin Pavilion of Polyhedreality images and geometry links by GW Hart; Perspective Drawing, Moebius Strip, polyhedra, and Spreadsheets by Jan Chaos and fractals. http://mathres.kevius.com/art.html |
37. 6. Other Polyhedra Dodecahedron 6. Other polyhedra. In principle our algorithm should create quantum fractals for each of the regular polyhedra. The http://www.cassiopaea.org/quantum_future/papers/qfract/node16.html |
38. Generation Of 3D Fractals For Web Unlike the well known Lsystems fractals, this algorithm does not need a rather complicated string parser and 3D turtle for its Fractal Trees and polyhedra. http://www.people.nnov.ru/fractal/VRML/Web3D/Web3D.htm | |
39. Web Resources: Teens: Homework - MCPL Lessons on tesselations, polyhedra, fractals, etc. Also, supercool demos. and brain-benders. Author CoolMath.com, Inc. (71 hits) Create a Graph new! http://www.mcpl.lib.mo.us/Links/Teens/Homework/ | |
40. WebGuest Directory - Math : Chaos And Fractals Interactive 3D fractals Shows how to create fractal mountains, 3D Mandelbrot and Julia sets, convex, stellated and polyhedra. http://directory.webguest.com/Science/Math/Chaos_and_Fractals | |
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