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1. Your Search: Google Directory Science Math Chaos and Fractals. Directory Help Search only Geometry Formats Curves Surfaces polyhedra fractals, Chaos Projection Stereographics Colour http://www.i-une.com/cgi-bin/meta/search.cgi?lang=en&keywords=Chaos and Frac |
2. The Geometry Junkyard: Fractals fractals. Allegria fractal and mathematically inspired jewelry S¡ndor Kabai's mathematical graphics, primarily polyhedra and 3d fractals. Labyrinth tiling http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/fractal.html | |
3. The Geometry Junkyard: Polyhedra And Polytopes on geometric properties of polygons, polyhedra, and higher dimensional polytopes (particularly convex S¡ndor Kabai's mathematical graphics, primarily polyhedra and 3d fractals http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/polytope.html | |
4. 3D Fractals 3D Fractal Generator. This is an extension of my wireframe applet. It generates 3dimensional fractals by superimposing polyhedra upon themselves recursively. http://www.houseof3d.com/pete/applets/wireframe/fractal/ | |
5. Help Contents / Examples / Polyhedra-fractals (3d Fractal) polyhedrafractals (3d fractal). Help Contents Examples polyhedra-fractals (3d fractal) polyhedra-fractals (3d fractal). This example http://www.student.uni-augsburg.de/~micheler/Elica-5.0-HTML-help-0.3/help/polyhe | |
6. 3D Mountains Shows how to create fractal mountains, 3D Mandelbrot and Julia sets, convex, stellated and polyhedra. Uses tiny Java1.1 applets and VRML worlds. http://www.ibiblio.org/e-notes/3Dapp/Mount.htm | |
7. Help Contents / Examples / Polyhedra-fractals (3d Fractal) Translate this page Sorry, this version of help is intended only for browsers supporting frames. http://www.student.uni-augsburg.de/~micheler/Elica-5.0-HTML-help-0.3/help/polyhe | |
8. Mathartfun.com - Where Math, Art & Fun Come Together! Books, puzzles, posters and art gallery related to tessellations, polyhedra, fractals, anamorphic art, and M. C. Escher. Arizona, USA. Also order tollfree. http://mathartfun.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/index.html |
9. Mathartfun.com - Where Math, Art & Fun Come Together! Online store and gallery of mathematical art. Browse topics including tessellations, polyhedra, fractals, anamorphic art, kaleidoscopes, M. C. Escher and Origami. Books, puzzles, posters and more http://www.mathartfun.com/shopsite_sc/store/html |
10. Amby's Education Site -- Math Puzzles & Learning Activities performance tasks) Geometry Collage, Logic Advertisement, Tessellations, Scale Drawings, Building polyhedra, and Line Designs; Paper entitled fractals. http://amby.com/educate/mathgame.html | |
11. Mathartfun.com Books Page Books related to math and art. Escher, tessellations, polyhedra, fractals and more. Browse the following types of books Tessellations. polyhedra. Perspective systems. fractals. M.C.Escher http://www.mathartfun.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/Books.html | |
12. Lifesmith Classic Fractals Gallery 1988-2002 Lissajou Figures(100) 3D Spherical Harmonics (215) Knots(100) polyhedra Conic Sections (115) Stellated polyhedra(45) Starface polyhedra(45) Affine http://www.lifesmith.com/gallery.html | |
13. Opengl Formats. Curves. Surfaces. polyhedra. fractals, Chaos. Projection. Stereographics. Curves. Surfaces. polyhedra. fractals, Chaos. Projection. Stereographics. http://www.babieca.com/cgi-bin/engine/smartsearch.cgi?keywords=opengl |
14. The Math Forum - Math Library - Fractals Cool Math Karen A searchable amusement park of mathematics for exploring math functions, tessellations, polyhedra, limits, logs, fractals (with galleries http://mathforum.org/library/topics/fractals/?keyid=9511105&start_at=51&num_to_s |
15. The Math Forum - Math Library - Fractals Programs Xah Lee A listing about 40 excellent recreational math programs for Macintosh that do polyhedra and Rubic cubes, curves and surfaces, fractals and L http://mathforum.org/library/topics/fractals/?keyid=9511105&start_at=201&num_to_ |
16. Art Gallery Category Illustration Art Mathartfun.com Books, puzzles, posters and art gallery related to tessellations, polyhedra, fractals, anamorphic art, and MC Escher. http://www.sightquest.com/search/art gallery/ | |
17. Bookmarks fractals polyhedra Koch s Flakes 3Dtree. http//www.people.nnov.ru/fractal/VRML/3dLsys/3Dtree.htm http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jean-paul.davalan/liens/liens_fractals.html | |
18. Final Project Some topic ideas the ninepoint circle, linear perspective, polyhedra, fractals, conic sections, elliptic geometry, projective geometry, inversion, finite http://cas.bellarmine.edu/fenton/Geometry/Final_Project.htm | |
19. Japanese FAQ 3D IFS fractals are 3D analogous to 2D IFS fractals using polyhedra instead of polygons. ie Menger sponge is 3D analogous to Sierpinski Carpet. http://www.fractal3d.com/faq/faq.html | |
20. Downloadable Polyhedra, Geometry, & Math Software (Science U) Software Download polyhedra, Geometry, Math. pff9709.zip (1572k) (Windows95) Paper Folding fractals Introductory lesson to fractals for the classroom or http://www.scienceu.com/library/software/download/polymath/ | |
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