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1. NIPR: New Ideas In Pollution Regulation Home A site for researchers, government officials, and citizens interested in understanding and improving control of industrial pollution, especially in developing countries. NIPR is the primary source http://www.worldbank.org/nipr | |
2. Pollution World pollution provides latest World Environment News from WN Network Environment. EnvironmentNews. allAfrica pollution. ENews pollution. ENN pollution. http://www.pollution.com/ | |
3. Pollution Online: Digital Marketplace For The Pollution Prevention Industry Resource for professionals in the pollution control industry Information on analyticalinstruments, air particulates, environmental monitoring, bioremediates http://www.pollutiononline.com/ | |
4. Noise Pollution Clearinghouse, Quieting Noise Pollution The Noise pollution Clearinghouse, reducing noise pollution and increasingnatural quiet. Noise pollution Clearinghouse. Good neighbors http://www.nonoise.org/ | |
5. Light Pollution Awareness Website Includes lighting pictures, satellite images, the latest news, lots of links and information about how to shield lighting. http://members.aol.com/ctstarwchr/ | |
6. Pollution Engineering Magazine pollution Engineering Magazine Helping You Engineer A Better EnvironmentSince 1969. Register for FREE pollution Engineering email updates http://www.pollutionengineering.com/ | |
7. Ocean Planet: Oil Pollution Air pollution, mainly from cars and industry, places hundreds of tons of hydrocarbons into the oceans though a relatively minor source of ocean oil pollutioncan be devastating http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/OCEAN_PLANET/HTML/peril_oil_pollution.html | |
8. Welcome To Pollution Probe contact us search our website. http://www.pollutionprobe.org/ | |
9. STAPPA / ALAPCO Public Web Page The State and Territorial Air pollution Program Administrators (STAPPA) and the Association of Local Air pollution Control Officials (ALAPCO) are national associations representing air pollution control agencies in the 54 U.S. states/territories and over 150 major metropolitan areas. Site has information and links. http://www.4cleanair.org/ | |
10. Environmental Organization WebDirectory - Pollution Breathe Pure Air Air Purifiers Air Cleaners - Scientifically advanced UV air purifiers that are energy efficient, low maintenance and effective at removing odor, dust, mildew, mold, germs and other airborne contaminates. environmental issues related to air pollution hazardous waste, electromagnetic fields (EMF development indicators and resources, green accounting, EIA, air pollution and modelling http://www.webdirectory.com/Pollution | |
11. LII: Law About...Pollution LII An overview of law related to environmental pollution with links to key primary and secondary sources. pollution is the contamination of air, water, or earth by harmful substances. Concern http://www.law.cornell.edu/topics/pollution.html | |
12. Air Pollution Information on air pollution, indoor air pollution, fly ash, acid rain and smog. http://edugreen.teri.res.in/explore/air/air.htm | |
13. Ohio EPA Office Of Pollution Prevention Main Page Redirect Case studies and technical pollution prevention documents for businesses. Also, free pollution prevention technical assistance services for Ohio Companies. http://www.epa.state.oh.us/opp | |
14. Water Pollution WATER pollution AND SOCIETY. By. David Krantz and Brad Kifferstein. INTRODUCTION.Comprising over 70% of the EarthÂs surface, water is undoubtedly the most http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/waterpollution.htm | |
15. Cnsmrp2 Consumer pollution Prevention information from Ohio EPA Office of pollution Prevention. http://www.epa.state.oh.us/opp/cnsmrp2.html | |
16. Scorecard Home Scorecard Home Find environmental information about your community learn how bad the pollution is, where the toxic chemicals come from, what the health risks are, and what actions you can take. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.scorecard.org/&y=02FDD7FAEC6789A |
17. Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Public education resource about watersheds, water quality, and preventing water pollution. http://mcstoppp.org/ | |
18. CSI Engineering : ESP Consulting An engineering consulting company specializing in industrial electrostatic precipitators since 1970. http://www.csiengineering.com | |
19. EPA - Air & Radiation Air pollution, clean air, and air quality information is providedby the US EPA s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR). OAR develops http://www.epa.gov/air/ | |
20. Cape Cod Pollution Toxic chemical pollution generated by the state of Massachusetts. Includes chemical index by name and health effects. http://www.geocities.com/deadmanwalking90 | |
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