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161. Arizona Polka Dancing Directories of polka organizations in Arizona and of polka bands that play in the state, listing of festivals. http://home.earthlink.net/~robertmeddock/ | |
162. The Official Fritz's Polka Band : Home Syracusearea band plays an eclectic mixture of multi-cultural polka styles. History, schedule, recordings, honors and merchandise. http://www.fritzspolkaband.com/ | |
163. One Man's Protest A Polka Dot House CNN http://cnn.com/2003/US/South/05/09/offbeat.dot.house.ap/index.html |
164. Polkareview Official homepage includes polka happenings, requests and dedications, new recordings . http://www.polkareview.homestead.com | |
165. Polkas Of Yesteryear polka nostalgia, old forgotten sounds of familiar bands and some obscure ones. http://www.geocities.com/brian4486/polka.html | |
166. Polka Punishment CNN http://cnn.com/2001/US/08/31/polka.punishment.ap/index.html |
167. Welcome To The Polka Store Teeshirts, cups or hats for polka Lovers http://thepolkastore.netfirms.com/ | |
168. New Page 6 polka and variety band. Site includes profiles, schedule, discography, booking information, photos, merchandise and links to Polish communityoriented sites. http://www.polishcommunity.com/Kennytko/ | |
169. Tanzsportclub Schwarz-Gelb Jülich E.V. Der Verein bietet Garde und Schautanz, Modern, Freestyle und polka und hat sich auf Kinder- und Jugendarbeit spezialisiert. Vorstellung von Trainern und Tanzgruppen. http://www.juelich.de/schwarzgelb/ |
170. Polka Maniac Full of fan interaction for the die hard polka fans. Reviews, adds, quizes, sounds, and everything in between. http://www.polkamaniac.com/ | |
171. KIRALà Yapý Ãrünleri Cresta banyo mobilyalarñ ve polka klozet kapaklarñ ¼retimi. http://www.kirali.com.tr/ |
172. Exposición De Danza Historia de la polka, Vals, Cuadrilla y Schottisch. http://www.terra.es/personal2/danubio/danza.htm |
173. Joe GRKMANIA Grkman Polka Band Award winning Slovenian style polka band from Pittsburgh, PA. http://www.grkmania.com | |
174. Kielbasa Kings :: POLKA BAND Michigan based band, with band information, contact, future appearances, recordings, and pictures. http://www.kielbasakings.com/ | |
175. Website Providers, Inc. - Web Design, Website Hosting, And Domain Name Registrat Free classical music and polkas in MP3 and MIDI featuring sounds reminiscent of Your Grandpa's Garage Band. http://www.musicbysunset.com | |
176. New Jersey Live Musicians LLC Entertains The World With Live Music Live musicians of New Jersey want to play your next affair, concert, parade, dance, Oktoberfest, Polish, German or Scandinavian . http://www.njpolkaband.com | |
177. Le Domaine De Gorn - La Bd (bande Dessinée) à Travers 4 Univers (30 Séries En Pr©sentation de s©ries de BD h©ro¯cfantaisy (Lanfeust de Troy), policier (polka), aquatique (Aquablue), l©gende (Le Ma®tre de jeu) et autres. http://www.domainegorn.com/ | |
178. DYNAMIX BAND HOME PAGE - TORONTO, CANADA From Toronto, Canada, polka related subjects, Canadian polka happenings. links, the polka mutant, the polkaMATIC 6000, and lots of other fun stuff. http://dynamixband.polkaweb.com/ | |
179. TwoStepHouston.com Dancing By Vickie Dunn Vicki Dunn teaches two step, cha cha, waltz, polka, east west coast swing and jitterbug. http://www.twostephouston.com/ |
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