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         Political Science:     more books (100)
  1. Political Science Research Methods by Janet Buttolph Johnson, H. T. Reynolds, et all 2007-12-12
  2. Political Science: An Introduction (10th Edition) by Michael Roskin, Robert L. Cord, et all 2007-07-08
  3. Writing in Political Science (3rd Edition) by Diane E. Schmidt, 2004-08-08
  4. Political Science Student Writer's Manual, The (6th Edition) by Greg M. Scott, Steve M. Garrison, 2007-12-28
  5. Working with Political Science Research Methods: Problems and Exercises by Janet Buttolph Johnson, H. T. Reynolds, 2007-12-12
  6. Theory and Methods in Political Science
  7. Research Methods in Political Science: An Introduction Using MicroCase® ExplorIt by Michael K. Le Roy, Michael Corbett, 2008-01-07
  8. Writing a Research Paper in Political Science by Lisa Baglione, 2006-05-04
  9. Understanding the Political World: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science (8th Edition) by James N. Danziger, 2006-07-29
  10. Political Science by Robert A Heineman, 1995-07-01
  11. Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science by Stephen Van Evera, 1997-09
  12. The Great Political Theories V.1 (Great Political Theories) by M Curtis, Michael Curtis, 1981-02-01
  13. Empirical Political Analysis: Research Methods in Political Science (6th Edition) by Jarol B. Manheim, Richard C. Rich, et all 2005-07-04
  14. What to Do with Your History or Political Science Degree (Career Guides) by Princeton Review, 2007-09-18

161. DrHumph Utopian Analysis, A Science Of Civilization
Based on political experiments, refuting the ideals of socialism and authoritarianism, and using the true ideals as alternatives. Includes synopsis and list of articles on topic.
Modified 18 Nov 2003
  • A Philosophical Breakthrough - the science of utopian analysis is just that.
  • Ideals Liberty, Reciprocity, Justice, Aesthetics, Equal Opportunity.
  • Evidence Prohibition, Catholic Index, Westward Expansion, Soviet Collapse.
  • The Third Republic democracy without bureaucracy - based on the T'ang Mandarins.
  • Beautiful City ban cars, dogs and skyscrapers. Paris, Greenwich Village.
  • Urban Gridlock ban cars, combine bicycles and robotic freeway train-buses.
  • Lady Justice the lady with the upraised sword, scales in left hand, blindfold.
  • Stopping Terrorists stopping terrorists and serial killers without giving up civil liberty.
  • War On Drugs the classic violation of the ideal of personal liberty.
  • Abortion abortion is not murder, nor is it a virtue. A compromise.
  • Perpetual Peace evolution of global community well under way. The problem of terrorism.
  • Seeds of Hate roots of 9/11 in the religion of science.
  • Hubbert's Peak the impending world oil shortage and resulting collapse of economies.
  • Tube Trains evacuated tube magneto-levitation trains.
  • 162. Physicians And Scientists For Responsible Application Of Science And Technology
    PSRAST's purpose is to provide comprehensive, interdisciplinary and impartial assessments of new applications, as industrial and political influences tend to invalidate the established evaluation procedures.

    163. Untitled Document

    164. Samoa Science Foundation
    Provides information about the nonpolitical, non-profit charitable organization. Includes mission statement and contact details.
    THE FOUNDATION IS A NON-POLITICAL, NON-PROFIT CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION WITH THE FOLLOWING MAIN PURPOSES To solicit and receive capital gifts, scholarships, life designation contributions and human resource assistance from Samoa and elsewhere to be applied for the enhancement and development of the sciences in primary, secondary and post-secondary, public and private sector educational institutions of Samoa. To formulate and implement projects that would enhance the development of sciences in the primary, secondary and post-secondary, public and private sector educational institutions of Samoa. To protect the principal amounts of all monetary donations received by investing such monetary donations received in investments that would allow the use of interest earned for the purposes and objectives of the Foundation without using the principal amounts received. Mission Statement Board Of Trustees Contacts

    165. Science-ENERGY--1974
    Many articles on energy technology and the energy crisis technical, social, political and economic aspects. Now in PDF format.
    19 April 1974 Volume 184 Issue 4134 EDITORIAL
    Philip H. Abelson
    Science Apr 19 1974: 245. PDF ARTICLES
    Low-Cost, Abundant Energy: Paradise Lost?
    Hans H. Landsberg
    Science Apr 19 1974: 247. PDF The Social System and the Energy Crisis
    Kenneth E. Boulding
    Science Apr 19 1974: 254. PDF Evolution of Public Response to the Energy Crisis
    James R. Murray, Michael J. Minor, Norman M. Bradburn,
    Robert F. Cotterman, Martin Frankel, Alan E. Pisarski Science Apr 19 1974: 257. PDF Conservation in Industry Charles A. Berg Science Apr 19 1974: 264. PDF Energy Conservation at an Industrial Research Center Alfred E. Brown and Edward B. Berkowitz Science Apr 19 1974: 271. PDF What Can the Academic Community Do? William D. Metz Science Apr 19 1974: 273. PDF Individual Self-Sufficiency in Energy Allen L. Hammond Science Apr 19 1974: 278. PDF Multiple Failures of Public and Private Institutions Philip Sporn Science Apr 19 1974: 284. PDF INTERVIEWS The Executive: William E. Simon Science Apr 19 1974: 287.

    166. The New Atlantis  -  A Journal Of Technology And Society
    A quarterly journal devoted to science and technology issues and their relation to social and political affairs


    by Stephanie Cohen

    As the nation frets about energy prices and war in the Middle East, both Republicans and Democrats seek golden roads to “energy independence”—whether drilling in Alaska or funding the new “energy farm.” Stephanie Cohen looks at the different ways conservatives and liberals think about energy policy, and the deeper ideas of nature and technology that shape the current energy debate. COSMETIC SURGERY AND AMERICAN CULTURE
    by Christine Rosen
    Cosmetic surgery is now a mass phenomenon—an example of America’s obsession with youth, sex, beauty, and self-improvement. Christine Rosen surveys the culture of facelifts, Botox, and liposuction, and ponders the deeper significance of America’s democratization of beauty under the knife. THE DILEMMAS OF GERMAN BIOETHICS
    by Eric Brown
    The bioethics debate in Germany is changing—with new biotechnologies like stem cell research raising new questions, and the German people forced to ask anew what human dignity is and means. Eric Brown surveys the past, present, and future of bioethics in Germany, and asks whether today’s ethical boundaries will persist or erode.

    167. Search Tips About Political Life Home Health Family
    Part of a community of sites that offer users free access to thousands of guru approved tips and links in politics, politicalscience, activism and civics.
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    168. EPW Home Page
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    VOLUME 39 NO 23 June 05 , 2004
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    New User Register Here Home This Issue Last Issue ... Research Foundation Resources Books Announcements Appointments
    Twelfth Finance Commission The emphasis on fiscal deficit reduction without paying attention to its quality has led to the centre and the states resorting to a softer option of cutting productive capital and social sector expenditure. This is likely to have adverse consequences on equitable growth.
    Resolving Dabhol Tangle
    Discussions on reviving the Dabhol Power Project seem to be largely confined to its financial restructuring. But with the implementation of the Electricity Act, 2003 other factors  such as the easier norms on distribution and captive generation  will have an impact on the project.
    (COMMENTARY) Viability of Islamic Science The liberal Muslim Abbasid and later Ottoman kings welcomed scientists and translators from other cultures who willingly became sincere participants in the project called Islamic civilisation. This plurality of vision and cross-cultural perspective is much in contrast to what is being propounded today in the name of Islamic science. (PERSPECTIVES) Expenditure Allocation and Welfare Returns to Government Changes in expenditure allocation are determined not by the magnitude of marginal productivities of the government effort, but by the behaviour of marginal returns in relative terms. Nine indicators from education, health, nutrition and other social sectors are used to measure the index of basic welfare as the output of government efforts over 1971-81 and 1981-91.

    169. Access Research Network
    Focuses on putting science topics, such as genetic engineering, euthanasia, computer technology, environmental issues, creation/evolution, fetal tissue research, and AIDS, in perspective by looking at related political, ethical and philosophical issues. Features authors Michael Behe, Phillip Johnson, William Dembski, Mark Hartwig, Stephen Meyer, Paul Nelson, and Jonathan Wells.
    Intelligent Design FAQ
    Click for Details
    ARN Student division

    ID and the Future of Science

    Biola ID Conference

    April 22-24, 2004

    ARN's peer- reviewed interdisciplinary journal
    Current Issue:
    Issue 39, Summer 2001
    issue on-line: v.20, n.1. Issue 38
    Subscription Information International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design Access Research Network is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing accessible information on science, technology and society. Access Research Network PO Box 38069 Colorado Springs, CO 80937-8069 Toll-free order line: (voicemail orders only) Submit your questions or comments via electronic form to: Access Research Network For problems using or navigating this site please send email to: Access Research Network, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Use our convenient search engine to find just what you are looking for on the ARN website. Type in your keywords then push the search button. Check out our announcement archives to see what you've been missing.

    170. History & Sociology Of Science
    Focus on the social and humanistic aspects of science and the professions influence of economic and political factors on research and the application of knowledge, and problems of science and technology management and public policy.
    About Faculty Undergraduate Graduate About Faculty Undergraduate Graduate ... Contact

    171. Institute For Prospective Technological Studies
    One of the eight Research Institutes of the European Commission (EC), the IPTS organizes regional foresight studies on science and technology to inform political and economic decisionmakers.

    172. Leatherbound Books: Classics Of Medicine, Law, Science, Famous Trials, Political
    Publisher of deluxe, leather bound books of the classic works in medicine, law, science and political philosophy reproduced in facsimile editions.

    Classics of Medicine Library

    Medical Biographies

    Classics of Ophthalmology Library

    Classics of Neurology
    Books of General Intrest

    GRYPHON EDITIONS is the leading publisher of the classic works of Law, Medicine, Science and Political thought. We offer exact facsimiles of the original classic works, which are luxuriously bound in genuine leather. The picture, below, is of several selections in our Classics of Medicine Library. Our mission is the preservation of the literary and intellectual heritage of the noble professions that we serve. Welcome to our web site. For more infomation on our libraries call 800-633-8911. Our Libraries include:
    The Classics of Medicine * The Legal Classics * The Notable Trials * The Classics of Liberty
    * The Classics of Dentistry * The Heirs of Hippocrates
    Visit ABOUT US to learn how to enjoy the benefits of membership by enrolling in a Library.
    About Us Contact Info News ... Making Gryphon Books

    173. Leatherbound Books: Classics Of Medicine, Law, Science, Famous Trials, Political
    Classic works in medicine, law, science and political philosophy reproduced in facsimile editions

    Classics of Medicine Library

    Medical Biographies

    Classics of Ophthalmology Library

    Classics of Neurology
    Books of General Intrest

    GRYPHON EDITIONS is the leading publisher of the classic works of Law, Medicine, Science and Political thought. We offer exact facsimiles of the original classic works, which are luxuriously bound in genuine leather. The picture, below, is of several selections in our Classics of Medicine Library. Our mission is the preservation of the literary and intellectual heritage of the noble professions that we serve. Welcome to our web site. For more infomation on our libraries call 800-633-8911. Our Libraries include:
    The Classics of Medicine * The Legal Classics * The Notable Trials * The Classics of Liberty
    * The Classics of Dentistry * The Heirs of Hippocrates
    Visit ABOUT US to learn how to enjoy the benefits of membership by enrolling in a Library.
    About Us Contact Info News ... Making Gryphon Books

    174. Loka Institute
    Nonprofit research and advocacy organization concerned with the social, political, and environmental repercussions of research, science and technology.
    T he L oka I nstitute
    The Loka Institute is a non-profit research and advocacy organization concerned with the social, political, and environmental repercussions of research, science and technology.
    Loka's Vision
    To kindle a vibrant popular movement for community-driven policies in research, science, and technology that will advance democracy, social justice, and ecological sustainability at every level - from neighborhoods to nations. Yet community-based research is still dramatically under-funded. And promising new methods to help communities participate with far more breadth and depth in decisions about the design and use of technologies are even more rarely applied. At a time when advanced technologies so profoundly change our lives, technology policy remains primarily in the hands of scientists, engineers, and the commercial and military interests that support them. To redirect technology policies to meet the most pressing human needs at every sphere of community - locally, nationally, and internationally - a coordinated campaign to bring the missing perspective of communities to the table is essential. Loka has the vision, the credibility, the connections, and the focused sense of purpose to catalyze such a campaign. ur emphasis on "community" conveys Loka's core commitments. We seek broad inclusiveness and collaboration with all whose lives are touched and who choose to apply their skills and interest to the issue at hand. We convene open dialogues as opportunities for listening, learning, and shared leadership by all participants, especially youth, who are every community's future. We identify, develop, and promote collaborative methods for planning and conducting research and for evaluating technological issues. We honor and help to develop the leadership and expertise of each individual, especially those who have traditionally been marginalized because of race, income, or age.

    175. The Smorgasbord
    Articles on food history, science, recipes for kids, kitchenware and the political impact of food on society.

    176. Welcome To The Consulate-General Of The Netherlands In Osaka-Kobe
    Royal Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo, featuring lists of the duties and staff of the political, economic, cultural, consular, agricultural, and science departments, and about the Consulate General of the Netherlands in OsakaKobe.
    Welcome to the Consulate General
    of the Netherlands in Osaka-Kobe Please choose your language

    177. Welcome To The Royal Netherlands Embassy In Zagreb
    Site include informations about the Royal Netherlands Embassy, its consular, political, economy and trade, agriculture, culture and press, education and science, and environment and water management sections.
    Navigation Home

    The Embassy

    Consular Section
    ... Sitemap Number of visitors: webdevelopment:
    karolien molenaar

    Click here for a welcome by the Netherlands Ambassador in Zagreb
    H.K.H. Prinses Juliana overleden Verkiezingen Europees Parlement Click here for a link to the Croatia Page of the Netherlands Foreign Trade Agency - The most up-to-date information on Croatian business for Dutch entrepeneurs For a link to an online Dutch language course click here Het Gebaar compensatie van de Nederlandse regering voor de Nederlands-Indische Gemeenschap

    178. Ni-Ka Online - DFAIT / Ni-Ka En Direct - MAECI
    Offers information about investment, technology and science; political and economic relations, and about traveling and living in Japan. Has details of the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, the Consulates General in Osaka and in Fukuoka, the Consulate in Nagoya, and the trade sections of the offices of the Honorary Consuls in Hiroshima and Sapporo.
    Important Notices
    Avis importants English
    Important Notices
    Avis importants

    179. Netherlands Diplomatic And Consular Representation
    Royal Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo, featuring lists of the duties and staff of the political, economic, cultural, consular, agricultural, and science departments, and about the Consulate General of the Netherlands in OsakaKobe.
    Welcome to the Website of the Netherlands
    Diplomatic and Consular Representation in Japan This site is viewed best with Internet Explorer 6 at 1024x 768

    180. - 1000MB Web Hosting, 1000 Email Accounts, 50GB Transfer $7.50
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