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81. Free Online Lookups ZIP Codes, area codes, cities, states, addresses, information about nonprofit organizations, people who have contributed to political campaigns, and demographics. http://www.MelissaData.com/lookups/index.htm | |
82. Ohio Roundtable In The News - Speaker Discusses Political Trends ASHLAND TIMESGAZETTE. Wednesday, March 26, 1997. Speaker discusses political trends. By Tim Busbey. Times-Gazette Staff Writer Press Kit In The news Features. ASHLAND TIMES-GAZETTE The http://www.ohioroundtable.org/presskit/inthenews/news_ashland.html | |
83. OnTheIssues.org - Candidates On The Issues Topics in the news. are the summary results of our VoteMatch 20question politicalquiz, with This issue has the fewest people answering no opinion of any http://www.issues2000.org/default.htm | |
84. PFIR - People For Internet Responsibility people For Internet Responsibility (PFIR) is a global, grassroots, ad hoc network of individuals who are concerned about the current and future operations, development, management, and regulation of the Internet in responsible manners. The goal of PFIR is to help provide a resource for individuals around the world to gain an ability to help impact these crucial Internet issues, which will affect virtually all aspects of our cultures, societies, and lives in the 21st century. PFIR is nonpartisan, has no political agenda, and does not engage in lobbying. http://www.pfir.org/ | |
85. Usnews.com: Washington Whispers Daily: Main Page It s going to change the way people think for a I figured out Karl Rove s politicalstrategyÂmake gas so Copyright © 2004 US news World Report, LP All http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/whispers/whisphome.htm | |
86. Press For Change A political lobbying and educational organisation that campaigns for equal civil rights and liberties for all transgendered people in the United Kingdom, through legislation and social change. Extensive resources and a document library. http://www.pfc.org.uk/ | |
87. Creating Livable Alternatives To Wage Slavery (CLAWS): Greetings! Nonprofit educational, support and political advocacy group, as well as a resource clearinghouse, started by GenerationX people who share an interest in working together to generate viable alternatives to wage slavery. http://www.whywork.org | |
88. Canadian Politics the USA * US newspapers * US news archives * US television * US TV archives * USradio * US databases * US government * US politics * US crime * Find people http://www.journalismnet.com/canada/politics.htm | |
89. TopCities.com - Free Homepages For Everyone Affirms political and economic aid to resolve conflict, affect reconcilliation, freedom, trust, and rebuild cultures. Mailing list is available. http://peacelink.topcities.com | |
90. William Godwin An author with radical political views, Godwin published Enquiry into political Justice in 1793, in which he argued that as long as people acted rationally, they could live without laws or institutions. He had great influence on writers such as Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron. (17561836) http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRgodwin.htm | |
91. MSNBC - MSNBC Front Page computer Banner year forecast for online politics ads SAP TV news, TODAY NIGHTLYnews DATELINE. story of his difficult childhood, and the people who got http://www.msnbc.msn.com/ | |
92. Presidents Day Awash In Political Rhetoric Editorial about political rhetoric from February, 1996 issue of the University of Tennessee Daily Beacon. http://dailybeacon.utk.edu/issues/v71/n26/people.26v.html | |
93. ItchPAC - The Political Action Committee For People With Psoriasis A grassroots organization lobbying for rapid FDA approval of new psoriasis treatments. Includes group details and how to join. http://www.pandorf.com/itchpac/ | |
94. Politics As Punch Line | Csmonitor.com good laugh at a politician s expense, politicians aren t against all their best judgment,people will talk Colbert, an Indecision 2004 faux news correspondent http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0130/p16s01-altv.html | |
95. A Few Key Bits Of Bi Politics Article about the differences and samenesses of repression and discrimination of gay and lesbian people versus bisexual people. http://www.uncharted-worlds.org/bi/bipol.htm | |
96. A Patriot's Page: Forum For Political And Social Moderates discusses topics of interest to adults and young people, (Ex.bullying, censorship, and your ideal weight ). I am in the process of adding an instant feedback link http://hometown.aol.com/taff436363/myhomepage/politics.html/ | |
97. Close To Home Online Web companion to Moyers on Addiction Close to Home, the revolutionary PBS series that looks at drug addiction and recovery from a scientific, cultural, and political point of view. Features original health reporting, animations, and outreach programs for people who decide they want to get help. http://www.wnet.org/closetohome/home.html | |
98. One World....One People A discussion board for world conflicts (political, economic and cultural) and their solutions. http://www.geocities.com/one_tellurian | |
99. People For The American Way | Religious Freedom Civil libertarian organization opposing the political activities of the religious right in the U.S. and advocating strict separation of church and state. Talking points and position papers on current legislation and events. http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=111 |
100. Political Register Abstract Started in 1802, The political Register supported the Tories but he gradually became more radical. By 1815 the tax on newspapers had reached 4d. a copy and as few people could afford to pay 6d. or 7d., the tax restricted the circulation to people with fairly high incomes. Circulation was just over a thousand copies a week. The following year the political Register was published as a pamphlet selling for only 2d. and it soon had a circulation of 40,000 as the main newspaper read by the working class. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRregister.htm | |
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