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181. Independent Media Center Www.indymedia.org ((( I ))) KPFT news and Free Speech Radio news watch video Pacific island nation of 12,000people, the by Extremists Stephen Cohen Diagnoses the political Crisis in http://www.indymedia.org/ |
182. Grand Old Products Manufactures political apparel; polo shirts, golf shirts, Tshirts, caps and sportswear- for GOP minded people. http://www.grandoldproducts.com |
183. People's Action Party Website Singapore leading political party. It has won every General Elections ( GE ) and thus also the governing party since the country's independence in 1965. In the last GE it won all but two elected constituency seats in Parliament. http://www.pap.org.sg/ |
184. Hakikazi Catalyst - Promoting Civil Society Exchanging ideas on how to promote the rights of all people to fully participate on social, technical, economic, environmental and political issues. http://www.hakikazi.org/ | |
185. International Development Exchange (IDEX) Builds partnerships to overcome economic and social injustice and work toward people's greater control over their resources, political structures, and economic processes that affect their lives. http://www.idex.org/ | |
186. We The People Membership organization dedicated to political reform and social justice, through study, citizen action and local organizing. http://www.wtp.org/ | |
187. Chatbites International forum where people are invited to voice their opinions on any subject. Come join us and exercise your mind. Post your poems and pictures and participate in political and religous discussion. http://chatbites.com/forum/ikonboard.cgi | |
188. Haiti Reborn Haiti Reborn, a project of the Quixote Center, works in the United States on behalf of the Haitian people to build an active grassroots solidarity movement and to advocate for a more just U.S. foreign policy. Haiti Reborn acts as a center of information to combat negative stereotypes, and provides indepth political, economic and social analysis. To compliment this work at a structural level, we fund community-based initiatives which empower Haitians at the grassroots. http://haitireborn.org | |
189. Conflict Research Center An independent, nonpolitical, non-government and non-profit organization. Aims to promote a conflict transformation learning environment for Azerbaijani people, to enhance their understanding and participation a peaceful and responsible civil community. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/9754/index.htm | |
190. The White Lung Association Organization for people with asbestosrelated diseases; information about diseases and political developments. http://www.whitelung.org/ | |
191. CIA - The World Factbook -- Bhutan Contains information about the country, political system, geography, people, military, economy and transportation. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bt.html | |
192. The Peoples Democracy Quotes from the USA founding fathers on democratic and constitutional principles and a set of positive and plainly stated proposals to reform American political infrastructure providing better democracy and government. http://www.thepeoplesdemocracy.org | |
193. ABCNEWS.com : Arnold's New Battle: His Past see the story, is not true. But he then added, I have done things that at the timeI thought then was playful but now I recognize that I have offended people http://abcnews.go.com/sections/wnt/Politics/arnold031002_past.html | |
194. The Pew Research Center For The People & The Press The Pew Research Center for the people and the Press 1150 18th Street, NW Suite975 Washington, DC 20036 p 202.293.3126 f 202.293.2569 e mailprc@peoplepress http://people-press.org/ | |
195. CWIS An independent, nonprofit organization; studies and promotes the ideas and knowledge of indigenous peoples and their social, economic and political status. Fourth World Documentation Project online library; information on CWIS sponsored educational programs. http://www.cwis.org/ | |
196. George Lakoff Tells How Conservatives Use Language To Dominate Politics http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/10/27_lakoff.shtml | |
197. Obituaries Today Mitchell Sharp, political Elder http://www.obituariestoday.com/Obituaries/ObitShow.cfm?Obituary_ID=31605 |
198. Tamil Eelam Home Page Rajan Sathiyamoorthy has created confusion in Batticaloa at a time when the peopleof northeast were preparing to express their political aspirations through http://www.eelam.com/ | |
199. EFA - European Free Alliance The DPPEEFA is a European political party which unites nationalist, regionalist and autonomist parties in the European Union. http://www.efa-dppe.org/ | |
200. Capital News Online | News | Recruitment At 35,000 Ft. It s not bad for family life. . White says they also wanted to let peopleknow pilots are like everyone else. 19972003 Capital news Online. http://www.carleton.ca/jmc/cnews/n1.shtml | |
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