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41. Children's Charter Of South Africa consultations or negotiations about their future. The government and other political parties have put children last, not first. http://www.anc.org.za/misc/childcht.html | |
42. Town Hall - Election Information Overview speaker s two appointees must come from different political parties. Board members serve staggered, five year terms. www.nyccfb.info/debates_vg/index.htm. misc. http://www.smalltownbrooklyn.com/townhall/elections/generalelectioninfo.html | |
43. Republican Democracy In Nepal!!! political parties, too, should express their commitment to this campaign. We donÂt know how the political parties have taken the voice raised in the streets. http://www.nepalicongress.org.np/contents/misc/ndyc_sg_1.php | |
44. G.P. Koirala : Present Situation The above approach, aimed at resolving the present crisis permanently, likes to draw the attention of all political parties, Human Rights Activists, Civil http://www.nepalicongress.org.np/contents/misc/gp_present_situation.php | |
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46. Political Information And Links uk.politics.misc is a group aimed at wide ranging discussion, the only For discussion of the ideological differences between the political parties in the UK http://www.cibwr.freeserve.co.uk/politics.html | |
47. Independents For Clark Misc Erata Service October 14, 2003. misc Erata Service. ..when Americans make soldiers into symbols, or when political parties make generals into saviors. http://centristcoalition.com/blog/clark/archives/000194.html |
48. Chile DXing The Land Of Crazy Geography bankruptcy. However, the only groups interested in buying stations in these economically troubled times were the political parties. The http://www.swl.net/patepluma/south/misc/chiledx.html |
49. Links To Political Internet Sites: Page 2 http//www.ozpolitics.info/misc/links.htm Parliament of Politics of Australian Cities, States, parties and Federal por The Keele Guide to political Thought and http://members.ozemail.com.au/~natinfo/links2.htm | |
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51. Gender Updates that the system of proportional representation is more conducive to facilitate womenÂs access to political office, because political parties can actively http://www.undp.org.za/misc/genderupdate2.html |
52. Politics With French (BA) Core course, The Making of Modern Europe II, R9017, 1, 18. Complex/misc Rule, Intensive French 1B, R1109, 1, 36. political parties and Party Systems, L2034, 3, 36. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/irp/L2R12U.html | |
53. Politics1 - Guide To American Political Parties US political and Election news from around the nation by Ron Gunzburger, publisher of the award-winning Politics1.com site http://www.politics1.com/parties.htm | |
54. Talk.bizarre Message 1992Oct7.185629.21811@cs.ucla.edu Newsgroups alt.politics.usa.misc,alt.politics.reform,talk.bizarre, talk.politics.misc Subject New political Party Date 7 Oct 92 185629 GMT Keywords Rich http://www.perry.com/bizarre/lmsparty.html | |
55. UK Politics Directory - Elections, Parties And Government Links: Misc Party (http//come.to/bddp/). A fictitious party that fooled a lot of people. ( Added 23May-2001 Hits 57 ) Rate This Link. British Politics Pages (http//www http://www.uk-p.org/Misc/ | |
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57. Ghana, Government & Politics Council of State. District Assemblies. political parties. National Anthem. Coat of Arms. Public Holidays. political History. Bill on political parties. Election2000. Electoral Commision. political parties. The 10 registered parties in 2003 were http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/ghana/politics/party.html | |
58. Politics, Soviet-style He had, for years, been active in the political reform process, and was nominated by his party to represent his area in the regional legislative body. http://www.ballot-access.org/misc/gordon010215.html | |
59. Fight The Bias - Newsletter Archives misc. Thomas Legislative Data Current Legislative Texts, Congressional Records. Judicial Watch The fight against political corruption. This Day In History. http://www.fightthebias.com/Links/links.htm | |
60. The Big Picture - Leading Industry Contributions The Center for Responsive Politics. 39%. 19. misc Manufacturing Distributing. PAC, soft and individual contributions over $200 to federal candidates and parties. http://www.opensecrets.org/pubs/bigpicture2000/overview/lead.ihtml | |
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