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161. UNICEF End Decade Databases - Polio No. 19 Global eradication of poliomyelitis by the year 2000. The Challenge The original hope was to eradicate polio by the year 2000. http://www.childinfo.org/eddb/polio/ | |
162. Prinses Beatrix Fonds Het Prinses Beatrix Fonds spant zich sinds 1956 in om de kwaliteit van leven van pati«nten met polio, MS, Parkinson, Huntington en ruim 600 andere spierziekten en aandoeningen zo hoog mogelijk te houden. http://www.beatrix.nl/ |
163. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Polio Page last updated 17 March 2003. Comments bubl@bubl.ac.uk. Development of polio Vaccines Describes the discovery and development of the poliomyelitis vaccine. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/p/polio.htm | |
164. Jaipur Foot - Provides Free Artificial Limbs, Polio Calipers To Amputees And Dis Provides free artificial limbs, jaipur foot, polio calipers, crutches, prosthesis to amputees and disabled in India and abroad. http://www.jaipurfoot.org/ | |
165. News War on polio obstructed by radical clerics. By Declan Walsh in Nairobi. 21 March 2004. The worldwide campaign to eradicate polio, which http://news.independent.co.uk/world/africa/story.jsp?story=503426&host=3&dir=70 |
166. NEW HOPE India Organization working with people who have leprosy. Raises funds for crippled childrens polio surgery and street children rehabilitation. http://www.zyworld.com/newhopeindia/index.html | |
167. AllAfrica.com: PanAfrica: Health: Last Round In Polio Fight Health Last Round in polio Fight. Email latest. The original aim to eradicate polio worldwide in 2005 remains in place, said Heymann. http://allafrica.com/stories/200405200690.html | |
168. NEW HOPE India Organization working with people who have leprosy. Raises funds for crippled childrens polio surgery. Donors needed for street children rehabilitation. Also accepts other help from volunteers. http://www.zyworld.com/newhopeindia/ | |
169. Reviews2 by Viera Scheibner Ph.D. This book (published 1993) is a concise summary of the results of orthodox medical research into vaccines and their effects. It aims to inform medical professionals, parents and the general public about short and longterm dangerous side-effects, including brain damage and death, of vaccines; of the ineffectiveness of vaccines in preventing infectious diseases, as shown by epidemics in fully vaccinated populations; and the causal link between DPT and polio vaccines and cot death. http://www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr/reviews2.html#vaccination | |
170. Vaccine InfoCenter Vaccine news and information about vaccine side effects, including thimerosal, the polio vaccine, the MMR vaccine and more. http://www.vaccineinfocenter.com/ | |
171. DeForest Press - Publisher Of Quality Books And Cards Independent publisher of books featuring reallife stories about polio, WWI and managing stress. http://www.deforestpress.com | |
172. CNN.com - Tests Rule Out AIDS Link To Polio Vaccine - September 11, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/09/11/health.virus/index.html | |
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