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41. Http//britishpolio.org http//britishpolio.org/. http://www.britishpolio.org/ | |
42. The Polio Quiz Translate this page The polio Quiz. Take the polio Quiz! ¡Responde al Cuestionario sobre la polio! Réponds au questionnaire sur la polio! Responda o Teste da Pólio! http://www.unicef.org/voy/quiz/polio.html | |
43. Vacunas Polio De Aventis Pasteur Informaci³n sobre la vacunaci³n contra los virus de la polio. Historial de la investigacion y desarrollo de la vacuna. http://www.polio-vaccine.com/es/index.html |
44. Lincolnshire Post-Polio Library [BROMOCRIPTINE IN THE TREATMENT OF POST-POLIO FA Report on a scientific study on bromocriptine in the treatment of postpolio fatigue. http://www.ott.zynet.co.uk/polio/lincolnshire/library/harvest/bromo.html | |
45. PBS - Retired Site The A Paralyzing Fear The Story of polio in America site has been retired from pbs.org. To find related content, try a keyword http://www.pbs.org/storyofpolio/ | |
46. Lincolnshire Post-Polio Library [Anticholinesterase-responsive Neuromuscular Jun Article about anticholinesteraseresponsive neuromuscular junction transmission defects in post-poliomyelitis fatigue. http://www.zynet.co.uk/ott/polio/lincolnshire/library/trojan/anticholinesterase_ | |
47. Centre For The Rehabilitation Of The Disabled Offers shelter, community programmes, support groups, and physiotherapy treatement for children affected with polio. http://www.poliohomechildren.org/ | |
48. SAPP Online Information on polio, postpolio syndrome, diagnosis, treatment, biographies, links to other resources, and equipment for the disabled. http://freenet.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/health/polio/ | |
49. Development Of Polio Vaccines Access Excellence Classic Collection. Development of polio Vaccines. by Bonnie World Health and the Eradication of polio. The discovery http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/polio.html | |
50. CNN.com - For Polio Survivors, Another Hurdle Decades Later - June 4, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/conditions/06/04/post.polio/index.html | |
51. Arctica: Tell Me More About Polio Tell Me More About polio. polio is caused by damage to the motor neurons (or voluntary nerves) of the spinal cord after an infection by the poliovirus. http://www.accessexcellence.org/arc/polio.html | |
52. CNN - Polio Vaccine Policy May Change - June 16, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9906/16/polio.vaccine.01/index.html | |
53. UN Polio Cases Spreading CNN http://cnn.com/2004/WORLD/africa/03/19/nigeria.polio.ap/index.html |
54. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Poliomyelitis Alternative names Return to top. polio; Infantile paralysis Definition Return to top. poliomyelitis polio occurs worldwide. However http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001402.htm | |
55. CNN.com - Three Nigerian States Halt Polio Vaccinations Over AIDS Fears - Oct. 2 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/10/27/nigeria.polio.reut/index.html | |
56. CNN.com - Islamic-ruled Nigerian State Rejects Polio Vaccine - Feb. 22, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/WORLD/africa/02/22/nigeria.polio.ap/index.html | |
57. POLIO CONNECTION **** polio CONNECTION OF AMERICA****. polio VICTIMS ARE EXCEPTIONAL PEOPLE . Welcome, polio Survivors to our Home, our polio Information Home Page. http://www.geocities.com/w1066w/ | |
58. Welcome To The Post-Polio Resource Group Formed by polio survivors to provide information and support to polio survivors and their families and to educate the medical community and the general public about postpolio syndrome (PPS). http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/4760/ | |
59. Vaincre La Poliomyélite polio dus au virus http://www.polio-vaccine.com/ | |
60. Mazzy's Castle Life as a polio survivor, and facing disability a second time with Postpolio Syndrome. http://www.ppsweb.net/mazzy/ |
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