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21. Post-Polio Syndrome Information And More Sylvia and Marilyn's page on several disability topics and other interests. http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/eagle/1135 | |
22. PICO - History A Brief History of polio. From Ancient Egypt to the 20th Century. polio has probably caused paralysis and death for most of human history. http://cumicro2.cpmc.columbia.edu/PICO/Chapters/History.html | |
23. Home Support group for people with Postpolio Syndrome in the Phoenix, AZ area. There is information on the local chapters and their activities and speakers as well as updated articles and events to come. http://polioecho.org | |
24. CDC Travelers' Health Information On Poliomyelitis rapidly after the licensure of inactivated polio vaccine in 1955 and oral polio vaccine in the 1960s http://www.cdc.gov/travel/diseases/polio.htm | |
25. End Of Polio http://www.endofpolio.org/ |
26. GGD - Polio Informatie van de GGD over kinderverlamming. http://www.ggd.net/infobank/onderwerp.asp?RegioID=26&Onderwerp=71 |
27. End Of Polio http://www.endofpolio.org/home.html |
28. Polio Victims Suffering Relapse In Later Years CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/conditions/04/01/polio.again.ap.ap/index.html |
29. Rotary International: The Rotary Foundation: PolioPlus: PEFC polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign Information. Fulfilling Our Promise Eradicate polio. Campaign Contributions. Seven countries remain polio endemic. http://www.rotary.org/foundation/polioplus/donate/information.html | |
30. CNN.com - No AIDS-related Viruses Found In 1950s-era Polio Vaccine - September 1 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/AIDS/09/12/polio.vaccine/index.html | |
31. Post-Polio-Med Postpolio-Med Listserv email list for questions and answers about post polio syndrome, polio postpolio poliomyelitis. http://www.skally.net/ppmed/ | |
32. Lincolnshire Post-Polio Library [Dr. Henry Writes Bulbar And Spinal Polio] From the Lincolnshire postpolio library, an article from Dr Henry about bulbar polio involving the brain stem, where the centers for the cranial nerves are located. http://www.zynet.co.uk/ott/polio/lincolnshire/library/drhenry/bulbar.html | |
33. Lincolnshire Post-Polio Network - Main Gate To Polio And Post-Polio Information Lincolnshire Postpolio Network Main Gate. An Information Service for polio Survivors Medical Professionals. The core of this http://www.ott.zynet.co.uk/polio/lincolnshire/ | |
34. Lincolnshire Post-Polio Network - Reception [Site Guide] Lincolnshire Postpolio Network Reception. An Information Service for polio Survivors Medical Professionals. Tom Walter - A polio Survivor. http://www.ott.zynet.co.uk/polio/lincolnshire/index1.html | |
35. This Page Has Moved More than 600 cases have occurred since March, most of whom were among children younger than five years old. At least 39 people have died. The first cases were reported in the capital city of Luanda and neighboring areas in Bengo province. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpb/lcdc/osh/po_ang_e.html | |
36. Harvest Center's Post-Polio Page polio and PPS educational AUDIO tapes, the COMPUTERIZED ASSESSMENT PROGRAM to help local docs diagnose and treat your PPS, downloadable articles on PPS http://members.aol.com/harvestctr/pps/polio.html | |
37. WHO: Poliomyelitis FEATURES. polio eradication now more than ever, stop polio forever. HIV/AIDS. 3 by 5 Initiative WHO s drive to provide HIV/AIDS http://www.who.int/health_topics/poliomyelitis/en/ | |
38. Vaccination Polio Aventis Pasteur Informations sur la vaccination contre les virus de la polio. Historique sur la recherche et le d©veloppement du vaccin contre la polio. Par un laboratoire pharmaceutique. http://www.polio-vaccine.com/fr/index.html |
39. UNICEF - Immunization Plus - Introduction Latest. Press release Asian and North African countries close to ending polio, announce accelerated plans to mopup new cases. Publications http://www.unicef.org/immunization/ | |
40. Post Polio Presenta informazioni sulla poliomielite e fornisce utili indicazioni per i sintomi, le cause, la diagnosi e le terapie relative alla sindrome postpolio. http://www.postpolio.it/ | |
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