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1. PICO: Introduction And Contents The polio Information Center Online (PICO) provides information about poliovirus, the causative agent of paralytic poliomyelitis and also an important model system for studying viruses in the family http://cumicro2.cpmc.columbia.edu/PICO/PICO.html | |
2. Post-Polio Health International (PHI) Coordinator of International polio Network (IPN) and International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN), collects, creates, and disseminates information for people with disabilities, specifically polio survivors and ventilator users. Information includes newsletters, directories, and books about independent living, home mechanical ventilation, and the late effects of poliomyelitis. http://www.post-polio.org | |
3. Polio Large postpolio resource. Topics ranging from Post-polio syndrome - the new challenge of an old disease. polio Experience Network http://www.polionet.org/ | |
4. MedlinePlus: Polio And Post-Polio Syndrome P Q R S T U V W XYZ List of All Topics. polio and Postpolio Syndrome MEDLINE for recent research articles on polio and Post-polio Syndrome http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/polioandpostpoliosyndrome.html | |
5. Rotary International: PolioPlus worldwide from the cruel and fatal consequences of polio. In 1988, the World Health Assembly challenged the world to eradicate polio. Since that time, Rotary's http://www.rotary.org/foundation/polioplus | |
6. PPS CENTRAL - Post Polio Related Info On The Internet Search or browse this comprehensive listing of PPS postpolio, post polio syndrome internet resources, original papers, surveys and polls. http://www.skally.net/ppsc/ | |
7. Global Polio Eradication THE GLOBAL ERADICATION OF polio A WORLD WITHOUT polio. The goal of the Global polio Eradication Initiative is to ensure that no http://www.polioeradication.org/ | |
8. Polio polio is a contagious, historically devastating disease that, in most cases, actually produces no symptoms at may not suspect they have polio because their sickness is limited to http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/bacterial_viral/polio.html | |
9. All Science News In One Place - UniSci Scientists declared the Western Hemisphere "poliofree" in 1994; two years later, only 4 000 cases were reported worldwide. Wild polio virus has been largely confined to http://unisci.com/polio.shtml | |
10. A Science Odyssey: On The Edge: Paralyzing Polio: 1 Of 9 Brief history of Salk's efforts to stop polio; written in comicbook style. From PBS. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/ontheedge/polio/ | |
11. Global Polio Eradication Initiative, News And Information - World Health Organiz World Health Organization website on all aspects of the global initiative to eradicate poliomyelitis, including technical information on polio, vaccines against polio, the current status of erdication by WHO Region, and background material. http://www.who.int/vaccines-polio/ |
12. Landsforeningen Af Polio-, Trafik- Og Ulykkesskadede Interesseforening, med medlemstilbud, forskning, nyheder, informationsmateriale og projekter. http://www.ptu.dk/ |
13. Post-Polio About polio A Specialist s Note. Frequently Asked Questions about Postpolio Syndrome by Dave Graham. 1 How do I know if I have post-polio syndrome? http://www.polionet.org/PPS.htm | |
14. Post Polio Syndrome Resources - Polio/PPS Information For Polio Survivors. A personal web page with links to polio/PPS and other Disability Information. http://www.ppsr.com/ | |
15. Polio Vaccine - Drugs & Vitamins - Drug Library - DrugDigest Patient FAQ in html format. http://www.drugdigest.org/DD/DVH/Uses/0,3915,552|Polio+Vaccine,00.html | |
16. Post-Polio Health International (PHI) - 2 Postpolio Health International including International Ventilator Users Network HOMEPost-polio Health International. Post-polio Health http://www.post-polio.org/ipn/ | |
17. Bundesverband Polio E. V. In Deutschland Translate this page Logo Bundesverband polio - zur Startseite, Bundesverband Spätfolgen der Kinderlähmung,. insbesondere über das. Post-polio-Syndrom. Der http://www.polio.sh/ | |
18. Polio Learn about polio, its causes, symptoms and treatment. http://www.mamashealth.com/polio.asp | |
19. Post-Polio Network Of NSW Inc Directory THE LATE EFFECTS OF polio. Some twenty or thirty years after contracting polio, 70% of people experience new symptoms. Postpolio Network (NSW) Inc. http://www.post-polionetwork.org.au/index2.html | |
20. 1 polio is a disease caused by a virus. It enters a childs ( or adults) body through the mouth. Sometimes it does. not cause serious illness. But sometimes it causes. paralysis (cant move arm or leg) . http://www.cdc.gov/nip/publications/VIS/vis-IPV.pdf |
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