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81. Unasylva - No. 160 - Forestry And Food Security - "Hungry Season" Food From The In the semiarid pokot region of Kenya, tuyunwo (Balanites aegyptiaca) is highly Large mammals and a brave people subsistence hunters in Zambia. indigenous vs http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/T7750E/t7750e03.htm | |
82. Rehabilitating The Baringo Drylands Of Kenya elders of the semipastoralist Tugen, pokot, and Njemps ethnic groups, which are indigenous to the Wilson Chebungei, one of the first people to plant a http://www.scienceinafrica.co.za/2001/september/kenya.htm | |
83. Relma The report documents indigenous soil conservation and land in Chepareria Division, West pokot District, Kenya Parks and peopleconservation and livelihoods at http://www.relma.org/Publications_Reports.htm | |
84. Cheap Shopping US - Ritual Doctor (Kenya) pokot Witch Doctor (Kenya) pokot Dance (Kenya etc Quite often when you hear people talk of Not trumpets or saxophones but an indigenous horn on http://www.cheap-shopping.us/info-B00006C760.html | |
85. Publication AIDS and appropriate databases, into indigenous languages, such artists amongst us, the people living with to village, each December West pokot, Baringo, Kenya http://www.icad-cisd.com/content/pub_details.cfm?ID=37&CAT=3&lang=e |
86. Minorities At Risk (MAR) Analytic Summary The Kalenjin are indigenous (TRADITN = 1) and semi ethnic groups (the Kipsigis, Nandi, pokot, Marakwet, Keiyo Cultural Atlas for Young People. http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/kenkalen.htm | |
87. OneWorld.net - Full Coverage: Africa South africa threatened by drought Liberia resta grave la situazione umanitaria Slums have a history too Sudafrica riconosciuto ai popoli indigeni il diritto alle loro terre Zimbabwe arrestati http://www.oneworld.net/article/country/950/800 | |
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