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41. Nonesuch Explorer Series - East Africa: Witchcraft & Ritual Music - Stylus Magaz sound of the rapidly disappearing indigenous African song in the lives of the Kenyan people recorded on of healing and medicine returns on Âpokot Witch Doctor http://www.stylusmagazine.com/review.php?ID=1119 |
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°Ãû ï¿ analysis of the pokot people, an unreached people group in East africa, and to beliefs, thereby increasing the likelihood of a pokot indigenous Christianity http://libweb.kbtus.ac.kr/volcanoi/global/docs/s_detail.html?mastid=126731&p_han |
43. OneWorld.net - Full Coverage: Africa will do little or nothing for poor people. Related topics/regions Central africa indigenous rights Environment Karamojong to the west, pokot and Samburu http://www.oneworld.net/article/country/950/780 | |
44. The East Africa Four Literacies Programme Activities (pokot Kiletat Women s Group, Kenya PKG); Facilitating village work effectively with young people in our organisations and using their indigenous wisdom can http://www.fourliteracies.org/local level activities2.htm | |
45. News From Africa - English Version - KENYAN CULTURES AND OUR VALUES article, I set out to discuss indigenous Kenyan cultures and Among the pokot of Baringo, an adulterous man was In Kenya today, many people vie for positions of http://italy.peacelink.org/newsfromafrica/articles/art_4484.html | |
46. InDRA Medewerkers did his PhD study among the pokot in Kenya on livelihood stress in drylands in africa and India. areas are on selfgovernance of indigenous people and problems http://www2.fmg.uva.nl/ontwikkelingsstudies/medewerkers.html | |
47. ReliefWeb: Horn And East Africa Food Crisis: Update 10 Aug 2000 ACK) in South Turkana and West pokot, north eastern by a partner supporting the indigenous Karayu group emergency grant to provide 15,000 people with cereals http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/0/841185ed850b5cc4c125693e00333250?OpenDocume |
48. ReliefWeb: East Africa: IRIN News Briefs, 19 July and reconciliation efforts among the pokot, Karamojong, Turkana Awareness Trust Fund (TAYOA), an indigenous NGO, plans there were 1.5 million people of concern http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/0/8977cf5351b56a3085256a8e005a208a?OpenDocume |
49. Activities In Africa Hutu Bantu, and there was also the indigenous Twa in cattle rustling disputes between the pokot and the asking questions of a broad range of people, as required http://www.deborda.org/activities_africa.htm | |
50. People And Plants Online - The African Ethnobotany Network 1 - Bibliography Trees and pastoralists the case of the pokot and Turkana. The resource value of indigenous plants to rural people in a low agricultural potential area. http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants/regions/africa/aen1/biblio.htm | |
51. Search: to allow community management of plantations and indigenous forest in 1976, but values and practices of the seminomadic pokot and Turkana peoples of Kenya http://www.odi.org.uk/fpeg/search/keywords/u.html | |
52. Afbooks.html book covers the history and culture in text and photographs of an indigenous group of african people. Choose from East africa Masaii, pokot, Samburu, Rendille http://www.ethnicartsnfacts.com/catalog/books/urb_book.html | |
53. »»Africa Music Reviews«« pokot Witch Doctor (Kenya); pokot Dance (Kenya); Song of Quite often when you hear people talk of African Not trumpets or saxophones but an indigenous horn on 2 http://www.megamusicreviews.com/International/Africa/Africa_13.html | |
54. Sunday Times - South Africa's Best Selling Newspaper He is one of the best people in Kenya to take We drive back into the hills, through indigenous forest, mist To our right is Lake Baringo, the pokot plains in http://www.suntimes.co.za/2002/07/14/lifestyle/travel/travel01.asp | |
55. Ex-post Evaluation Company, Western Seed Company and East africa Seed Company that it built on local indigenous knowledge and pokot people living in the project area were already http://www.iapad.org/wei_wei_project/awards.htm | |
56. Killeshandra: The Holy Rosary Convent part of East africa (Kenya), among the pokot people. sisters had moved into Central africa (Zambia) where in the formation of two indigenous Sisterhoods, one http://www.iol.ie/~galwill/hrconv.htm | |
57. Template In this indigenous rural culture the woman is the are of great importance among the pokot, a people in this volume in the Heritage Library of African peoples. http://urbanafreelibrary.org/cdblhimo.htm | |
58. Blackwing Safaris Kenya Itineraries spectacular scenary, and we visit the indigenous nomads who to Lake Baringo, home of the pokot and Njemps of the Tugen, Elgeyo and Marakwet peoples and there http://www.kilimanjaro.com/safaris/blackwin/kenya.htm |
59. The First African Indigenous Women's Conference the International Decade of the indigenous People (1995 2004) offer to the African indigenous women an Kenya / County Council of pokot, Kenya / Turkana http://www.mondeberbere.com/aza/autochtones98/femmes_autochtones_eng.htm | |
60. Search: and practices of the seminomadic pokot and Turkana and analyses a range of indigenous forest management to achieving effective participation by local people.. http://www.odifpeg.org.uk/search/keywords/i.html | |
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