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81. AOL Canada Search: Search Results SubCategories In specific Titles of Devonshire A historical 18th century Georgianbiography, written by Leo Daugherty s interview with the poet Allen Ginsberg http://search.aol.ca/cat.adp?id=255777&layer=&from=subcats |
82. BIOGRAPHIES Research Guide - UCF Libraries as a critical summary of each poet s career Use index volume to locate author/specificwork Literature Resource Center Provides biographies, bibliographies, and http://library.ucf.edu/Reference/Guides/Biographies.htm | |
83. Poetry Links Click below to go directly to a specific link category, or just Poetry GeneralPoetry - Journals Poets - biographies Literary Orgs - NC Vicinity Literary http://www.sleepycreek.net/poetry/links.htm | |
84. Colby College Libraries: Research: Poetry lead to detailed explications of specific poems published published texts, criticalstudies, biographies and letters background reading s. The poets covered are http://www.colby.edu/library/research/guides/poetry.shtml | |
85. WCHS Media Classlinks-Poetry 7. The Poetry Center biographies and poetry excerpts. a great site to check all typesof different poets. using an editing checklist with specific examples of http://wchs.warren.k12.in.us/general/classlinks_poetry.htm | |
86. Find A Poet Find a poet Site provides biographical information, links to Web sites, and some fulltext poetry of more than 450 poets. Site is arranged alphabetically with a browsable list. The Academy of http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.poets.org/poets/index.cfm&y=0202 |
87. The Resources The Resources. The Poets Bookshelf. Poetry Hall of Fame. Poets' Corner The largest, most diverse, and most userfriendly public library of poetic works ever assembled. an electronic archive of http://www.frederick.k12.va.us/wq/poet/resources.htm | |
88. Resources For Researching Poets And Poetry Biography and Genealogy Master Index. PR19 .S6) Includes biographical informationon major poets and general index volume to locate entries on specific writers http://www.lib.jmu.edu/literature/poets.htm | |
89. Biography in the history of mysticism, poets and philosophers. and Women of the World Providesbiographies of great General and specific biographical titles of today s http://www.supercrawler.com/Reference/Biography/ | |
90. SFCC Library Guide: Poets & Their Times journals. Use the title index in the most recent volume to find specificpoems. biographies of famous poets are found here. Critical http://library.spokanefalls.edu/guides/poetry.stm | |
91. Recommended Web Sites: Poetry And Quotations and a list of top poems and poets; Drama, Poetry Find in your browser to locate specificquotations within site with many resources such as biographies for over http://www.sno-isle.org/page/?ID=1134 |
92. FCPSÂ Instructional Services:Â Middle School Instruction New readings by poets are featured in each issue of a bibliography, and even a ShakespeareBiography Quiz. Use specific sections for just in time learning, or http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/DIS/OMSI/languagearts/CurriculumResources.html | |
93. Warrior Poet: A Biography Of Audre Lorde:Lots Of Good Books (Biography & Memoirs Books Warrior poet A Biography of Audre Lorde. All Products. http://biography.lotsofgoodbooks.com/us_bio-item_id-0393019543-search_type-AsinS | |
94. American Poetry Criticism AE5 .E363 1993) B. Subject specific encyclopedias Dictionary full text access tobiographies, bibliographies and Poets profiled in the Dictionary of Literary http://newarkwww.rutgers.edu/guides/ampoet.htm | |
95. Poetry Online Poetry Classroom http//www.onlinepoetryclassroom.org/ - containsbiographies and links to sites about specific poets. Poetry http://www.tcps.k12.md.us/ehs/lib/poetry.html | |
96. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Biographies to selected relevant Internet resources, compiled by a subject specialist, a subjectspecificbulletin board Provides biographies of the poets, a journal http://bubl.ac.uk/link/types/biographies.htm | |
97. Silver Sky- Poetry And Place In The Pacific Northwest Synthesizing biography and poetry, critical essays were written about each poet sspecific body of work, often refering to the poet s poems included in the http://academic.evergreen.edu/curricular/silversky/1Anth.htm | |
98. PATHFINDER: Canadian Literature In English Short biographies of fifty Canadian poets. League of Canadian Poets The nationalassociation of professional publishing and performing poets in Canada. http://www.info.library.yorku.ca/depts/ref/pathfinders/canlit.htm | |
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