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41. CanLinks - CanLiterary of images, and bibliographies pertaining to specific authors. Archive database issearchable by poet, title, keywords biographies of some of the more prominent http://lucking.net/canlinks/cl_canliterary.htm | |
42. Electronic Resource Centers guides or other documents relating to specific writers. American poets A great sourcefor biographies and bibliographies this site one can find a poet, visit a http://www.emcp.com/electronic_resource_centers/resourcelist.php?GroupID=433 |
43. Academics - Town School for a specific genre, or even better, a specific poet. a short (2 pages) biographyof the poet you have As with all complete biographies, you will cover the http://townschool.com/academics/departments/humanities/english_8/english_8_proje | |
44. The Poet's Bookshelf: Biographies Of Famous Poets Welcome to our research project page of twelve famous American poets. Enjoy reading our biographies of these great writers and our own personal analysis of one of their poems. Inventive Genius http://www.kyrene.k12.az.us/schools/brisas/sunda/poets/poet.htm | |
45. Love Poems? A Site Dedicated To American Poets - Poems - Biography The American Poets detailed below on Love poems link to specific sections providingfull size pictures and biographies of Famous American poets together with http://www.love-poems.me.uk/a_american poets.htm | |
46. Love Poems? A Site Dedicated To English Poets - Poems - Biography English Poets detailed below on Love poems link to specific sections providingfull size pictures and biographies of these Famous English Poets together with http://www.love-poems.me.uk/a_english_poets.htm | |
47. (( Prolepsis >> as an expression of a poet s life, as and unreflected outpouring of an aestheticallyrendered biography. situates the poetry in the specific cultural framework http://www.as.uni-hd.de/prolepsis/00_5_rom.html | |
48. Puerto Rican And Caribbean Poets Wilson Biography www.iconn.org. Click on Access from School and look for databaseWilson biographies Plus. specific Poets. Julia de Burgos Julia de Burgos. http://www.stratford.k12.ct.us/our_schools/bunnell_high/library_news/school_proj | |
49. Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) - African American Woman Poet - Pulitzer Prize Winn of poet Gwendolyn Brooks, plus essays and other analysis of specific Brooks poems.Links compiled by your About Guide to Women s History. Biography and http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/brooksgwendolyn/ | |
50. Poetrypenning A. Complete the poet Worksheet by writing a brief biography for each of the poetsbelow. Be sure to note any specific poetic devices employed by the poet(s). http://www.nisd.net/holmesww/technology/integration/web_quest/errington/poetrype | |
51. English Honor Roll Poetry includes info on 161 poets and analysis other cumulative documents thatdeal with specific writers. American Writers - biographies with link to other http://web1.caryacademy.org/facultywebs/delia_Decourcy/MIDLINK/englishhonorroll. | |
52. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Poetry these pages include several sections devoted to specific poets, a large Terms/. InfinitumPoetry Poetry by well known poets, their biographies, and short http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Poetry/ | |
53. American Poetry Includes a short biography of the poet, and links to some of their specific poetS http//www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/HUM/ENGL/canada/poet/e_birney.htm uofc. http://www.brigidine.qld.edu.au/Library/pathfinders/en11_American.poetry.htm | |
54. Websites relating to the topic, and resources on standards in specific area (such poet biographiesinclude Emily Dickinson, ee cummings, TS Eliot, Eugene Field, Robert http://bama.ua.edu/~premo001/websites.html | |
55. Jane Kenyon-A Literary Life Review 5) The task of the poet is to extend beyond the Here we see the specific poetic principles themost intriguing features of this critical biography is Timmerman http://www.nimblespirit.com/html/jane_kenyon-a_literary_life_re.htm | |
56. English 1213 Poetry Look for a subheading biography. For a collection of poems by a poet, do an author Ifthere are no collections by a specific poet, use Columbia Granger s Index http://arapaho.nsuok.edu/~archersa/enrightpoet.htm | |
57. Internet Public Library: Authors Sites here are about the work or lives of specific authors or Site includes membershipinformation, a calendar of events, biographies of poets, a find a http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum60.10.00/ | |
58. Poetry Report -Hamburger Encyclopedia of World Biography (R 920.03E) is an eighteen gives you a succinct biographicalprofile of your poet. consult for an overview of your specific poem http://www.portnet.k12.ny.us/schools/schreibr/slmc/poetryreport.htm | |
59. Pogo's Web Watch: #25, Cornucopia Of Poetry And Lit Sites, By Pogo ability to link the separate stanzas together using a specific form The Internet PoetArchives is another starter site for poets biographies and sample writings http://www.writethinking.net/Articles/pogo/pogo-09-10-02/pogo-09-10-02.html | |
60. LBCC Resources For African American Poets your assignment are Literature Research Center, Biography Resource Center simply enterthe name of the poet you are to focus your search on a specific piece of http://lib.lbcc.edu/monicawhite/orientations/poets.html | |
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