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21. Put The Title Of The Lesson Here your interpretation of the poem, citing specific examples. four poems and more thanone poet that is Completes biographies, finds wellknown and lesser-known http://www.coe.unt.edu/TeacherTools/webquests/poetry/FinalWeb Quest.htm | |
22. English Includes sites devoted to specific authors or works, drama, poetry, Canadian literature Finda poet Alphabetical listing with biographies, photos, poems http://belmont.sd62.bc.ca/virtual_library/English.htm | |
23. Literature: Poetry A personal website devoted to poetry, these pages include several sections devotedto specific poets, a large Searchable index of poems and poet biographies. http://www.puredirectory.com/Arts/Literature/Poetry/ | |
24. Hillsborough High School Library Media Center This site searches encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, books of quotations andsome subjectspecific titles to Find a poet - biographies, photos, and http://www.hillsborough.k12.nj.us/hhs/tempx/English.htm | |
25. Information Resources For English And Literature Search by subject, authors, title, or within a specific journal Also has poet biographies,references, commentaries, a glossary of terms, and links to reviewed http://www.library.unr.edu/subjects/english.html | |
26. Term Papers And More Model Term Papers Relating To Biographies The writer is particularly concerned with specific activities in which Anthony Downfall of Robert Lowell A 5 page biography of the poet Robert Lowell http://www.allpapers.com/top/biograph.htm | |
27. Full-text And Other Electronic Resources more than 80 GLBTspecific core periodicals important new featuresÂcommentaries,biographies, bibliographies, notes Looking up a poet s biography; Making poems http://library.citytech.cuny.edu/resources.html | |
28. Poetry : Anthologies Fully indexed and searchable, with illustrations and poet biographies. along withphotos, biographic notes and extensive links to other poetspecific sites. http://www.findpoetry.com/searchnow/Anthologies/ | |
29. EASTFIELD COLLEGE LIBRARY RESEARCH GUIDE Collections of poetry by the poet; Literary Criticism about a poetÂs works;biographies of the poet. Search by keyword using specific period or country (ex http://www.efc.dcccd.edu/er/library/Poetry.html | |
30. SCC-LRC/Library: Research Guide For Poetry books of poetry written by a specific person. poets Academy of American poets biographies(Gale) Classical poets C. poets (About.com) Find a poet (Academy of http://www2.scc-fl.edu/lrc/guides/poetry.htm | |
31. Homework Links Books Literature ie, mystery, humor, fantasy, etc.) and/or in a specific language. Online poetry Classroom Use the Find a poet feature to find biographies, photos, and http://www.southplainfield.lib.nj.us/homeworklinks/books.htm |
32. EPL.ca: Poetry Biography - Junior High subject area for subject headings specific to your Biography Resource Center Enteryour poet s name in Columbia Granger s World of poetry biographies of 500 http://www.epl.ca/EPLPathfinder.cfm?id=POETSFORG1 |
33. Cool Links On Literature - Ã
ÃäéáöÃñïÃôåò guides or other cumulative documents that deal with specific writers poet s Corner;poets.org Essays on poetry, biographies of more than 450 poets, text of http://www.haef.gr/american/refdesk/literature.html |
34. Romanticism On The Net 13 (February 1999) Most biographies resemble portraits in this respect they focus amidst the stormsof Helvellyn (the poet, that is for what was originally quite specific, and he http://www.erudit.org/revue/ron/1999/v/n13/005841ar.html | |
35. Poetry Society Skoolkit - Poets and Booktrust hold a database of contemporary writers complete with biographies,publisher and Ask the poet if they have any specific requirements for http://www.poetrysociety.org.uk/education/skoolkit/poets.htm | |
36. San Antonio Public Library:Â Poetry:Â Individual Poets for linking from other files to specific parts of for the study of this poet and novelist 15541628)English - Picture, several short biographies, excerpts from http://www.sat.lib.tx.us/html/individu.htm | |
37. Biographies And Reviews On Clark Ashton Smith - The Eldritch Dark Principal Facts of Biography by Donald SidneyFryer. cast back through memory to locatethe specific stories that overlapping vocations, working as a poet, as a http://www.eldritchdark.com/bio/ |
38. Ambrose The Poet - Encyclopedia Article About Ambrose The Poet. Free Access, No List of Welsh language poets. .. Fuller writer of verse and several biographies,including those areas of Israel which hold specific, significant religious http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Ambrose the poet | |
39. Bishop Kelly High School - Boise, Idaho roles of detectives tracking down specific information about works by poets withportraits, biographies, links to and paper, anthologies, haiku poet web sites http://www.bk.org/library/library_english.htm | |
40. :: Ez2Find :: Specific Titles Shopping Publications Books biographies specific Titles (63 Open New WindowGeorge Johnson s biography of the Leo Daugherty s interview with the poet. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Shopping/Publications/Books/ | |
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