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81. African American Literature Resources Key Sites on American Literature general, colonial, contemporary; Literary ResourcesEthnicities and Langston Hughes Jazz poet Biography and selected http://cobalt.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~krkvls/afrolit.html | |
82. CanLinks - CanLiterary resources include online texts, biographies, and bibliographical Canadian PoetsAn Annotated List of Resources Governor general s Awards (complete list from http://lucking.net/canlinks/cl_canliterary.htm | |
83. Food For Thought: Biographies Yamanoue Okura (Japanese poet), c.600c.733. Yamashita Tomoyuki (Japanesegeneral), 1885-1946. Yamazaki Ansai (Japanese philosopher), 1618-1682. http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_Y.htm | |
84. Biographical Books On The Civil War An authorative biography of the famous Confederate raider 592 book tell the storyof general Chamberlain from The story of poet Walt Whitman s activities during http://www.historyshopping.com/CWBooks.html | |
85. Powell's Books - Her Husband: Hughes And Plath: A Marriage By Diane Middlebrook Publisher Viking Books Subject general Subject Married her previous bestsellingbiographies, Middlebrook rises to comments about each poet s writing, about http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/product?isbn=0670031879 |
86. Poetry Alive! Student Research Page Author Studies Links to author biographies for young archive includes the work ofliving poets from around Also includes some general collections of work by http://www.poetryalive.com/students/research.html | |
87. The Jim Carroll Website: Full-Text Articles: Biographies New York Poets Writers, 1974. A biobibliographical guide to current writers infiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism Current Biography Yearbook. http://www.catholicboy.com/catholicboy.com-asp/almanac1998.asp | |
88. SCC-LRC/Library: Research Guide For Poetry poets Academy of American poets biographies (Gale) Classical poets Contemporarypoets (About.com) 18th C. poets (About.com) Find a poet (Academy of American http://www2.scc-fl.edu/lrc/guides/poetry.htm | |
89. Internet Public Library: Authors support to American poets, poetry publishers, and readers of poetry. Site includesmembership information, a calendar of events, biographies of poets, a find http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum60.10.00/ | |
90. Culture - English hundreds of poems by acclaimed modern poets from all The Pulitzer Prize journalism,fiction, drama, history, biography, poetry, general non-fiction http://www.clt.be/vila/cuen.htm | |
91. Biography in the history of mysticism, poets and philosophers. and Women of the World Providesbiographies of great general and specific biographical titles of today s http://www.supercrawler.com/Reference/Biography/ | |
92. General:Lots Of Good Books (Biography & Memoirs) within this Category. Books Warrior poet A Biography of Audre http://biography.lotsofgoodbooks.com/us_bio-mode-books-page_num-81-node-2375-loc | |
93. Resources For Researching Poets And Poetry Biography and Genealogy Master Index. (Ref PR19 .S6) Includes biographical informationon major poets and general articles on various aspects of poetry. http://www.lib.jmu.edu/literature/poets.htm | |
94. MMC RESOURCES Sirs (School Access) is a general reference database that contains thousands of Poetbiographies, a Kids Korner, and the YearÂs Best Poetry are included. http://www.tnte.com/mmc/mmcresources2.htm | |
95. American Poetry Criticism A. general encyclopedias Encyclopedia Americana (Ref AE5 .E333 full text access tobiographies, bibliographies and Poets profiled in the Dictionary of Literary http://newarkwww.rutgers.edu/guides/ampoet.htm | |
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