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61. Elementary Online Databases By Subject links. general Reference. Discoverer SIRS. Animals explanations. Includespoet biographies photos. Medicine Science. Discoverer SIRS. Animals http://www.tulsaschools.org/tps_depts/Fulton_library/Old Documents/elementary_on | |
62. American And English Literature Internet Resources and organizations such as the Academy of American Poets and the MLA. American Literature general Resources Features biographies and commentaries on American http://library.scsu.ctstateu.edu/litbib.html | |
63. Poetry - College Library Undergraduate Research Guide daily) Indexes over 2,000 generalinterest and bibliographies, and current articlesof American poets. which include lengthy biographies, bibliographies, web http://college.library.wisc.edu/resources/subject_guides/poetry.htm | |
64. Individual Lives James Beauregard, general Pierre Beauregard, general Pierre á Blake, William Theartist and poet is highlighted in A very good biography plus analysis and an http://amillionlives.com/ind_b.html | |
65. Biography Collections: General Collections general Collections. Arranged by theologians, philosophers, poets, composers, andartists Brady s National Portrait Gallery MEL biographies Excellent list of http://amillionlives.com/Collect_gen.html | |
66. LookSmart - Directory - General Poetry Guides And Collections Womenpoets Guide to women s poetry includes biographies and poems of 30 women poetsfrom around Zeal community and help build the general Poetry Guides http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us317898/us72640/us75940/?&sn= |
67. Poets - PeopleSpot.com Census Demographics Population. general biographies Photo Galleries Artists AthletesAuthors Celebrities Leaders Musicians Newsmakers Poets Scientists Women. http://www.peoplespot.com/notable/poets.htm | |
68. General Biography/Who s who http//www.refdesk.com/factbiog.html at the disposal of thegeneral public using The poet Callimachus solved the problem by compiling a http://www.tehuti.co.uk/Links/general.htm | |
69. Frigatezine- Poets' And Translators' Biographies She is also served as general Consul at the Romanian Consulate in César Vallejois one of Peru s most famous and challenging poets. Translators biographies. http://www.frigatezine.com/bio/biopoets.html | |
70. General $15.96 Customer Review This is the second edition of Solomon s biography of Beethoven CustomerReview DaPonte was a bonvivant; a scholar, a poet, a gentleman http://www.dropbears.com/amazon/type_browse/mode_2334/template_classical-music.h | |
71. Biographies biographies. Charbakhsh 1891 Tbilisi 1925), one of the most important Assyrian poetsof the in 1917 he was promoted to the rank of Director general of Finance http://www.diamandagalas.com/defixiones/biographies.htm | |
72. English Honor Roll Modern American Poetry includes info on 161 poets and analysis of their AmericanWriters - biographies with link to other resources by Donna Campbell general, http://web1.caryacademy.org/facultywebs/delia_Decourcy/MIDLINK/englishhonorroll. | |
73. Historical General Zedong Mao A Biography of Madame Mao Zedong Madame Mao A Biography of Madame Mao ZedongAs poet Revolutionary Leader Social Historical Perspectives Mao Zedong http://20th-century-history-books.com/Historical_General_Zedong.html | |
74. Literature Poets A searchable index of more than 200 poets, with biographies, photos, poems Literature general Resources Thousands of links to good websites about http://www.cuesd.tehama.k12.ca.us/library/lit1.htm | |
75. Saskatoon Public Library - Literature And Writing Resources Poets Biographical information on Canadian poets, including photos the TWUC MembershipPages for biographies and pictures general Resources on Authors and Books. http://www.publib.saskatoon.sk.ca/litwrit.html | |
76. Canadian Literature Links - Suite101.com University of Toronto A large selection of contemporary and 19th century Canadianpoets with biographies, bibliographies, and general information presented by http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/5705 | |
77. Subject Guide To Biography poetry Exhibit Find a poet on this site. poets American and British poets. Politicians. BiographiesBiographies Includes general biography sites famous http://dmcpl.dayton.lib.oh.us/adult/ref/bio.html | |
78. Graduate Library Ready Reference to current writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry as well as links to otherbiographies which may categories as absurdist, postmodernist, beat poet, etc http://www.lib.umich.edu/grad/readyref/biograph.html | |
79. Library Media Center authors. Modern American Poetry This site has biographical informationon poets of the 1800 s and 1900 s. general biographies. Lives http://www.concord.k12.nh.us/rms/biography.htm | |
80. Poetry Links Poetry general Poetry - Journals Poets - biographies Literary Orgs -NC Vicinity Literary Orgs - Nationwide Publishing - Opportunities. http://www.sleepycreek.net/poetry/links.htm | |
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