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41. Power Library Reference Online Provides information on many subjects including general reference,language poet biographies, a Kids Korner, and the YearÂs Best poetry http://mciunix.mciu.k12.pa.us/~chsweb/power_library.htm | |
42. Biographies - Umamov To Uzunov Rafael (17891845) Colombian president, diplomat, patriot, general - Venezuela 252-3 Nestor(1886-1931) Romanian author, engineer, poet, educator - Romania 1851. http://www.philately.com/philately/bioumuz.htm | |
43. Biographies - Peale To Peza PENEV, Penio (19301959) Bulgarian poet - Bulgaria 2676. PENG Dehuai (1898-1974)Chinese general, politician - Chinese People s Republic 2172-3. http://www.philately.com/philately/biopepe.htm | |
44. Internet Ready Reference Shelf A general Works World Almanac from FirstSearch Information Please Almanac Bartleby.com Academyof American poets Find poet s biographies and selected poems. http://library.utoledo.edu/find/readyref.html | |
45. Breedon Books - Biography & Memoirs history after an argument with the poet Laureate general history and biography titles. forBuckingham Palace and Belgravia, these accessible biographies show the http://www.breedonbooks.co.uk/subjects/biography.html | |
46. Homework Helper - Authors And Poets poets and poetry in general. Finda-poet http//www.poets.org/poets/index.cfm Oursite currently includes biographies, photos, and other information on http://www.mcallen.lib.tx.us/library/child/homework/authors.htm | |
47. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Bardesanes (Roman Catholic And Orthodox Churches: Genera Roman Catholic And Orthodox Churches general biographies. BardesanesbArdusA´nEzPronunciation Key, 154?Â222?, Christian philosopher and poet of Syria http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/B/Bardesan.html | |
48. Academy Of American Poets in comparing styles and gathering some general information. Booth to biographies,but not all biographies link back back to the Find a poet section without http://www.bowdoin.edu/~samato/IRA/reviews/issues/julaug00/poet.html | |
49. Gender-Related Reference Books work, personal statement from the poet regarding early influences, approaches towriting, or general views on 3volume set includes biographies, events, issues http://library.westmont.edu/bibinst/SearchAids/GenderRefBks.html | |
50. CATALAN POETRY own work or speaking about poetry or art in general. Each poet has combed his orher photo album, selected Francesc Parcerisas, biographies and bibliographies http://www.iua.upf.es/dotze_sentits/poetest/poetes.htm | |
51. Author Research Links general or NonLiterature biographies. Note It s tough finding web pagesby an author, poet, or illustrator that is not posted by a publisher. http://msd.k12.wi.us/departments/lmc/mslmc/biography.html |
52. New Biographies Robert Jones of Harrisonburg, Virginia, a retired brigadier general in the Carl Sandburga biography by Milton Meltzer A biography of the poet who became http://www.lomira.k12.wi.us/teachers/dineen/library2/Newbiographies.htm | |
53. Food For Thought: Biographies born American poet, editor), 18441890. Orellana, Francisco de (Spanish soldier,explorer), c.1490-c.1546. Orellana, Jose Maria (Guatemalan general, politician http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_O.htm | |
54. Research A Topic - Literature of more than 200 poets, with biographies, photos, poems and Calendar of Eventssearchable by poet, date, region See the general Sources section for links to http://library.csumb.edu/resources/subjects/lit.php | |
55. ENG 131 - Poetry Project Search Tips Try a general Keyword search For example Resource Center screen appears,type the poet s name in and click on any item under the biographies tab. http://webster.gtcc.cc.nc.us/library/eng131.html | |
56. Haverford Sexuality And Gender Alliance - Library biographies. City poet The Life and Times of Frank O Hara. Gooch, Brad. Woolf,Virginia. biographies. Dykes to Warch Out For. Altman, Dennis. general Queer. http://students.haverford.edu/saga/lib_subject.html | |
57. Roz Mov - Biographies Of the chapter s concise biographies of some 275 colorful personalities from the enemieswith allies, and was briefly made general and ruler BCE) Greek poet. http://www.qrd.org/qrd/www/world/europe/greece/roz_mov/biografi.html | |
58. Student Resource Center | Literature-Poetry-Mythology students and their teachers, as well as the interests of general readers poets.orgBrowse our collection of over 500 poet biographies, 1400 poems, and 100 audio http://www.waukeganschools.org/students/Literature | |
59. A Hotlist On American Poets ee cummings Biography and other links. Edwin Arlington Robinson - general information. JamesRussell Lowell - biography. Specific female poet information. http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listamericanna.html | |
60. American Poets & Poetry - Academic Info Sections includes Primary Texts ; Biography ; general Interest. Wilcox AmericanPoet Journalist Poems ; Books ; biographies ; Photographs ; Bibliography http://www.academicinfo.net/poetryam.html | |
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