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21. Biographies Of Afghans Abdul Hakeem Katawazai, Pashto, A general in the Afghan army. Syed Hassan Khan Hassan,Pashto, A poet and a Photo biographies will be added as they are available or http://www.afghanan.net/biographies/ | |
22. On-Campus Indexes Ultra School Edition (EBSCO) *Magazine articles of general interest for Chadwyck)Poems full text, collection of (includes poet biographies) *poetry 20th http://www.accd.edu/pac/lrc/oncamptopic.htm | |
23. Wilfred Owen: War Poet. of Yeats on war poetry in general and on biographies biographies of several authors,most related to World War Bartleby.com A reference to many poets and their http://home.tiscali.be/ericlaermans/cultural/owen.html | |
24. Biography general Biography biographies on people from a broad range of fields Access BlackHistory Bios, Hispanic Heritage biographies, poet s biographies, and Women s http://www.com.edu/library/internet/intsub/ref_bio.htm | |
25. Poets Laureate Of The U.S.A. biographies general reference sites are linked to the poets names manyof them pages from the Academy of American poets Find a poet archive, a http://poetry.miningco.com/library/weekly/aa101497.htm | |
26. Gale - Free Resources - Poet's Corner - Biographies - William Blake Read his poem The Tyger Nationality English Career poet, engraver, printer, andartist. Blake s poetry of the 1790s was known to the general public, though http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/poets/bio/blake_w.htm | |
27. Gale - Free Resources - Poet's Corner - Biographies - Ames Weldon Johnson Read his poem The Creation . (18711938) Nationality American Career poet, novelist,journalist Later that year he became general secretary of the NAACP. http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/poets/bio/johnson_j.htm | |
28. Te Puna Web Directory > NZ > General And Reference > Biographies on the role of the Governorgeneral and Government Ellinore Ginn, New Zealand actress,artist and poet. recent speeches and releases, and biographies of former http://webdirectory.natlib.govt.nz/dir/en/nz/general-and-reference/biographies/ | |
29. Biographies Technical Work. general Reference Links. PBS biographies. PBS People in Race RelationsPresident POTUS Presidents of the US. poets.org poet s Corner poetry.com. http://www.information-professional.com/main/general/biographies.htm | |
30. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Arnauld (Roman Catholic And Orthodox Churches: General B Related Category Roman Catholic And Orthodox Churches general biographies. 1674,was a translator of religious writings and a religious poet of originality. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/A/Arnauld.html | |
31. Poetry Criticism general. poetICS. poetRY. SONGS. Particular Types of Poems. poetRY STUDYAND TEACHING. back to top. poetry Criticism and poet biographies. Databases. http://library.leeuniversity.edu/guides/language/literature_poetry.htm | |
32. Biographies > General EBooks > Adobe PDF > Page 1 biographies/general Adobe PDF eBooks. Jasmin Barber, poet, Philanthropist By SamuelSmiles Format Adobe PDF Availability Email Delivery 12 Business Days http://www.ebookmall.com/groups/adobe-pdf-ebooks.cfm?DID=8&CATID=23&ObjectGroup_ |
33. Biographies > General EBooks > Palm Doc > Page 1 biographies/general Palm Doc eBooks. Jasmin Barber, poet, Philanthropist By SamuelSmiles Format Palm Doc Availability Email Delivery 12 Business Days http://www.ebookmall.com/groups/palm-doc-ebooks.cfm?DID=8&CATID=23&ObjectGroup_I |
34. Index Of Biographies To see the Biography on a given individual, click Belisarius Roman general in fifthcentury AD; Bell thinker, philosopher, writer; Burns, Robert Scottish poet; http://www.thebookofdays.com/indexes/bios.htm | |
35. Remote Databases Found in the general Reference group on the POWER Library Main Page. Poem Finder allowspatrons to search for fulltext poems, poet biographies, a Kids Korner http://www.monroepl.org/remotedatabases.html | |
36. WHPS Library Media Services Topical List analysis of more than 500 poems, biographies of the searches provide access by subject,poetÂs name and technology, national news and general interest subject http://www.whps.org/library/topicaldatabases.htm | |
37. Pathfinder Americans Poets general Resources WorldBook Encyclopedia 2002 edition of Women Writers (19thc.) - biographies of 19th c Renaissance Harlem Renaissance Poets - a large http://www.pgcps.pg.k12.md.us/~hpoint/library/poet.html | |
38. English Language And Literature Resources Myths and Legends Large general collection of links to of American poets The Finda poet section currently includes biographies, photos, and other http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/engl.html | |
39. POETRY SITES Includes poet biographies. http//www.poets.org/. SOME INDIVIDUAL poetS Discussionsand Analysis. Robert Bly Page, A general interest page on Robert Bly. http://library.stcc.edu/pathfinders/poetry.htm | |
40. Online Databases general Business File ASAP Information on all business and management topics from Thisdatabase also includes poet biographies, commentaries, and bibliographies http://www.napavalley.edu/Library/Online_Databases/online_databases.htm | |
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