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1. American-Indian BiographiesÂA To Z Almanacs . general . Entertainment . Sports. biographies. Dictionary. Encyclopedia Paula Gunn Allen, PuebloSioux poet, novelist, critic. Dennis Banks, Anishinabe (Ojibwa http://www.infoplease.com/spot/aihmbioaz.html | |
2. Biographies Arab Americans. Artists. Authors. general biographies. Government and History on AfricanAmerican, Hispanic, Native American and Asian-American women authors. poet's Corner - From Gale http://www.sldirectory.com/studf/bio.html | |
3. Great Sites For Kids! Music Websites general. MusicLand saga. The biographies are listed alphabeticallyby Composer, poet/Writer, and Artists, Movements, Ideas. Ode http://www.greatsitesforkids.com/gsfk/general.asp | |
4. Cyndi's List - Biographies More than 209 300 links! 206 850 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 160 categories. Another 2 450+ uncategorized new links in the works. who are interested in biographies; finding and/or transcribing them 1808-1899) South Carolina Playwright, poet, and Educator and times of Civil War general John Fredrick Hartranft http://www.cyndislist.com/biograph.htm | |
5. Poet Biographies One of the greatest of the First World War poets. (For a more detailed biography,click here A Working Party The Counter Attack The general Repression of http://www.philipgrae.dabsol.co.uk/war/poets/ | |
6. Gale - Free Resources - Poet's Corner - Biographies - Seamus Justin Heaney poet's Corner. Activities. biographies. Featured Titles poet has sought, therefore, to weave the current Irish troubles into a broader historical frame embracing the general http://www.gale.com/free_resources/poets/bio/heaney_s.htm | |
7. Gale - Free Resources - Poet's Corner - Biographies - Emily Dickinson Celebrating Hispanic Heritage. poet's Corner. Activities. biographies. Featured Titles sixteen years, an elected representative of the general Court of Massachusetts, and a oneterm http://www.gale.com/free_resources/poets/bio/dickinson_e.htm | |
8. Poet: Vernon Scannell - All Poems Of Vernon Scannell Poets (View All) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXY Z. Select a poem by aid=307 Â siteinfo Vernon Scannell Drums of Morning Biography general biographies ( http://www.poemhunter.com/vernon-scannell/poet-11417/ | |
9. Jewish Music Web Center Biographies to 1888. Includes general biographies classed by language, national biographies classed by countries, and biographies Zunser, Eliakum. Eliakum Zunser poet of His People http://www.jmwc.org/jmwc_biographies.html | |
10. Search For "poet Biographies" Provided By Poetry Connection Your search for poet biographies found 13 poets and 108 Till I have finer tried The poet searched Philology And Sir, I admit your general rule, That every http://www.poetryconnection.net/search/poet_biographies | |
11. Poetry Research more) print sources and one (or more) Internet sources. A general encyclopedia may not be used as your print source. Lit Links poet biographies. poets Corner - Gale Group http://www.ancillae.org/library/students/poetry_research.htm | |
12. This Page Has Moved... Transport Salwa Abu Khadra biography forthcoming GUPW Secretary-general, memberof Fatah-RC member and PLO-CC Khalid Abu Khalid nationalist poet Samih Abu http://middleeast.reference.users.btopenworld.com/indexbio.html | |
13. Native Americans - Biographies Native American biographies. John Adams general John Buford. his life time among the Indians, among other child, interesting pictures, too. Leslie Silko. poet. Leslie Mormon Silko http://www.nativeamericans.com/Biographies.htm | |
14. Biography to COM Library users. general and specialized biographies are available to anyone History Bios, Hispanic Heritage biographies, poet's biographies, and Women's History biographies. http://www.collegeofthemainland.com/library/internet/intsub/ref_bio.htm | |
15. Ancient/Classical History, Biography - Ancient Biographies - Articles Ovid Ovid was a prolific Roman poet. Cimon of Athens Cimon Athenian general ofthe 5th biographies of the Epigrammatists Period of the great Alexandrian http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/people/a/ | |
16. OUP: Goethe: The Poet And The Age: Volume II: Revolutio little fuss about his own originality, general readers may discussion of ideas, evenfrom biographies of those of the highly acclaimed Goethe The poet and the http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-815869-6 | |
17. Web Reference Shelf - Reference & General Information general Reference Sources. Also has poet biographies, references, commentaries,a glossary of terms, and links to reviewed web sites. http://www.library.unr.edu/depts/reference/webref/refinfo.html | |
18. Information Resources For English And Literature over 1500 science, humanities, social science, business, and general periodicals. Alsohas poet biographies, references, commentaries, a glossary of terms, and http://www.library.unr.edu/subjects/english.html | |
19. Online Databases general BusinessFile ASAP, general BusinessFile ASAP Information on all business Thisdatabase also includes poet biographies, commentaries, and bibliographies. http://www.snap.lib.ca.us/snap/databases.html | |
20. Literature poetry. general Sites, American poetry. Sonnet Central. poets, Academy ofAmerican poets biographies, poems more. Find a poet. poet s Corner. http://www.rbls.lib.il.us/dpl/ref/topics/reflit.htm | |
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