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181. Tributes To Rudyard Kipling Review of tributes to the author and his influence. Published in the winter of 1899 after The White Man's Burden was published and while he was near death with pneumonia. http://www.boondocksnet.com/kipling/kipling_litdigest.html | |
182. A Hard-rock Dedication Lyrics and song by pneumonia, a band from Norwalk, CT. http://smelltheroses.moonfruit.com/ | |
183. Children And Secondhand Smoke 19month old visits Grandpa's house; as soon as we left, he began wheezing. That night he had a high fever and could barely breathe. Taken to the emergency room, he was diagnosed and admitted with pneumonia. What happened? At Grandpa's he was exposed to secondhand smoke. Unusual? Sadly, no. Each year, secondhand smoke causes up to 300,000 respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia in infants and young children. http://methodisthealth.com/SCOOP/smoke.htm |
184. Deputado Federal Nelo Rodolfo Autor de projetos como campanha de vacina§£o de idosos (gripe, pneumonia, t©tano) eàdetecta§£o precoce do cancer de pr³stata. Principais bases eleitorais S£o Paulo e regi£o de Rio Claro. http://www.nelorodolfo.com.br | |
185. North Florida Wellness - An Ounce Of Prevention... A group of doctors and nurses providing vaccination programs for flu and pneumonia as well as cholesterol screening, weight reduction planning and risk modification programs for organizations. Health news articles. http://nfw.biz/ | |
186. Home - American Lung Association Site May 20, 2004) May 17, 2004) Lung Association Applauds U.S. for Signing Global Tobacco Control Treaty ( TAKE ACTIONSend the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to the Senate for Ratification (May http://www.lungusa.org/diseases/lungpneumoni.html | |
187. Reuters Health Information (2004-05-21): Zinc Speeds Pneumonia Recovery In Kids Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeHotline1872222. News. HK Community. Healthcare Professionals. Businesses. Teachers, Students and Parents. Tourists and Travellers. Welfare. Last SARS outbreak 2003. http://www.reutershealth.com/archive/2004/05/21/eline/links/20040521elin026.html | |
188. New Scientist | SARS SARS Global Outbreak, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) killed hundreds of people around the world and infected thousands more. http://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/sars/ | |
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