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1. MedlinePlus: Pneumonia Topics. pneumonia. Printerfriendly version, E-mail this page to a friend. Search MEDLINE for recent research articles on  pneumonia. You http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/pneumonia.html | |
2. Pneumonia pneumonia is a lung infection that can be caused by different types of germs, most commonly viruses. This article of pneumonia. http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/bacterial_viral/pneumonia.html | |
3. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Pneumonia pneumonia. Alternative names Return to top. Pneumonitis; Bronchopneumonia; Communityacquired pneumonia Definition Return to top. pneumonia http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000145.htm | |
4. Atypical Pneumonia - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Radiological and CT features of SARS, with many sample images. From the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital. http://www.droid.cuhk.edu.hk/web/atypical_pneumonia/atypical_pneumonia.htm | |
5. Ovine Progressive Pneumonia In Sheep Provides information on ovine progressive pneumonia, a common disease in sheep. Covers prevalence, transmission, clinical signs, diagnosis, and control and eradication of the disease. Includes color photos showing infected lungs and microscopic crosssections of lungs. For sheep http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/livestocksystems/DI5750.html | |
6. The Body: Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia Information resources on this common AIDSrelated infection and its treatment from TheBody.com. http://www.thebody.com/treat/pcp.html | |
7. MayoClinic.com - Pneumonia A description of the disease plus complications, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment. http://www.mayoclinic.com/home?id= |
8. Atypical Pneumonia Admission statistics, ways for the public to reduce their chances of contracting respiratory illnesses, and details of steps taken by the government to contain the illness. From the Hong Kong Department of Health. http://www.info.gov.hk/dh/ap.htm |
9. Pneumonia pneumonia is an infection in the lungs that kids sometimes get. Keep reading to learn about pneumonia, what causes it, and more. What Is pneumonia? http://kidshealth.org/kid/ill_injure/sick/pneumonia.html | |
10. Pneumonia, Disease Information, NCID, CDC Infectious Disease Information. pneumonia. Chlamydia pneumoniae. Technical information Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. General, technical and additional information http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/submenus/sub_pneumonia.htm | |
11. Pneumonia pneumonia. June 2001. WHAT IS pneumonia? pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung caused by infection with bacteria, viruses, and other organisms. http://www.reutershealth.com/wellconnected/doc64.html | |
12. EMedicine - Hospital-Acquired Infections : Article By Quoc V Nguyen, MD Physician reports on the viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens likely to cause nosocomial infections such as pneumonia, urinary tract infection, colitis, and candidiasis. Includes medical care and prevention tips. http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic1619.htm | |
13. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 6, Ch. 73, Pneumonia This Publication Is Searchable. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. Section 6. Pulmonary Disorders. General Pneumococcal pneumonia. Staphylococcal pneumonia. Streptococcal pneumonia. pneumonia Caused By GramNegative Bacilli pneumonia (pneumonitis) may affect an entire lobe (lobar pneumonia), a segment of a lobe (segmental or http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section6/chapter73/73a.htm | |
14. Pneumonia Prezintàtipurile de pneumonie, simptomele bolii, tratamentul à Âi metodele de prevenire. http://www.edr.ro/pages/resp/pneumonia.htm | |
15. EMedicine - Pneumonia, Bacterial : Article By James Stephen, MD pneumonia, Bacterial Bacterial pneumonia is caused by a pathogenic infection of the lungs and may present as a primary disease process or as the final coup http://www.emedicine.com/EMERG/topic465.htm | |
16. What You Should Know About Pneumonia - From The Canadian Lung Association pneumonia can be a serious threat to your health. The Lung Association/L association pulmonaire. pneumonia can be a serious threat to your health. http://www.lung.ca/pneumonia/ | |
17. Pneumonia: New Prediction Model Proves Promising pneumonia New Prediction Model Proves Promising care for newly diagnosed cases of communityacquired pneumonia (CAP). The model recently was announced by a team http://www.ahcpr.gov/clinic/pneuclin.htm | |
18. Pneumonia | Treatment If you develop pneumonia, your chances of prompt recovery are greatest under certain conditions There is no effective treatment yet for viral pneumonia. http://www.lung.ca/pneumonia/treatment.html | |
19. CNN.com - CDC Raises Alarm Over New Form Of Pneumonia - Mar. 15, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/03/15/WHO.alert/index.html | |
20. Pneumonia Publications At The National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Disea Publications Home. pneumonia. Fact Sheets and Brochures. Pneumococcal pneumonia. Other Links http://www.niaid.nih.gov/publications/pneumonia.htm | |
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