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121. East Brunswick Wins Regional Science Bowl® At PPPL Information and picture from the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton plasma physics Laboratory about the competition and the consecutive threeyear winner, EBHS. http://www.pppl.gov/news/pages/sci_bowl_2002.html | |
122. Laboratory Laser Energetics Library (LLE) Has works on thermonuclear fusion, laser physics, plasma physics, xray lasers and diagnostics, and applied optics. Special collections include technical reports and selected Department of Energy microfiche. http://www.lib.rochester.edu/lle/ | |
123. About IFS A national center for research in theoretical plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion. http://w3fusion.ph.utexas.edu/ifs/ | |
124. MFE Experiments In P-24 Plasma Physics Magnetic fusion experimental team in the P24 plasma physics Group at Los Alamos. Details of collaborations with experiments at other facilities. http://wsx.lanl.gov | |
125. Columbia Plasma Physics Laboratory Experimental plasma physics facility, with HBTEP tokamak, Columbia Non-Neutral Torus (CNT), Collisionless Terrella Experiment (CTX) and Columbia Linear Machine (CLM). New York. http://www.apam.columbia.edu/apam/plasma/plasmaintro.html | |
126. Alfvén Laboratory Researching elctromagnetic theory and applications, including fusion, space and basic plasma physics experiments. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. http://www.alfvenlab.kth.se/index-e.html | |
127. Levitated Dipole Experiment Device to expore the physics of plasma confinement in a magnetic dipole field. http://www.psfc.mit.edu/ldx |
128. Frontiers In Contemporary Physics II - March 2001 Topics Search for the QuarkGluon plasma CP Violation and B Decays Cosmology Cosmological Constant, CMB Spectrum, Early Universe Field Theory Developments in Neutrino physics Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Tests of the Standard Model, and Beyond, With High Energy or High Statistics Data Prospects for Future Accelerator and Non Accelerator Programs http://www.fcp01.vanderbilt.edu/ | |
129. ODTU Department Of Physics Department of physics. Established 1960. Offers BSc, Msc, PhD. Fields Solid State, High Energy, plasma, Mathematical, Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular, Nuclear physics. http://www.physics.metu.edu.tr/ | |
130. Institute Of Physics Devoted to basic research in the fields of physics of atoms, molecules and plasma and solid state physics including surface science. Zagreb, Croatia. http://www.ifs.hr/en/ | |
131. High Performance Computing UCLA Plasma Simulation Group Links to papers on ObjectOriented Programming in Fortran 90, Optimization techniques forÃÂ RISC processors, Parallel Particle-in-Cell Codes, Parallel Computing Tutorial, and Modernization of Fortran Legacy Codes. http://exodus.physics.ucla.edu/high performance computing/high.performance.comp. | |
132. Plasma And Environmental Physics Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/California/University_of_California/Los_Angeles/Research http://www.physics.ucla.edu/plasmalab/ | |
133. The Physics Of IO Report including sections about tidal heating and orbital resonance, plasma torus, magnetic field, current flow and Jupiter's aurora. http://www.yucc.yorku.ca/~troy/io/io.html | |
134. CIPS - Plasma & Beams Group plasma and beam research group at the University of Colorado at Boulder, US. http://www-beams.Colorado.EDU/ | |
135. U Of I CODP - Projects Projects on numerical plasma simulation, including HPEM code, Monte Carlo Module, and Feature Profile Model, developed at the Computational Optical and Discharge physics Group, University of Illinois. http://uigelz.ece.uiuc.edu/Projects/index.html | |
136. Racah Inst. Of Physics, HUJI --- Research Groups Hebrew University, RACAH Institute of physics. Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, Complex Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, plasma and Laser physics, and Condensed Matter physics. Jerusalem, Israel. http://www.fiz.huji.ac.il/res_gr.html | |
137. UCLA Plasma Simulation Group - Home Designed by Caption Digital Media. Webmaster Marika, decyk@captiondm.net. Last Updated December 20, 2002. http://exodus.physics.ucla.edu/ | |
138. Pegasus [home] Extremely lowaspect-ratio tokamak experiment at the Department of Engineering physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison. http://plasma.ep.wisc.edu/pegasus/ |
139. Nonneutral Plasma Group plasma research group at physics Department of the University of California, San Diego. http://sdphca.ucsd.edu/ |
140. Institute For Plasma Research Experimental and theoretical research in plasma physics. http://www.plasma.ernet.in/ |
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