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101. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Plasma Physics enhance the understanding of the role of gravity in physical processes (eg materials science, power, propulsion, combustion, fluid physics and plasma physics). http://bubl.ac.uk/link/p/plasmaphysics.htm | |
102. ITP: Workgroups - Plasma Physics Division Website of the plasma physics Group of the Institue for Theoretical Physics at the Graz University of Technology, Austria. http://www.itp.tu-graz.ac.at/AG/APP/ | |
103. The Fusion FAQ Is Moving The FAQ (from Princeton plasma physics Lab) is not very extensive, but it has an impressive Glossary. http://www.pppl.gov/~rfheeter/ | |
104. Hpl33.na.infn.it/Astr/Astr.html plasma physics Research CenterPPRC. plasma physics Research Center. Designed by ASAA. http://hpl33.na.infn.it/Astr/Astr.html |
105. IPPLM / IFPiLM Research on highpower lasers, laser-matter interaction, inertial fusion, generation of super-strong pulsed magnetic fields, dense magnetized plasmas, tokamaks, theory and numerical modeling of hot plasmas, diagnostics of fast-varying processes. http://www.ifpilm.waw.pl/ | |
106. The Sun-Earth Connection An introduction to space plasma physics provided by Auburn University's Space plasma physics Page. Covers the sunearth connection, the sun, solar wind, the magnetospere, and aurorae. http://www.physics.auburn.edu/~plasma/space/sunearth.html | |
107. Plasma Physics Group - Imperial College University group in plasma physics reseach engaged both experimentally and theoretically in a number of research programmes including fundamental plasma physics, acceleration of particles using plasma waves and thermonuclear fusion. London, UK. http://wotan.pp.ph.ic.ac.uk/index.html |
108. Uu_rymdfysik-homepage Division Space Physics. à ngströmlaboratoriet. Courses are offered in space and plasma physics and adjacent subjects on undergraduate- and graduate levels. http://www.irfu.se/rymdfysik/ | |
109. Plasma Physics @ Auburn University Laboratory Space Plasma Studies page for the Space plasma physics Dept. at Auburn University. plasma physics at Auburn University. http://www.physics.auburn.edu/~plasma/ | |
110. Www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0863-1042 Department of Physics Research profile Other studies using microwaves, Xray pulses, optical-Kerr-effect type spectroscopy, FTIR, plasma physics, and near-field optics are in various stages of http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0863-1042 |
111. Plasmafysikk Some interesting pointers The plasma physics Group of the University of Oslo; Research Section for Plasma and Space Physics at the University of Oslo; http://www.phys.uit.no/fysikk/plasma/index-e.html | |
112. Laboratory For Plasma Physics - ERM/KMS Laboratory is the part of the integrated European thermonuclear fusion research program. ERM/KMS Royal Military Academy, Belgium. http://fusion.rma.ac.be/ | |
113. Cambridge Journals Online - Journal Home Page My CJO Index, My CJO Homepage Journal of plasma physics, Journal of plasma physics 2004, Volume 70. Issue 01, Feb 2004, pp 1111. Issue 02, Apr 2004, pp 113-250. http://journals.cambridge.org/journal_JournalofPlasmaPhysics | |
114. Alfvén Laboratory Research and educational activities focused on laboratory, space, and fusion plasma physics, electron physics, and accelerator technology. News, research, education, and administration. http://www.alfvenlab.kth.se/ | |
115. PLASMA PHYSICS Photo Galery · Credits · Help ·. plasma physics. plasma physics, Thermonuclear Fusion; Free Electron Lasers; Plasma Processing; Plasma Wakefield acceleration; http://www.physics.metu.edu.tr/research/field8.html | |
116. RPPL Home University of Washington facility with a field reversed configuration (FRC) experiment. http://www.aa.washington.edu/AERP/RPPL/ | |
117. Program In Plasma Physics Information on the Graduate Program in plasma physics within the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University. http://w3.pppl.gov/gradprogram/ | |
118. Plasma Physics Explore theoretical and experimental plasma and fusion physics using the latest computational and experimental tools. plasma physics. http://www.physics.auburn.edu/research/plasma.htm | |
119. MSSL Plasma Physics Group http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/www_plasma/homepage.html |
120. Plasma Physics Authors/titles Recent Submissions plasma physics. Authors and titles for recent submissions. versus decay instability Authors Harvey. A. Rose Subjclass plasma physics http://arxiv.org/list/physics.plasm-ph/recent | |
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