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81. ScienceDirect - Plasma Physics - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/07413335 Division of plasma physicsThe American Physical Society Division of plasma physics. Welcome to the Division of plasma physics home page. DPP was established in 1959. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00321028 | |
82. HBT-EP Tokamak Experiment at the Columbia University plasma physics Laboratory to demonstrate the feasibility of a highbeta tokamak stabilized by a combination of a close-fitting conducting wall, plasma rotation, and active feedback. http://www.seas.columbia.edu/apam/HBT-EP/ | |
83. Center For Space Physics - Welcome Topics researched include space plasma physics, magnetospheric physics, ionospheric physics, atmospheric physics, and planetary and cometary atmospheric studies. http://www.bu.edu/csp/ | |
84. Univ Of MN Space Plasma Physics Home Page The Space Physics Research Group is Part of the University of Minnesota Physics Department. Space Physics News. Who s who in the space physics research group. http://ham.spa.umn.edu/spacephys/ | |
85. PPPL: Theory Department Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Government/Executive_Branch/Departments/Energy/DOE_National_Laboratories/Princeton_Plasma_Physics_Laboratory/Research_Areas http://w3.pppl.gov/theory/ | |
86. The FIRE Place A proposed nextstep fusion experiment to study burning plasma physics based on the tokamak concept. It would require about $1.2B to build. The site includes information related to FIRE, its engineering design, related publications and meetings. http://fire.pppl.gov/fire_program.htm | |
87. Plasma Science And Technology Comprehensive coverage of all plasma science and technology with site links worldwide; basic plasma physics, space physics, plasma astrophysics, magnetic http://www.plasmas.org/ | |
88. Plasma Physics Group PUC | Home plasma physics Group PUC Facultad de FÃsica Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. news, research, publications, members, collaborations, links, contact. http://www.fis.puc.cl/~plasma/ | |
89. 31st EPS Conference On Plasma Physics - London 2004 Space plasma physics at RALSpace plasma physics at RAL. Plasma, Research fields, People, Space missions with which the Rutherford http://fusion.org.uk/eps2004/ | |
90. Plasma Physics Information Welcome to the plasma physics Group Web Site Register In order to make full use of this web site and the services that the IOP plasma physics group now makes http://www.plasma-physics.info/ | |
91. PLASMAÂ PHYSICSÂ REPORTS plasma physics REPORTS (Fizika plazmy), ISSN 1063780X CODEN PPHREM. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Vitalii D. Shafranov Kurchatov Institute, Russian http://www.maik.ru/cgi-bin/journal.pl?name=plasphys&page=main |
92. Plasma Physics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia plasma physics. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. plasma physics is the field of physics which studies the dynamic behaviour of plasmas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_physics | |
93. LAPD Plasma Physics Lab UCLA facility conducting basic plasma physics research on the behavior of naturally occurring plasmas, | |
94. Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor TFTR experiment that was a large US fusion experiment directed by the Princeton plasma physics Lab. Stopped operation and decomissioned by 2000. http://www.pppl.gov/projects/pages/tftr.html | |
95. Space Plasma Physics Modelling Page Space plasma physics Modeling at the UW. Space plasma physics Modeling at the University of Washington / 28 August 2002 / eharnett@geophys.washington.edu http://www.geophys.washington.edu/Space/SpaceModel/modelling.html | |
96. McWilliams Plasma Physics Laboratory McWilliams plasma physics Laboratory. Experiments The principal activity of the laboratory is basic experimental plasma physics investigations. http://hal9000.ps.uci.edu/ |
97. AppliedPlasma APP shall through innovative application of electro og plasma physics develop radically new and cost efficient solutions to recognised environmental and http://www.appliedplasma.com/ | |
98. Department Of Physics Research Profile Department of Physics Applied Physics at the University of Strathclyde, UK. http://www.strath.ac.uk/physics/research/ | |
99. Index Of Research Groups plasma physics. The plasma physics group is in the forefront of this activity and has developed a number of novel diagnostic techniques and plasma sources. http://www.physics.dcu.ie/PhysicsHome/ResearchGroups/ResearchGroups.html |
100. PPPL News Features a summary of recent events and activities at the Princeton plasma physics Laboratory. http://www.pppl.gov/publications/pages/pppl_news.html | |
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