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121. Botanische Staatssammlung München Public center for national and international scientists and private visitors, offering expert advice and identification services for special groups of plants and fungi. general information and information on botanic projects. |
122. Plant - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Seaweed. For mushrooms go here or see Fungi. For nonvascular plants in general go here. For vascular plants in general go here. For http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant | |
123. Hinnants Nursery And Landscaping Grows 300 different types of plants which include wide assortments of japanese maples, specialty plants, and general landscape stock. http://www.hinnantsnursery.com/ | |
124. Carnivorous Plants (culture) Carnivorous plants. (some general culture). The Carnivorous (insectivorous) group consists of seed plants which are capable of capturing insects and other small http://carnivorousplant.info/id3.htm | |
125. Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory Provides a wide range of testing programs for soils, plants, biosolids and other agricultural materials. The feebased programs are available to all University faculty and staff as well as the general public. http://www.aasl.psu.edu/ |
126. Seed Plants In General, Introductions To Both Fossil And Recent Plant Taxa, Link Seed plants in general, Introductions to both Fossil and Recent Plant Taxa, Links for Palaeobotanists, Annotated links to internet resources, especially for http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/mineralogie/palbot/taxa/seed.html | |
127. Ranger Plant Constructional Co. general contractor for the construction of gas compressor stations, gas processing plants, refineries, chemical plants, pipelines. Includes services, job history, and references. http://www.rpcabilene.com/ | |
128. BP GRANGEMOUTH SCOTLAND - APPENDIX 1 - DESCRIPTIONS OF PROCESSES/PLANTS OR SYSTE APPENDIX 1 DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSES/plants OR SYSTEMS general. This appendix contains background technical information on the processes http://www.hse.gov.uk/comah/bpgrange/append/general.htm | |
129. Home Sales of preserved eucalyptus plants for indoor decoration. Provides general information and a list of home shows where they will be on display. http://www.mgrowers.com | |
130. New South Construction Midsized general contractor specializing in new construction and renovation for private schools, private clubs, churches, airlines, airports, industrial plants, and office buildings. http://www.newsouthconstruction.net | |
131. Welcome Environmental Toxicology Concerned with the harmful effects of chemical, physical and biological agents on living organisms, including fish, plants, animals and humans. Overview, general requirements and objectives. http://www.sfu.ca/biology/tox/ | |
132. Specialty Nursery Growing Groundcover Plants - Peekskill Nurseries - General Inf In general, however, all other plant material will succeed under these same conditions to the growing of Pachysandra and other Ground Cover plants, and require http://www.peekskillnurseries.com/information.html | |
133. Sacramento Building Contractors-corporate Builders-industrial Construction-desig Commercial general contractors specializing in corporate offices, hospitals, manufacturing plants, parking structures and warehouses. http://www.ottoconstruction.com/ | |
134. Garden Forums -> Plants/Seeds General plants/Seeds general. Topic Title, Topic Starter, Replies, Views, Last Action. Important Topics. Pinned Greenhouse Plans (Pages 1 2 ) somebody http://www.forums.blossomswap.com/index.php?showforum=11 |
135. A.P. O'Horo Company - General Contractors Full service commercial and industrial general contractor, specializing in buildings, water and sewage plants, utility work, road and bridge projects. http://www.apohoro.com/ | |
136. Erowid Psychoactive Amanitas Vault : (Amanita Muscaria / Pantherina, Fly Agaric, of Psychoactive Amanitas Etymology of Amanita and muscaria Some general Info on Fly Agaric Mushrooms From Russia With Mushrooms Poisonous plants of North http://www.erowid.org/plants/amanitas/amanitas.shtml | |
137. Bamboo Plant Nursery Selling Tropical Bamboo Plants Specializes in selected varieties of tropical clumping bamboo plants. Photos, general information, and contact details. http://www.bamboo4u.com/ | |
138. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Education/General Interest Plants Videos & DV Epinions has the best comparison shopping information on Education/general Interest plants Videos DVDs. Compare prices from across http://www.epinions.com/Movies-Education_General_Interest-keyword-Plants | |
139. Culinary Gleanings From John Gerard's Herball Herball or general Historie of Plantes. as he listed them, although I may have abbreviated somewhat, especially if he listed several related plants under one http://members.aol.com/renfrowcm/gerardp1.html | |
140. Know Your Plants... Safe Or Poisonous? As a general rule, plants toxic to humans are also toxic to pets. Pesticides. Carefully read and follow directions on the label. http://envhort.ucdavis.edu/ce/king/PoisPlant/ | |
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