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81. Oregon S Rare And Endangered Plants Act of 1973 and the inclusion of plants for the first time, the State of Oregon has been keeping a list of rare, threatened, and endangered plants since the http://oregonstate.edu/dept/botany/herbarium/info/re.html | |
82. NESARC -- National Endangered Species Act Reform Coalition -- Legislative Inform Total Number of Listed and Candidate Species = 66. . endangered threatened Species. Mammals (4). Amphibians (1), Flatwoods salamander T, plants (21), http://www.nesarc.org/gast.htm | |
83. The Atlas Of Endangered Species - Earthscan Environmental Books The Atlas of endangered Species threatened plants and Animals of the World Author Richard Mackay. Normal Published Price £12.99 http://www.earthscan.co.uk/asp/bookdetails.asp?key=3601 |
84. Earthscan - Atlas Of Endangered Species, Threatened Plants And Animals Of The Wo Earthscan Atlas of endangered Species, threatened plants and Animals of the World, by Richard Mackay. Quicksearch (titles) http://www.earthscan.co.uk/samplechapters/1853838748pdfs.htm | |
85. An Illustrated Guide To Endangered Or Threatened Species In Kansas to the famousfrom the inconspicuous, planktonsucking Elktoe Mussel to the majestic, soaring Bald Eagleendangered or threatened plants and animals of http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/colill.html | |
86. Links To State Web Lists Of Endangered And Threatened Fishes Ohio endangered Species List. Oklahoma Oklahoma s endangered Species. Oregon Rare, threatened endangered plants and Animals of Oregon Adobe PDF. http://www.nanfa.org/StatusLinks.htm | |
87. Handbook Of Texas Online: RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANTS on candidate plants. These status reports contribute to the decision to list plants as endangered or threatened. When such a decision http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/view/RR/twr1.html | |
88. Threatened And Endangered Prairie Species T; Papaipema eryngiiEryngium stem borerE. plants. There are 101 threatened or endangered prairie plants in Illinois. Agalinis skinneriana http://www.chias.org/www/edu/mitc/prate.html | |
89. Endangered And Threatened Species Management; Chapter 10:6. "Guide To Community animals. A 1978 state law extended this protection to include threatened animals and endangered and threatened plants. endangered http://www.lic.wisc.edu/shapingdane/resources/planning/library/book/chapter10/ch | |
90. Illinois Natural History Survey Endangered & Threatened Species Research Guide topics. USDA NRCS plants Database threatened and endangered plants http//plants.usda.gov/cgi_bin/topics.cgi?earl=threat.html. This http://gateway.library.uiuc.edu/nhx/endangeredguide.htm | |
91. Endangered Vascular Plants: Minnesota DNR MN DNR Home Natural resources endangered species Vascular plants endangered. Agalinis auriculata (Michx.) Blake, Scrophulariaceae eared false foxglove. http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/ets/vascular_endangered.html | |
92. Our Natural Heritage - Endangered Plants Of Maryland endangered plants in Maryland. Threadleaved Gerardia (Agalinis setaceae) Photo Courtesy of Brent Steury. The reports included in http://www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/rteplants.html | |
93. Endangered, Threatened, And Rare Vascular Plant Species High Quality Natural Communities Vascular Plant Invertebrate and Vertebrate. endangered, threatened, and Rare Vascular Plant Species Documented from Indiana. http://www.in.gov/dnr/naturepr/endanger/plant.html | |
94. West Virginia Division Of Natural Resources Spiraea virginiana) Click here for complete listings of rare, threatened and endangered plant, invertebrate and vertebrate species in West Virginia click here http://www.dnr.state.wv.us/wvwildlife/endangered.htm | |
95. PI Hawaiian And Pacific Islands Endangered Plants Listing Hawai`i s State Flower, Hibiscus brackenridgei, is an endangered species. Listing for the Hawaiian Islands. Big Island (Hawai`i) Plant Cluster Four Species of http://pacificislands.fws.gov/wesa/hawislesplantindex.html | |
96. Endangered And Threatened Species - The Green Gate From NRDC In Santa Clara County alone, 11 plant species are locally extinct, while reptiles, and seven fish have been classified as endangered or threatened by the US http://www.nrdc.org/greengate/wildlife/endangeredf.asp | |
97. Florida Plant Conservation Program Florida Statewide endangered and threatened Plant Conservation Program. http://www.fl-dof.com/Conservation/plant_program.html | |
98. US Fish And Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program US Fish and Wildlife Service endangered Species Program This World Wide Web (WWW) site, part of a larger site maintained by the US Fish and Wildlife service, is intended as an information source http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://endangered.fws.gov/&y=02778569FEF410 |
99. Plants Database plants Database The US Department of Agriculture's plants Database (last mentioned in the A HREF="http//scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/sr/ 1998/scout980116.html 7" TARGET="_top" January 16, 1998 I http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://plants.usda.gov/&y=027F782D29353235& |
100. NYSDEC - NY Natural Heritage Program - Plant Information New York Rare Plant Status List (pdf 772kb, 100 pages) May 2003 list of rare plants of New York State with their rarity status, counties of occurrence, and http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/heritage/plants.htm | |
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