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81. Toronto Botanical Garden Formerly The Civic Garden Centre The place where many horticultural societies and gardening clubs have their monthly meetings, shows and plant sales. For over 40 years this volunteerdriven charity has been a leader in public education in horticulture, gardening and allied environmental issues. http://www.civicgardencentre.org/ | |
82. The Succulent Plant Page Dedicated to succulent plants. Features societies, tips on growing from seeds and worldwide events. http://www.succulent-plant.com/ | |
83. EFPP Home Page Promotes scientific and technical cooperation in plant health in Europe and facilitates the exchange of information between pathologists who are members of national or regional societies. http://www.efpp.net/ | |
84. PlantMall - UK Plant Directory - Directory of nurseries, garden centres, societies, discussion groups, wholesale suppliers and gardens to visit. http://www.plantmall.co.uk/ | |
85. Home Page Of Phytopathological Society Of Japan Promotes the increase and diffusion of knowledge relating to plant diseases and their control. Contains abstracts of the societies' journal, membership information, details of local and international meetings, and relevant links. http://ppsj.ac.affrc.go.jp/ppsj_e/index_e.html | |
86. ^ The Alpine Garden Society ^^ One of the largest specialist garden societies in the world (an international membership of over 13,000) with the aim of promoting an interest in all aspects of alpine plants, their cultivation in rock gardens, and plant conservation in natural habitats. http://www.alpinegardensociety.org/ |
87. Gardening Specialist Membership Organisations, Aa - Az plants. Comprehensive listing of societies, clubs and associations specialisingin plants or seed plus additional plant related links. http://www.ecologycal.com/socsa.html | |
88. GENUSTOR Links Page, Societies,clubs,associations, All Gardening Membership Orga Including thousands of links to plant associations, specialist societies and gardenclubs as well as selected links to the best garden and botany related sites http://www.ecologycal.com/society.html | |
89. Plant Delights Nursery -- List Of Societies And Groups Annual Dues $20.00. Hardy plant Society c/o Judie Stone 350 Rahway RoadEdison, NJ 08820 Annual Dues $25.00. International Bulb Society http://www.plantdelights.com/More/societies.html | |
90. Australian Plant Society Oz Natives Australian Native plants; Clubs - Gardening Clubs, societies andAssociations; plants - plant Database; Gardening - Gardening; Home - Growing http://www.growinglifestyle.com/article/s0/a946.html | |
91. Northwest Garden Network Washington; Hardy plant Society of Oregon, Oregon; Northwest HorticulturalSociety; Northwest Perennial Alliance, Washington; Oregon http://www.nwgarden.net/nwg/nwlinks.php?type=Societies |
92. Israeli Society Of Plant Sciences and encourage research in the various fields of plant sciences, and to promotecommunication between its members and members of similar societies in other http://www.tau.ac.il/~ibs/ | |
93. Internet Links For Botany And Plant Ecology for Horticulture; Landscape plant Materials; Weed Guide; Weed Pagesand Identification; Horticultural societies. BACK TO THE TOP. This http://www.westminster.edu/staff/athrock/ECOLOGY/Botlinks.htm | |
94. The Virginia Native Plant Society (VNPS) Our Mission. The Virginia Native plant Society (VNPS) was foundedin 1982 as The Virginia Wildflower Preservation Society. It is http://www.vnps.org/ | |
95. Barry's CP Page Very nice! The International Carnivorous plant Society A large, vibrant organization.Join. My publications A selection of my publications on carnivores. http://www.sarracenia.com/cp.html | |
96. The Domestication Of Plants And Animals An article describing the implications of the Neolithic Revolution for human societies around the world. http://geography.ou.edu/courses/1103bw/domestication.htm |
97. Florida Plants Online Guide To Florida Plant Life Links to electronic herbarium for state as well as agriculture, nurseries, medicinals, aquascape, landscape, native plants, societies, gardens and garden clubs. http://www.floridaplants.com/ | |
98. Michigan Botanical Club We are the native plant society for the state of Michigan. The club was foundedin 1941 and consists of five chapters. Please join us by becoming a member. http://michbotclub.org/ | |
99. The Society For Growing Australian Plants The home page for the Association of societies for Growing AustralianPlants (ASGAP) is no longer located here. To go to the ASGAP http://www.ozemail.com.au/~sgap/ | |
100. North American Native Plant Society http://www.nanps.org/associations/frame.shtml | |
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