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1. Native Plant Societies NATIVE plant societies. Originally compiled by the North American Native Plant Society. and updated by Jack Sanders. State And Provincial. Native plant societies. ALABAMA. Alabama Wildflower Society . http://www.acorn-online.com/hedge/h-socs.htm | |
2. Florida Garden Clubs And Plant Societies FLORIDA Garden Clubs and plant societies. Florida Herb Societies Broward County Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society. Broward County Palm and Cycad Society http://www.floridaplants.com/societies.htm | |
3. Grand Prairie Friends HOME RESOURCES NATIVE plant societies. Native plant societies and Organizations http://www.prairienet.org/gpf/natives.html | |
4. Native Plant Societies Of The US Native plant societies of the US ( Canada) Directory prepared for the New England Wild Flower Society by Mary Walker, revised and updated January 2004 in this list, please contact the Webmaster http://www.newfs.org/nps.htm | |
5. Nearctica - Organizations - Conservation - Native Plant Societies Conservation Native plant societies. Special Segments. General Topics. Return to Organizations Main Page. Return to Conservation - Conservation Groups. NATIVE plant societies. National Native Plant http://www.nearctica.com/organize/conserve/natplant.htm | |
6. Leu Gardens Plant Societies Leu Gardens. 1920 N. Forest Ave. Orlando, FL 328031537. 407-246-2620. Directions. plant societies and Organizational Members. Nearly thirty plant societies, garden, historical, or green industry organizations meet at Leu Gardens every month. http://www.leugardens.org/societies.html | |
7. Plant Societies Special Interest Gardening Groups. The following Clubs meet at North Haven Gardens. Please contact the club prior to attending a meeting. Occasionally, clubs will plan a trip on a meeting date. Some http://www.nhg.com/sigs.htm | |
8. Arizona Native Plant Society The Arizona Native Plant Society has now joined a national network of affiliatenative plant societies, botanical gardens, and other plant conservation http://aznps.org/ | |
9. Virginia Native Plant Society - Links Links of Interest. General Invasive Plant Sites Native plant societies Listservs. General Links. American Native plant societies. Wildflowers http://www.vnps.org/links.htm | |
10. The Carnivorous Plant FAQ Are there carnivorous plant societies I can join? What is the life cycle forcarnivorous plants? What are the other carnivorous plant societies? http://www.sarracenia.com/faq.html | |
11. Calendar Of Garden Events Lists events which have been submitted by garden clubs, plant societies, botanical gardens and others holding gardenrelated events. http://www.gardencalendar.com/ | |
12. Native Plant Societies Revised 03/15/04. Native plant societies of the United States Canada Botanical Clubs and Native plant societies of the United States and Canada New England Wildflower Society http://www.michbotclub.org/links/native_plant_society.htm | |
13. PlantSociety Click on images for information! In addition to information on plant societiesthere is a wealth of other information scattered about the site. http://www.plantsociety.com/ | |
14. Native Plant Societies Revised 03/15/04. Native plant societies of the United States Canada. Alaska,Alaska Native Plant Society. Arizona, Arizona Native Plant Society. http://michbotclub.org/links/native_plant_society.htm | |
15. The Carnivorous Plant FAQ: Carnivorous Plant Societies The International Carnivorous Plant Society FAQ on Carnivorous Plants. The largest carnivorous plant society is the International Carnivorous Plant Society (ICPS). But contact data, please email me (barry@sarracenia.com). Carnivorous plant societies http://www.sarracenia.com/faq/faq6100.html | |
16. Cactus And Succulent Plant Societies The Succulent Plant Page Cactus and Succulent plant societies AIAPS (Monacobased Succulent Plant Society) source of succulent plant postcards. http://www.succulent-plant.com/cactus-societies.html | |
17. The Compleat Botanica - Software For Vegetable And Flower Gardeners, Mail-order Software for gardeners, nurseries, plant societies and garden clubs to organize, publish, and label. http://www.crescentbloom.com/ | |
18. Under Construction One of the few aquatic plant societies on the USA. Information, pictures, club meetings and auctions. http://www.sfbaaps.com/ | |
19. A Guide To Plant Societies , NF94-184 (Revised September 2002) This NebFact includes information about plant societies and organizationswhich can provide a vast amount of information for gardeners. http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/horticulture/nf184.htm | |
20. Florida Plant Associations And Societies Florida. Do you know of a Plant site that we missed? Click here toadd a link. LandscapeUSA. Florida plant societies Associations. http://www.floridasmart.com/subjects/plants/fl_assoc.htm | |
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